
Friday, October 25, 2024

Thought for the Day

 Practise renunciation from now on, so that you may set out on the journey when the call comes, you don't know when. Or else at that moment, you will be in tears, when you think of the house you have built, the property you have accumulated, the fame you have amassed, the trifles you have won. Know that all this is for the fleeting moment: develop attachment for the Lord, who will be with you wherever you go. Only the years that you have lived with the Lord have to be counted as life; the rest are all out of count. An old grandfather of seventy was asked by his seven-year-old grandchild, "Grandpa! How old are you?" and the old man replied, "Two!" The child was struck with wonder and looked like a picture of doubt. The old man replied, "I have spent only the last two years in the company of the Lord, until then I was plunged in the marshland of pleasure-seeking."

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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