
Friday, October 25, 2024

Thought for the Day

 Among the five senses of perception, the eyes are endowed with immense power. They have 40 lakhs of light rays in them. Today man is putting his senses to misuse and as a result, his body is becoming weaker day by day. His life span is being reduced by his unsacred vision and the sensual pleasures that he is indulging in. Lakhs of light rays in his eyes are being destroyed because of his unsacred vision. That is the reason man is developing eye defects. Today many people undergo cataract operations to set their vision right. The doctors may say that man develops eye defects because of the cataract, but in fact, it is the result of unsacred vision. So, one should have proper control over one’s vision. Whatever the spiritual practices that one may undertake, one cannot derive their benefit without having control over one’s vision. All the Sadhanas like japa, tapa and dhyana confer only temporary satisfaction. These practices cannot help you to have control over your vision. In fact, the entire srushti (creation) is based on your drishti (vision). The netras (eyes) are verily the shastras (sacred texts).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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