
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thought for the Day

Hatred does not exist in God’s nature; He is all mercy and full of love! Lord Krishna proceeded to the Kaurava court, as a messenger of peace, with compromise proposals to show how one should be patient and self-controlled, when provoked and during difficult times. The Lord has no favourites or rivals. Like fire, He spreads warmth to everyone near Him. If you do not feel the warmth, do not blame Him; instead blame yourself that you are far from Him! Hiranyakashipu said, 'He is nowhere' and so, He was nowhere for him; Prahlada asserted 'He is everywhere,' and He appeared from the pillar to prove him true. God did not have to run into the pillar in order to come out of it, to reply to the challenge of the father. He was there all along, just as He is in everything else. He had only to make Himself visible! Take Him as your charioteer. He will steer you through the heaviest odds.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thought for the Day

Some might argue that the inheritance (Karma) of the previous births has to be suffered in this birth and that no amount of grace can save you from that. Evidently, someone has led you to believe so. The Grace of the Almighty knows no bounds or limits! I assure you, you need not suffer from Karma like that. When severe pain torments you, the doctor gives you a pain killer injection and you do not feel the pain, though it is there in the body. God’s Grace is like the pain-killer. Nothing can stay in the way of the Grace of the Lord. If you win His Grace, you will not feel the pain, though you go through Karma. Just as medicines with expired dates are ineffective, so too, the effect of Karma is then rendered ineffective, or null and void!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thought for the Day

Always remember that only those with ideals are respected and remembered with gratitude for posterity. We honour Rama and worship him, while avoiding the reference of Ravana on auspicious occasions. Why? Because of the character they displayed. So you must be determined and advance step by step in building a strong character. Be aware of the danger of slipping down two steps while ascending one – you can resist the slide downwards! If you have the determination to climb and the yearning to rise, progress and conquer your lower impulses and instincts, then the hidden spring of power will surge up within you. The Grace of the Lord will smoothen your path. Keep the ideal before you and march onward!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, October 28, 2013

Thought for the Day

There are greater things in life that grant joy and peace – try to get a hold of them. Each and every one of you have earned the right to live in joy and possess these greater things – no one can take these away from your grasp. Fix your attention on the eternal values, and then you will not be swept off your feet by gusts of passion or fits of fury. In the past, sages and saints controlled the vagaries of their minds and dwelt in peace and bliss. You too must ensure that the temple of the Lord in your innermost heart is not overwhelmed by the sands of lust and anger (Kama and Krodha). When all live in this manner, the community will become an ideal one.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

You will have faith in God when you have yourself discovered that this Universe must have a Creator and Protector who runs the show. To firmly grasp that idea, your heart must be very pure, your mind must be clear. To achieve this, performing your ordained duties (karma) sincerely is very essential. The scriptures delve in a detailed manner the methods to perform one’s duties. Of the hundred parts in the Vedas, 80 are for Duty (Karma), 16 for Worship (Upasana) and four for Wisdom (Jnana). Wisdom is the final destination in the journey. Karma has to be done in order to educate the impulses and train your feelings. Then you develop the attitude of upasana, of humility before the great Unknown, and finally, you realise that the only reality is you, which is the same as He.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Thought for the Day

Sometimes the cloud of envy and hatred come to darken relationships. This is primarily due to fear; fear that causes anger. The emergence of devotion, and the humility and wisdom resulting from it, will make fear and anger disappear. Anger wastes health, time and character. Never allow it to have a free play. Just like you cultivate the field, you must cultivate the fields of feelings, motives, desires and promptings. People are often ruined because they cannot tolerate the prosperity of another. Most people are bent on pulling down another. Jealousy is the chief cause of ruin and it is born due to the undue importance attached to the body, the senses and the accumulation of objects that cater to the senses. Develop the spirit of mutual help. See things in proper perspective; give everything its worth and no more.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, October 25, 2013

