
Thursday, October 17, 2024

Where should the quest for God lead us?

 Embodiments of the Divine Atma! From ancient times, the questions, "Where is God?" and "How does He appear?" have been agitating the minds of people. The answers have been sought by different ways of investigation. The believers, non-believers, those with doubts and others have not been able to get clear answers to these questions. To comprehend the truth, one should look within oneself. This cannot be learnt from textbooks or from teachers. Chaitanya (Consciousness) is there in the mind and pervades everywhere. The power of vision in the eye and of taste in the tongue is derived from this Chaitanya. People are using the sense organs but do not know the source of the power which activates them. Chaitanya cannot be comprehended by the physical vision. It is within everyone in very close proximity. People undertake external exercises and spiritual practices in vain to find it. The entire Creation is a manifestation of the Divine Will. Prakriti (Nature) is the manifestation of God. Man is also part of Prakriti and thus has the Divine power in him.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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