
Thursday, October 17, 2024

As we adore the three deities Durga-Lakshmi-Saraswati, what is the truth about them we must ever bear in our mind?

 The significance of Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati must be rightly understood. These three represent three kinds of potencies in man. Ichcha Shakti (Will power), Kriya Shakti (power of action), and Jnana Shakti (power of discrimination). Saraswati is manifest in man as the power of Vak (speech). Durga is present in the form of dynamism, the power of action. Lakshmi is manifest in the form of Will power. The body indicates Kriya Shakti. The mind is the repository of Ichchaa Shakti. The Atma is Jnana Shakti. Kriya Shakti comes from the body, which is material. The power that activates the body that is inert and makes it vibrant is Ichchaa Shakti. The power that induces the vibrations of Ichchaa Shakti is Jnana Shakti, which causes radiation (of energy). These three potencies are represented by the mantra: "Om Bhur-Bhuvah-Suvah." Bhur represents Bhuloka (Earth). Bhuvah represents the Life force (also known as Conscience in man), Suvah represents the power of radiation. All these three are present in you. Thus, Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati dwell in your human heart!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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