
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Yajna should not be performed for attaining selfish ends. It should be performed for the welfare of the entire world.

 Do not think that the Yajna is only the ceremony performed in this enclosure, marked out as specially holy, attended by readings and recitals from sacred texts and the chanting of Vedic hymns, and nothing other than this. No. Yajna is a continuous process; everyone who lives in the constant presence of God, and does all acts as dedicated to God is engaged in Yajna. Three processes go together in spiritual discipline, as laid down by the sages: Yajna, Dana and Tapas (Sacrifice, Charity and Self-control). They cannot be partitioned and particularised thus. Charity and self-control are integral parts of Yajna. That is why Yajna is translated as sacrifice, for, the process of charity or Dana is essential in Yajna. So is Tapas, that is to say, strict regulation of emotions and thought processes, to ensure peace and faith.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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