Thought for the Day

To realize the truth of an Advent (Avatar), the aspirant must culture the mind as the farmer prepares the field. The farmer clears thorny undergrowth, wild creepers and tenuous roots from the field. Then, he ploughs the land, waters it and the seeds are sown. The seedlings and tender plants are then guarded from pests. To prevent destructions by goats and cattle, he erects a fence. So too, the aspirant must remove egoism, pride and greed from the heart. Truth, Repetition of the Lord’s Name and Meditation refer to ploughing and levelling. Love is the water that must flow into the field of your heart to make it fertile, soft and rich. Lord’s Name is the seed and devotion is the sprout. Protect the seeds from the cattle of Kama and Krodha (desire and anger) with the fence of discipline. Then you will reap bliss as the harvest.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

A mother holds a child that has soiled its shirt and puts on it a new one. Death is the removal of the soiled shirt and putting on the fresh one. Let the Mother do Her will, be a willing child in Her hands. Have full faith in Her love and wisdom. Be an instrument; submerge your will in the Will of the Lord. That will save you from worry and pain. Do not lose your mind, seeing people who have gone astray. It will be like seeing a stagnant pool and then judging rainwater to be dirty. Rain water is pure; it is the soil that soils it. Also be careful not to decry anyone. It amounts to decrying God. Be aware of the God within you and the God in everyone else. If you do this, there is nothing to equal the joy and peace that you will be rewarded with. I bless you, so that you may attain that bliss.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

இடி, மின்னல் நேரத்தில் தப்பிப்பது எப்படி? தமிழக அரசு விளக்கம்

இடி மற்றும் மின்னல் நேரங்களில் டிவி, மிக்ஸி, கிரைண்டர், கணினி, தொலைபேசியை பயன்படுத்தாதீர்கள் என்று பொதுமக்களுக்கு தமிழக அரசு தலைமை மின் ஆய்வாளர் வேண்டுகோள் விடுத்துள்ளார்.

இது தொடர்பாக அவர் வெளியிட்டுள்ள செய்திக்குறிப்பில், "பருவமழை, புயல் மற்றும் வெள்ளம் ஏற்படும் காலங்களில் மின்சார பாதுகாப்பிற்கு பொதுமக்கள் பின்வரும் முன்னெச்சரிக்கை நடவடிக்கைகளை மேற்கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று கேட்டுக் கொண்டுள்ளார்.

* வீடுகளில் உள்ள மெயின் சுவிட்ச் போர்டுகளில், ஈ.எல்.சி.பி. என்னும் மின் கசிவு தடுக்கும் கருவியை பொருத்தி மின்கசிவினால் ஏற்படும் விபத்தை தவிர்த்திடுங்கள்.

* உடைந்த சுவிட்ச் மற்றும் பிளக்குகளை மாற்றி விடுங்கள்.

* டி.வி. ஆண்டனா, கேபிள் டி.வி. வயர்களை மேல்நிலை மின்கம்பிகளுக்கு அருகில் கொண்டு செல்லாதீர்கள்.

* மின் கம்பங்களை பந்தல்களாக பயன்படுத்தக்கூடாது. அதன்மீது விளம்பர பலகைகளை கட்டக்கூடாது.

* மழைக்காலங்களில் மின் மாற்றிகள்(டிரான்ஸ்பார்மர்கள்), மின்கம்பங்கள், மின்பகிர்வு பெட்டிகள், ஸ்டே வயர்கள் ஆகியவற்றின் அருகில் செல்ல வேண்டாம்.

* மழை மற்றும் பெரும் காற்றினால் அறுந்து விழுந்த மேல்நிலை மின்சார கம்பி அருகே செல்ல வேண்டாம். அது குறித்து மின்வாரிய அலுவலகத்துக்கு உடனடியாக தகவல் தெரிவியுங்கள்.

* மேல்நிலை மின்சார கம்பிகளுக்கு அருகில் கட்டிடங்கள் கட்டும்போது, போதுமான இடைவெளி விட்டு கட்டவும்.

* மின் மாற்றிகள் மற்றும் துணை மின் நிலையத்திற்காக போடப்பட்டுள்ள வேலியின் அருகில் சிறுநீர் கழிக்காதீர்கள்.

* இடி மற்றும் மின்னலின்போது, வெட்டவெளியில் இருக்காதீர்கள்.

* தண்ணீர் தேங்கி உள்ள பகுதிகளில் நிற்காதீர்கள்.

* மேலும் மின் கம்பிகள், மின் கம்பங்கள், மரங்கள், உலோக கம்பி வேலி போன்றவை இல்லாத இடங்களில் தஞ்சம் அடையுங்கள்.

* டி.வி., மிக்ஸி, கிரைண்டர், கணினி மற்றும் தொலைபேசி போன்றவற்றை மழை மற்றும் மின்னல் நேரங்களில் பயன்படுத்தாதீர்கள்.

* மின் சர்க்யுட்டுகளில் அளவுக்கு மீறி பளு ஏற்றக் கூடாது.

* சுவிட்ச் மற்றும் பியூஸ் போன்றவற்றை மாற்றும்போது சரியானஅளவு திறன் கொண்டவற்றை பொறுத்த வேண்டும்.

மனதின் ஆற்றல் !

மனதின் ஆற்றல் குறித்து விவேகானந்தர் கூறுகையில் ''ஒரு கருத்தை எடுத்துக்கொள். அந்தக்
கருத்தையே உனது வாழ்க்கைமயம் ஆக்கு... அதையே கனவுகாண். அந்தக் கருத்தை ஒட்டியே வாழ்ந்து வா! மூளை, தசைகள், நரம்புகள், உன் உடலின் ஒவ்வொரு பாகத்திலும் அந்த ஒரு கருத்தே நிறைந்திருக்கட்டும்! அந்த நிலையில் மற்ற எல்லா கருத்துகளையும் தவிர்த்துவிடு!

வெற்றிக்கு இதுதான் வழி!

சிந்தனையின் தொண்ணூறு சதவீத ஆற்றல் சாதாரண மனிதனால் வீணாக்கப்படுகிறது. எனவே, தொடர்ந்து அவன் பெரிய தவறுகளைச் செய்துகொண்டே போகிறான். சரியான பயிற்சியைப் பெற்ற மனிதனோ, மனமோ ஒருபோதும் தவறு செய்வதில்லை.’ கூறுகிறார்.

சாதனை நாயகனுக்கு மற்றுமோர் அங்கீகாரம்...!!!

விஸ்டன் உலக டெஸ்ட் அணியில் சச்சின்-சாதனை நாயகனுக்கு மற்றுமோர் அங்கீகாரம்...!!!

கிரிக்கெட் கடவுளான சச்சின் ஓய்வு பெறப்போவதையடுத்து அவருக்கு உலகின் எல்லா மூலைகளிலிருந்தும் பாரட்டுக்களும்,அங்கீகாரங்களும்குவிந்து வருகின்றன.அவற்றுக்கெல்லாம் மகுடம் வைத்தாற்போல் விஸ்டன் நிறுவனம் ஆல் டைம் உலக டெஸ்ட் அணியில் சச்சினின் பெயரை அறிவித்துள்ளது. டான் ப்ராட்மேன் தலைமையிலான இந்த அணியில் இடம்பெற்றுள்ள ஒரே இந்தியர் சச்சின் தான்.இவரோடு சமகாலத்தில் விளையாடிய வீரர்களுள் ஷேன் வார்னேவும்,வாசிம் அக்ரமும் மட்டுமே இந்த அணியில் இடம் பெற்றுள்ளனர்.

ஆல் டைம் உலக டெஸ்ட் அணி வரிசைப்படி வருமாறு:
ஜாக் ஹாப்ஸ்(இங்கி),வில்லியம் க்ரேஸ்(இங்கி),டான் ப்ராட்மேன்(ஆஸி),சச்சின்(இந்தியா),விவியன் ரிச்சர்ட்ஸ்(மே.இ.தீவுகள்),கேரிசோபர்ஸ்(மே.இ.தீவுகள்),ஆலன் நாட்(இங்கி),வாசிம் அக்ரம்(பாக்),ஷேன் வார்னே(ஆஸி),மால்கம் மார்ஷல்(மே.இ.தீவுகள்),சிட்னி பேர்ன்ஸ்(இங்கி)

