
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thought for the Day

One can claim to be a devotee of the Lord only if the passions and emotions are pure and the character virtuous. The tongue may utter the Name of the Lord, the ear may hear the glory of the Lord, the hand may scatter flowers on the image of God; but the tongue may not know or relish the taste, the ear may not yearn, the hand may not hanker for God. These can happen only when the heart is aware of the Supreme, when the mind is thrilled recollecting the glory of God. Otherwise one is like the spoon which dips into sour and sweet with equal alacrity and insensitivity. It does not refuse or relish any of the tastes.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Understnd the distinction between Education and Educare

You must understand the distinction between Education and Educare. Education is information-oriented. Educare is transformation-oriented. Education is limited to physical and mental levels. Education has its roots in Educare. Educare is related to our inner feelings and purity of heart. Our speech, song and way of life (Maata, Paata and Baata) should originate from the heart. That is the essence of Educare. Only those endowed with the practical knowledge and wisdom will be able to understand and appreciate the concept of Educare. Even after acquiring a number of degrees, if you lack purity in your heart, you cannot be called truly educated.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thought for the day

By mere force of intention, one can imagine in an instant, a scene in America. However, can it also be experienced in actual, at that very instant? No, one cannot! There is no use imagining and framing in the fancy. It must be experienced in mind, word and body. Similarly genuine peace cannot be obtained by merely knowing and learning about Divine Self. You may even firmly believe that joy is present in these, but that is of no avail. You must dedicate your life to win that joy and experience it and enter upon the discipline needed to acquire it. Only then do you deserve the Grace of the Lord and from that, you receive eternal love and peace.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thought for the day

Culture must be directed towards reforming one’s character. Along with that reform and to the extent it is gained, outward standard of economic life too can be adjusted. Everyone must be trained in the techniques of enjoying peace and happiness. These do not depend on the outer, the external, the visible objective world. So there is no profit in worrying about or debating about these matters. You must take shelter in the contemplation of the Divine all the time. Remind yourself that the body is subject to change, it is temporary, and liable to decline. It is only when each and every aspirant is aware of this fundamental truth, equanimity, equality and exhilaration can be established on earth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, January 4, 2010

The source from which all power originates is Sarweshwara

Unknowingly, you may create and develop in yourself an abounding variety of selfish habits and attitudes that cause great discontent for you. The impulse for this comes from the power complex; the greed for power and riches. You may feel elated that you are very wealthy, talented and knowledgeable. From where did you acquire these? You may even claim that you earned all this through your own efforts, but surely, you received it from someone. The source from which all power originates is Sarweshwara (Lord of All). Omnipotence belongs only to the Lord of all beings. Ignoring the Omnipotence and deluding oneself that the little power that one has acquired is one's own is indeed Ahamkara (conceit). Ahamkara causes grief and must be uprooted from within. It will not subsist in an individual filled with genuine devotion, recognized by the characteristics of kindness, love, patience, forbearance and gratefulness. Seek therefore, to develop these virtues in you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, January 1, 2010

Truth alone triumphs

In everything you do, use all the strength and talent with which you are endowed, speaking and acting truthfully. At first, you might fail in this and you might encounter difficulties and suffering. But ultimately, you are bound to succeed and achieve victory and bliss. Each one of you should pay constant attention to your habits and to the traits of your character. Always remember the maxim, Sathyameva Jayate (Truth alone triumphs). Through your behaviour, through your way of life, you can realize the Truth and Paramatma (Eternal Self).
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba