
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Medicines exist for all external injuries, however no medicine or doctor can heal the wound or injury inflicted through words.

Naxalites (terrorists) are not merely the people who hold guns and pistols. Anyone who hurts others in thoughts, words and deeds is a naxalite. Three important things that all of you must pay attention to are your thoughts, words and deeds. When there is a thought, the word follows and then the body acts. In the arena of thoughts, never think evil of others. Next is word. Never use harsh words, do not humiliate others and never try to deceive others with your words. If one is killed with a knife or a pistol, they die immediately. But if you hurt a person with words, he or she will be pained till their death. Medicines exist for all external injuries, however no medicine or doctor can heal the wound or injury inflicted through words. Therefore the harm done by words is more dangerous and takes a long time to heal. Spiritual ways alone can alter the harm done by thoughts, words and deeds.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Inference is one method of verification or understanding. We see smoke at a distant hill. From the smoke that emanates, it is easy to decipher that there must be fire somewhere in the hill. Although you see only the smoke, we infer the existence of the “unseen” from the presence of what is seen. This type of verification is called Anumaana Pramana (Inferential Proof). These methods of verification – direct or inferential proof is applicable only to the external universe. To determine the Divine Principle, one must depend only upon the Shabdha Pramana, or the Vedas. When the Divine is described as the One without the attributes, eternal, ever existing, pure and free, self-effulgent, etc. – all these appellations will not make Brahman visible to you. You must follow the teachings and realize the existence of the Divine withi n you and around you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, July 28, 2014

Thought for the Day

Ignorance has a very powerful influence on the mind. Arjuna said to Krishna, “The mind is very powerful, however it has a wavering nature.” Lord Krishna said, “A bee has the strength to drill a hole in the hardest variety of wood. However when it enters a lotus, if the lotus closes its petals, then even with all its might, the bee cannot come out of it. Similarly once the all-powerful mind comes to the lotus feet of the Lord it becomes powerless and surrenders. However potent or wavering one’s mind may be, it can be and must be controlled with spiritual practice (Sadhana). When Jesus was nailed in the Cross, his followers were deeply pained and in great grief. He said, “Just as this body had a dress, this body is just an attire for the soul. Do not grieve”. He taught his followers, “Do not harm anyone or hurt anyo ne. Treat everyone alike.” Everyone must practice these teachings.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Thought for the Day

We generally consider direct perception as the most important type of evidence. We are able to see our body, the number of hands, legs, eyes we have and so on. This is one type of proof. Consider another example: We boil milk. After heating, we add some yoghurt to it in the night and wake up the next morning to find that the whole milk has turned into curd (yoghurt). Though our eyes don’t see the transformation process, our own action provides us the proof and we don’t need anyone else to convince us that the change from milk to curd has really occurred, though the change process was not visible directly to our eyes. So too, though the Soul (Atma) is invisible, and we cannot see it, we must have faith in its existence. Several great sages and saints have had the direct experience of Divinity in their present lives and have conveyed the teachings to us.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Thought for the Day

When you walk on the road in an evening and suddenly find a thick piece of long rope lying on the ground, instinctively you think of it as a snake and get scared! Where did this fear come from? How does it disappear? Did the snake change into a rope for your fear to disappear? No! The rope is still a rope, you mistook it to be a snake! The hallucination effect you had is a result of the worldly point of view. Realize that the whole world is a manifestation of the Divine (Brahman). Your vision is blurred by ignorance, illusion and hallucination, which sees the world as material objects and not as Divine Creations. Know that all you see in the world and think as real is actually unreal and false. The spiritual point of view clarifies your vision, and will let you experience truth as truth and will remove any fear.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, July 25, 2014

Thought for the Day

The alarm clock wakes us by ringing the alarm at the right time. Similarly great sages of ancient times woke up human beings from the slumber of ignorance, warned them at the appropriate time and in the correct manner. They often gave powerful messages that warned all to stop ignoring and start recognizing the Omnipresent Divinity. Words of such great souls must constantly ring in your hearts and guide and illumine your lives. Jesus Christ proclaimed that everyone is an embodiment of Divinity in this human form and every being is a messenger of God. He demonstrated in his life that every ounce of this human body till the last drop of blood must be dedicated to the service of humanity. Jesus declared, “A heart filled with love and compassion is the real temple of the Lord!” Your true offering to the Loving Divine would be the dedication of your life to practice their teachings with your heart and soul.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Is there any object in the world without a creator?

Is there any object in the world without a creator? Consider a loud speaker. It has the power to broadcast sound, way beyond any individual’s voice and must take someone with required knowledge and skill to design and produce it. He or she may be in Germany, Switzerland or Japan, and perhaps invisible to you! Without that person, would this loudspeaker have come into existence? No! Similarly for everything that you enjoy in this world, there is a Creator. The stars that twinkle, the Sun and the Moon that illumine the world have been created by a Supreme Infinite Power. It is obvious to us that no ordinary person can create these super objects and ensure they are still working, after billions of years. Scriptures (Vedas) describe to us that this Super Power is Aprameya (One beyond description, beyond all proofs and limitations). The primary objective of every being in this Universe must be to seek and understand this Infinite Power. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The moment a bad thought comes, you must teach your mind, “Oh mind, are you on the path of human values or on the path of an animal? This thought is an animal thought – you are not an animal.” Train your mind saying, “Oh mind, human beings are not meant to eat, sleep and enjoy pleasures. Shed all animal qualities, give up previous habits and old ways. You must get away from all evil”. If you thus teach your mind, its speed will be lessened and the flow of thoughts will change. You must consistently teach your mind to transform your thoughts. There will be difficulties in the process. But let them come – the one who works hard and passes through these hardships will enjoy abundant peace. Without effort, there cannot be gain or pleasure. Hence don’t worry about difficulties.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Even animals react based on your feelings. As is the feeling so is the reaction. Every being goes by these three: reaction, reflection and resound. It is only the evil tendencies, the bad feelings amongst human beings which cause wild reaction from animals. Two sons born in the same family constantly fight. What is the reason for hatred? Their own minds are responsible for their temperament. Never have bad temperament. You must always cultivate and develop noble feelings. All of you have good upbringing, good family and good education. You must upkeep the name, honour and reputation of your family and the University you studied. To earn a good name, you must have good friendship. “Tell me who your friends are, I shall tell you who you are” is a famous quote. As is the company, so you are. Therefore always seek and keep good company – it is your good fortune to have and be in good company.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

God alone possesses the strength to create anything and everything, both permanent and impermanent. God is all knowing and omnipresent. He created this world with His Divine Will (Sankalpa). God is the basis of all creation. Gold is the basis of jewellery; if there is no gold, then there is no jewel. Clay is the basis of the pot; if there is no clay, then there is no creation. Similarly if there is no God, then there is no creation. God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omnipresent. Everything around us is Divine. People, in their ignorance, forget this Divine Principle (Atma). In order to jostle human beings from their deep slumber of ignorance and greed, great sages and Divine Incarnations descend on earth. Whenever ego and pride becomes second nature of human beings and ignorance reigns supreme, moreover when demonic nature of human beings are at peak, Divin e Incarnations (Avatars) descend on earth to restore righteousness to its pristine glory.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Only if you act righteously in the present, can the future be good and ennobling

Everyone is very interested about their future. What is future? It is based on the past. Don’t brood over the past and don’t worry about the future. Past is past. What is the use in thinking about it or worrying about something that is dead and gone? Just forget it! Present is very important. Live in the moment and follow the present. Often many think of the past or of the future and ruin the present. Many times you feel you were happy in the past and are unhappy now. To what extent were you happy then? Has your attitude changed since the past? Has the dirtiness in your mind been cleansed? Believe that you are happy now; you have sufficiency in everything. Your mind is right now blessed. You must always “Help Ever and Hurt Never”. Bhagawan wants you to appreciate the importance of the “present” and work for your progress, living in the pres ent and living in the moment.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathaya Sai Baba

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Thought for the Day

Just as the cultivation season is the most important time for the farmer, the youth is the most important time in the life of a student. The farmer waits for the opportune moment to sow his seeds so that he can reap rich harvest. Time is a very critical element for the success of the crop. During the cultivation season, the farmer does not care about food, water or sleep, and works hard with his entire focus on achieving a good harvest. He believes that a good crop is the only source of all happiness. So too, for the student (Vidhyarthi), the period of their education is like the cultivation season. It is the most important time and is the very basis of their lives. They must dedicate all their time, without worrying even about hunger, thirst and sleep, or loss and gain, and must only focus on building their good character and gaining full and complete knowledge. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, July 18, 2014

Thought for the Day

Bodies are different and names are different, but the indweller or the Self that is present in everyone is one and the same. When you want to call someone, you call him or her by their name. Each one of you has an unique name only for identity purposes; it should not be considered more significant than that. Lord Krishna declared clearly in the Bhagavad Gita that you are the embodiment of the Lord. Do not limit yourself as a mere human being. Let anyone call you by any name. The real truth is, the Self-same Lord is present in you and in everyone. God dwells everywhere (Ishavasyam Idam Sarvam) and in everyone. Hence remember! You do not merely represent the name that you are given, but are truly Divine - “I am I” is your real name! God dwells in all of you (Ishwarah Sarva Bhoothanam). Hence practice the principle, “All are One, Be alike to e veryone.”

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

God descends for the people and among the people with love, compassion and affection, and mixes with the Individual Consciousness (Jeeva Prajna) so that Divine Consciousness (Deva Prajna) may be attained. Such rare opportunities are bestowed upon individuals as a result of the good deeds of past several lives. A Guru is truly like God. Guru teaches in order to build the character of the devotee, so he or she can have a good future. A good devotee/student is he or she, who has utmost devotion towards their Guru and surrenders at their Master’s feet. Arjuna personified an ideal devotee who surrendered completely to his Master, Lord and Guru, Sri Krishna. Arjuna said to Krishna, “I will do whatever You tell me to do”. This is a classic act, an example of complete surrender to God. Students today must follow Arjuna as their role model and achieve complete surrender of their lives to service and betterment of the society.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Thought for the Day

Just as all rivers merge in the ocean, all branches of education end in spiritual education. You must experience that kind of totality and merge with Divinity. Traditions and truths are being separated into various groups and the vicious syndrome of dislike for one person towards the other has come into existence. However, not just in the past, even in the present, there are quite a few people who conduct themselves as per the traditional rules and guidelines with purity to attain the ultimate goal in life. The means to liberation, in Krita Yuga was Meditation (Dhyanam), in Tretha Yuga was performing ritualistic worship (Yagna), in Dwapara Yuga it was worship (Archana), and in the present Kali Yuga, it is chanting the Name of the Lord (Namasmarana). Any or all of these methods, when followed with utmost sincerity and devotion, will help one achieve the ultimate goal of life which is Liberation (Moksha).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Thought for the Day

Many of you do not consider the sacred values of Sathya,Dharma, Shanthi, Prema and Ahimsa as inner current that are present within you. In fact, they form the basic foundation of human life. Without the basic fundamentals, the more knowledge you acquire, the greater and longer you continue to be a fool, if you do not invest effort to realize your true nature. Truth is present and latent within everyone. It is a precious gift from God. Whether you recognize these facts or not, and even if you consider them as irrelevant, these facts remain. Hence now onwards, you must install Truth deeply in your heart. Love is the natural fruit of developing Truth. If you grow in truthfulness, then as a result, Love blossoms from within. Along with Sathya and Prema, comes Ahimsa. Truth sustains Ahimsa or Non-Violence. You will find that the value of Non-violence is often absent, in every person, wherever and whenever Love is absent.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Love (Prema) cannot be affected or modified by considerations of caste or creed or religion; it cannot be tarnished by envy, malice or hate. Preserve Love from being poisoned by these evils; endeavor to cultivate hatred-lessness and distinction-free feelings. The root of all religions, the substance of all scriptures, the rendezvous of all roads, the inspiration of all individuals is the Principle of Love (Prema). It is the firmest foundation for every human being's mission of Life. It is the Light that ensures world peace and prosperity. Fill every word of yours with Love. The word that emerges from your tongue should not stab like the knife, nor wound like an arrow, or hit like the hammer. It has to be a foundation of sweet nectar, a counsel of consoling spiritual wisdom (Vedantic), and a soft path of blossoms; it must shower peace and joy.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Thought for the Day

Let God be your Guru, your path, your Lord. Adore Him, obey His commands, offer Him your grateful homage, and hold Him fast in your memory. This is the one and only way, and the easiest way to realize Him as your own reality. This reality is cognisable everywhere. It is evident within yourself, when you earnestly seek it. You can experience it, even while performing selflessly your duty to yourself and others. I shall indicate to you today, four directives for sanctifying your lives and purifying your mind, so that you can contact the God within you. They are: Give up the company of the wicked (Tyaja durjana samsargam); Welcome the chance to be among the good (Bhaja Sadhu Samagamam); Do good deeds both day and night (Kuru punyam ahoraatram); Remember and discriminate which is lasting or otherwise (Smara nitya-anityatam).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

To hate or injure other beings is as bad as hating and injuring oneself. The reason being that the injurer is as much a living being with God as the core, as the injured is. Until you become aware of your own Divinity (Deva-tatwa) so long as you are conscious of your distinct individuality (Jiva-tatwa) - till you feel you are you and God is God, you struggle, with some attitudes and objectives. This is called the Sadhaka stage. During that stage, you must endeavour to equip yourself with the qualities of love, sympathy and compassion. For, without these, Yoga and Jnana (wisdom) cannot be secured. Love is vital, it is divine. To render an act fit to be offered to God and pure enough to win His Grace, it must be a manifestation of Love. The brighter the manifestation, the nearer you are to God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, July 11, 2014

Thought for the day

Poornima means the effulgent fullmoon. Guru is One who removes darkness and delusion from the heart and illumines it with the higher wisdom. The moon and the mind are interrelated, as object and image. On this day, the moon is full, fair and cool, its light pleasant and peaceful; the light of the mind too has to be pleasing and pure. In the firmament of your heart, the moon is the mind.  Sensual desires and worldly activities are the clouds, thick and heavy which mar your joy at the light of the moon. Let the strong breeze of love scatter the clouds away and confer on you the cool glory of moonlight. When devotion shines full, the sky in the heart becomes a bowl of beauty and life is transformed into a charming avenue of Ananda (bliss). That beauty of heart, that bliss in life can be won through the mind, if the lesson of this day is remembered and realised.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thought for the Day

Grief and joy, and pain and pleasure alternate like the dark and bright fortnight by God's decree, to foster equanimity and to lead man towards reality beyond both. If you do not attempt to transform yourself but resort to blaming God for your sorrows, it is incorrect! You blame God because you announce yourself as a devotee too soon, and expect plentiful grace. Grace cannot be claimed as such; first God must accept you! Use your talent of discrimination to sift the trash and discard it in preference to the valuable. Engage in selfless service; flee from bad persons and win the friendship of the good and noble, who will cleanse you and heal you. Man is consumed by time; God is the master of time. So take refuge in God. Let God be your Guru, your path, your Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Thought for the Day

The Gita offers valuable advice to help one swim across the sea of sorrow. Bear no ill-will against any living being (Adweshta Sarva Bhoothaanaam), always be engaged in promoting the wellbeing of all (Sarva Bhootha Hithe Rathaah), and consider foe and friend alike (Samah Shathrou Cha Mithre Cha) - these are jewels contained in the Gita, highlighting the means to develop Universal Love. By declaring that none should have ill feeling towards the entire world of living beings, the Gita is teaching an invaluable lesson that the Divine is in all beings and objects, as an active illumining Principle, appropriately called Atma. The Vedic assertions also firmly establish this profound Truth. All are enveloped in God (Ishaavasyamidham Sarvam); the inner core of all beings is He (Sarva Bhootha antharaatma).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

When Yajnavalkya resolved to go into the forest to live as an ascetic, he called his two wives before him and proposed to divide the riches he had earned between them. Before accepting her share, Maitreyi asked her husband whether the riches will help her to realise Truth and achieve immortality. When she understood that they will not, and in fact they are mere hindrances, she refused to be burdened. Nachiketa refused the gifts of empire, affluence, and years of healthy life. Prahladha taught the same lesson to his playmates. Buddha solved the mystery of suffering through renunciation of attachment as the first step in his Sadhana. All of them had implicit faith in the existence of God; their lives revolved on the axis of that faith.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, July 7, 2014

Thought for the day

Silence is the first step in Sadhana, which makes the other steps easy. It promotes self-control, lessens chances of anger, hate, malice, greed and pride. Besides, you can hear His footsteps, only when silence reigns in the mind. Cleanliness opens the door to Godliness. Inner and outer cleanliness are essential to install God within your heart. Service saves you from the agony you get when another suffers; it broadens your vision, widens your awareness, and deepens your compassion. All the waves on the sea originate from the same sea and also merge in it. Seva teaches you to be firm in this knowledge. Practice Love. Practice hatelessness. None must be looked down upon as secondary, inferior or unimportant. Everyone has their allotted role in the drama designed by the Almighty. Do not slight, insult or injure anyone; for , He is in every being and your slight thus becomes a sacrilege.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The scriptures declare that body is the temple and God is installed therein. Hence consider your body as a vessel for cooking food, given on loan for hosting the festival of life. Can we return it to God, the Owner, in a worse condition? Should we not scrub it clean and return it bright and free from rust and dust? When the festival of life began, we received a pure, fresh and bright body from Him, innocent of evil. We have now inflicted dents, leaks and other signs of damage, through lust, greed, hatred, anger and envy. Do not return His property in poor condition. You must return it to Him, as pure as He gave it, to be most worthy of His Grace. Remember the purpose of your birth; and leverage your full potential and capability to achieve it. Wear the garland of devotion around your neck and saturate your thought, word and deed with Divine Love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Character is power

It is often declared that knowledge is power. No! No! Character is power. Nothing can be more powerful on earth than character. Riches, scholarship, status, authority, etc. are all frail and flimsy before it. There is no dearth of books today; nor is there lack of gurus. Educational institutions spread knowledge everywhere. The Sun of Knowledge (Jnaana Bhaskara) is showering His rays in plenty to all alike. But, one can hardly find those who have imbibed the nectarous wisdom thus offered and are dwelling in the ecstasy it can confer. The mountain range with lust, anger, hatred, envy and pride as the peaks, shuts out the splendor of the Sun. Charity, compassion, fortitude, sympathy, and sacrifice, arise from the higher levels of consciousness while opposite tendencies breed in the lower levels. Remember, a strong virtuous character cannot be earned from any book; it i s earned only through intimate involvement with society.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

You must regard the prosperity and joy of others in the community as your own. Only then will India or any other country deserve prosperity and joy. Your happiness is bound up with the happiness of Society. Your physical, mental and intellectual strength and skills have to be dedicated, not merely to your own progress, but equally to the progress of Society. You must try to benefit yourself and the Society through such service. Use the strength, skills, and spirit of service for such work. A machine gets rested if it is not put to use; the human machine too gets rusted if it is not put to constant meaningful work. The pulse is not the correct indicator of your being alive; work and activity is the evidence and the value of real living. Your role is to translate your strength into activity along the path of duty.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, July 4, 2014

Thought for the Day

What or who is God? When the answer to this question is sought, one discovers that God is the glory immanent in Nature. The earth rotates on its axis at a speed of thousand miles an hour. As a consequence, we have alternations of day and night, which helps us to live on this globe. Besides, it moves around the sun at the rate of 66,000 miles an hour, causing the seasons which bring rains for crops and vegetation which sustain human life. The earth does not profit in the least by these rotations but human beings survive, enjoy life and prosper on account of them. Nature must indeed be laughing at the sterile frenzies, the endless pursuits, and the countless miseries to which human beings submit themselves to, in their search for achieving the unachievable! You must search in Nature the sacred lessons it holds for you; then, you will understand how deep and how everlasting is t he Truth that it conveys to you!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thought for the day

Lord Krishna declares in the Bhagavad Gita, "There is nothing in the three worlds that I am obliged to do, nothing unaccomplished that I have to accomplish, but I am still engaged in activity (karma)”. Lord Krishna says this, for, if God is inactive, the Cosmos will come to a grinding halt. You too, must take the lead and follow it. Translate your strength into activity along the path of duty. The young follow the lead of elders. So elders must consistently hold on to ideals and work towards their realization so that the entire universe can attain prosperity and peace. Mother Earth teaches her children this lesson of service and sacrifice. Good conduct must be the main key to the life of every being. Remember, it is the 'way of living,' the path of virtue, that keeps you in the memory of people long after death.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

All of you are pilgrims in the journey towards the city of liberation. Every life is but a stage in the journey, your body is a rest-house for a short stay during the pilgrimage. The mind is the caretaker in the place of our rest. Do not treat the Mind as a Master or Owner, but take care of it so that the house we are privileged to occupy is not damaged or polluted. We must treat the watchman politely and not destroy its interiors. A restless mind is an important source of ill-health. Many are constantly afflicted with some source of worry or other, never free from anxiety. Why? Because they are identifying themselves with the body! One acquires their body, through their past activities and deeds, caused by the twin pulls of love and hate. You can escape from this cycle, if you realize the Oneness of the Divine being present in you and in everyone.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba