
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Objective possessions and subjective desires, both are handicaps in the race for realisation.

 Resolve this day to cleanse the mind of impurities so that you can imbibe the inspiration! Aspirants for mental peace must reduce the luggage they have to care for; the more the luggage, the greater the bother. Objective possessions and subjective desires, both are handicaps in the race for realisation. A house cluttered with lumber will be dark and dusty, and without free movement of fresh air, it will be stuffy and suffocating. The human body too is a house; do not allow it to be cluttered with curios, trinkets, trash, and superfluous furnishings. Let the breeze of holiness blow as it wills through it; let not the darkness of blind ignorance desecrate it. Life is a bridge over the sea of change; pass over it, but do not build a house on it. Hoist the Prasanthi Flag, on the temple, that is your heart. Follow the prescription it teaches - subdue the six enemies that undermine natural bliss in man, ascend the Yoga stage when agitations are stilled and allow the splendour of the Divinity within to shine forth, embracing all, at all times!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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