# நீ இல்லாத டீம் இல்லவே இல்ல தலைவா................

சற்றுமுன் செய்திகள்

Thought for the Day

The greatest instrument by which success can be ensured for all your efforts is devotion. That will grant you health, wealth and prosperity too. It will also eliminate hatred and faction, and give more strength to you. A person with devotion will do every act as worship of the Lord, and so the act will be done effectively without any malingering or insincerity. It will also win the Grace of the Lord, so the devotee will be able to do more and enjoy greater health and mental happiness. If every one of you unite and sing the glory of the Lord, it will produce greater harmony and social cohesion than thousand people clamoring and shouting one against the other. Divine Love will flood the area and fertilize all your efforts if all of you sing the Lord’s name together in unison. Do it for some time and you will yourself bear witness to the loving and serene atmosphere.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Thought for the day

How to destroy the mind? It is easy once you know what it is. The mind is stuffed with desire, similar to a football filled with air. Puncture it and it will not move from place to place. In a square field filled with water from an irrigation canal, water appears in the form of a square. If the field is circular or triangular, then the sheet of water will match the geometric shape. The mind too takes on the form of one’s desires. Take another example - the mind is like a piece of cloth, the warp and woof being the yarn of desire. The texture, the colour, the durability, the feel, and the shine of the cloth will depend upon the desire that constitutes the warp and the woof. Remove the yarn strand by strand, and the cloth automatically disappears. This is the technique of destroying the mind (Mano Nasanam). A wise person will wipe out all traces of the mind.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Most agriculturists feed on hope for their survival. Hope sustains them while they plough, sow, plant and manure the crops that they raise. That hope, must become a mental habit not just during agriculture, but as part of everyone’s daily life, in all the manifold activities. Never give any chance for that vile thing, despair, to eat into the vitals of activity and effort. Despair is a sin against God. When He is within you, why do you lose hope? That is why the Lord says, “Why fear, when I am here?” Be always joyful, optimistic and courageous. Know that the strongest connection between you and the Divine is when the life-giving waters of courage and hope, flow in your heart.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, October 20, 2013

இரட்டை அளவுகோல் வேண்டாம்

"மற்றவர்கள், உங்களுக்கு எதைச் செய்யக்கூடாது என நீங்கள் எண்ணுகிறீர்களோ, அதை நீங்கள் மற்றவர்களுக்குச் செய்யாதீர்கள். மற்றவர்கள் உங்களுக்கு எதைச் செய்யவேண்டும் என எண்ணுகிறீர்களோ அதை நீங்கள் மற்றவர்களுக்குச் செய்யுங்கள்"இதுவே தர்மத்தின் அடிப்படைக் கோட்பாடு. இரட்டை அளவுகோலைக் கொள்ளாதீர்கள். உங்களைப் போலவே அனைவரையும் நடத்துங்கள். உங்களிடமே உங்களுக்கு நம்பிக்கை பிறந்திடும் என்பதை இது கூறுகிறது. நீங்கள் தன்னையும் மற்றவர்களயும் மதிக்க வேண்டும். பிறர் நலன்பற்றிய அக்கறையின் அளவுகோல் செருக்குதான். மனிதகுலம் ஒரு சமுதாயம் ஆகும். நீங்கள் உங்களை வருத்திக்கொண்டு, அனைவரையும் வருத்துகிறீர்கள். நீங்கள் ஒருவரை நிமிர்ந்து நிற்கச் செய்தால் அச்செயல் உங்களை நிமிர்ந்து நிற்கவைத்துவிடும். மற்றவர்கள் உங்களை எவ்வாறு நடத்த வேண்டும் என நீங்கள் எண்ணுகிறீகளோ, அதுவே நீங்கள் அவர்களுக்குச் செய்ய வேண்டிய கடமையின் அளவுகோலாகிறது.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The pleasure one gets from physical, mental and intellectual pursuits is transitory. Good deeds may grant heaven but it is a temporary habitation from where a person has to journey down to earth to live life again. This is akin to being elected to an important but short term public office. One may bask in the glory and fame during the term of office, thanks to the votes cast in one’s favour. However, once the term is over, one becomes an ordinary person again! The game now starts all over again by repeating popular slogans to become more popular and beg for votes to win the election. You must journey to reach the terminus where ignorance dies and wisdom is born, resulting in no more birth and death cycles. The mind is a fertile field for ignorance. Do not seek more and more comfort and convenience (sukham), instead, seek wisdom.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Thought for the Day

People suffer from two types of ills – physical and mental. Physical ailments are caused by the dis-equilibrium of the three tempers of Vata, Pittha and Sleshma (air, bile and phlegm) and mental illnesses are caused by the dis-equilibrium of the three qualities of serenity, passion and inertia (Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas). One unique fact about these two types of illnesses is that the cultivation of virtue cures both the diseases. Physical health and mental health are interrelated. Physical health is a prerequisite for mental health and good mental health ensures physical well-being. An attitude of generosity, of fortitude in the presence of sorrow and loss, a spirit of enthusiasm to do good, and to be of service to the best of one’s capacity - these build up the mind as well as the body. The sheer joy derived from service reacts on the body and makes you free from diseases.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, October 18, 2013

Thought for the Day

The path of wisdom is much easier than the path of devotion – for it comes as a flash to those who can just sit quiet for a few minutes and analyze themselves. A car moves on its four wheels and the person who drives it, is inside, not outside; the driver within the car guides the speed of the engine, the brakes and the accelerator. So too, let your intellect, mind and senses be guided, from within. Board the train of Salokya - the constant remembrance of the Lord’s Name. This will take you to the next station,Sameepya - nearness and dearness to the Lord. The next halt will be at Saarupya, where you acquire and earn divine attributes, and finally you will reach the terminus, which is Saayujya, where you merge with the divine and experience yourself as but a wave in the ocean (Paramatma).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Every being seeks rest, but the dust of sense-craving accumulates on the mind producing rust and threatening to ‘burst’ it! To remove the rust in your mind, listen to soulful compositions from great saints like Tyagaraja. Lay aside your cynicism for a while and listen to the captivating tunes and imbibe their essence. The science of spiritual culture and of the control of the mind has been developed, practised and perfected by thousands, for over thousands of years. The culture of India has stood the shock of ages and the fury of typhoons, using these methods. Sing and listen to the compositions of great saints in their traditional forms. Do not consider these divine compositions as merepaatalu (songs), they are truly mootalu (bundles) of precious gems, that will lead you on the baatalu (path) to the Divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thought for the Day

Just as underground water is the sustenance of all trees, the Atma is the underlying source of all the bliss that the individual experiences. The process of digging a borewell to bring the underground water to surface level involves steady hitting, digging, and thumping through a pipe which holds and directs the drill. The people who do the boring take a lot of care to ensure that air does not go into the pipe, for then the drilling process becomes unsuccessful. FInally through a lot of effort, you bring the subterranean water to the surface level for human consumption. So too, you must undertake the repetition of the Lord’s Name (Japam) very intensely taking care that you do not allow the attachment to worldly objects (Vishaya vasana) to enter and interfere with the process.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thought for the Day

Prayer and contrition are the two disciplines by which the mind can be cleansed of egoism and hatred; Saint Tyagaraja was a fine example of how this can be done. His songs are pure fragrant blossoms of devotion. He sang soulfully the glory of Rama, with the welfare of the individual as well as the world in view. He was ever engaged in the process of examining his words and deeds, and evaluating them on the touchstone of devotion. As the bee in quest of honey wanders in search of the flowers, as the creeper clings fast and fondly to the tree lest it may fall, as the stream runs to the river and the river rushes to the sea, Saint Thyagaraja pined for Lord Rama. Lord Rama had to give him personal audience (Darshan) and come to his rescue several times. Through devotion,Tyagaraja ensured he experienced the Lord’s constant presence and always remained in peace and joy.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, October 14, 2013

Thought for the Day

Every one of you must fit in with the Divine Plan. Strive to know its main principles and be equipped for the tasks He allots to you. Give your heart completely to the duty assigned to you in life. Be ever vigilant of your own nature and duty (swadharma) and engage in the tasks that your role demands. To attain the Divine, you have to climb from the animal state to the human state and from human level to Divinity. This climb is hard given the several forces that are always around you, ready to pull you downward. The engine in the car if clogged and worn out, will whine and groan when it has to ascend a steep hill. On the other hand if it is well-maintained, free from the dust and dirt of sensory yearning, then it will ascend heights very easily.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

You must renounce attachment, hatred and ego. It is these qualities of attachment and ego that play havoc with a person and cast them into the mire of delusion. Ego leads to ostentatiousness and ostentatiousness strengthens the ego. A person can never experience divine bliss as long as one is swayed by the ego. Lord Krishna reveals to Arjuna in the Gita, “Ego, attachment and ostentatiousness are Rajasik qualities (passionate temperaments). These three are very dangerous and they bring on disaster! If anyone cultivates these habits, knowingly or unknowingly, they are not betraying others, but are deceiving themselves!” Resolve and achieve victory over your ego. With firm faith, make an intense effort to rid yourself of evil qualities. I bless you to carry out your convictions successfully and accomplish this victory with utmost ease!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Thought for the Day

Udhaseena (detachment marked by renunciation) is a state that is neither complacence nor indifference. It means detachment from good as well as bad. I will explain this with an illustration: When a thorn gets into your foot, you use another thorn to remove the first one. After this you will have to discard both the thorns. You should not keep with you the second thorn though it has helped you in removing the first thorn. This is how you must gradually renounce the good and the bad. We should gradually cut down our relationship with the world. Most importantly do not enter into activities that induce unnecessary relationships, for that will prove detrimental to one’s welfare.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, October 11, 2013

Thought for the Day

The subtle effect of mantras (mystic formulae) mentioned in the Vedas cannot be seen or heard by the senses; they have to be experienced in and through the inner consciousness, the Anthahkarana. The sound of these mantras has the power to transform the impulses and tendencies. The word mantra means ‘that which saves when turned over in the mind’. Repeating the mantra constantly in the mind will keep off wild talk, purposeless conversation, aimless gossip and scandal. Talk only when the talk is most essential and talk only as little as is necessary. Talk sweetly and without any reservations or circumvention. I want all to be convinced of the excellence of these teachings of the Vedas andShasthras(scriptures).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

External cleanliness, devoid of internal cleanliness is nothing short of deceitfulness. Internal cleanliness is more essential than external cleanliness. Though a cup may be clean and attractive outside, we cannot drink water from it, if it is unclean inside. Food cooked in copper vessels turns poisonous, if the vessel does not have a silver coating inside. Hence, observe internal cleanliness with meticulous care. Strive to remain free from the diseases of hatred, bad thoughts and vicious practices. God has gifted you this human body for achieving excellence in your daily life and attaining proximity with Divinity. Cultivate spirituality, acquire spiritual traits, attain proximity to the Divine and merge in Him. This must be your firm resolve. You can achieve this by sanctifying your body with sacred actions, until your last breath.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thought for the Day

For a person living in the materialistic world, the sensual pleasures are a source of extreme delight. However, the senses themselves are temporary, and hence grant only transitory joy. To a person suffering from jaundice, everything looks yellow and tastes bitter. So too senses fraught with illness cannot give true happiness. As there is no person without desire, and it is difficult to live without desire in this world, Lord Krishna came out with an excellent solution. He said, “Perform all actions for the pleasure of the Lord without an eye on the fruits of the action.” Pay your respect to duty and dedicate all actions to the Divine. Ensure you do all actions to the satisfaction of your conscience and then your heart is free from all blemishes. Such an action qualifies to become an act of Anapeksha, not tainted by desire.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Thought for the Day

Arjuna entered the battlefield, fully equipped and fanatically determined to destroy his enemies. But, when he stood on the battlefield in the chariot driven by Lord Krishna, he saw 'my teachers’, 'my grandfather’, 'my kinsmen’ and 'my cousins'. He was moved so much by this sense of ‘I’ and ‘mine’ that he discarded the bow and desired to return, poor and beaten. The ‘I’ has really nothing to do with earthly possessions, but being deluded he identified himself with earthly relationships. This is the moha (delusion) from which he was saved, through the Bhagavad Gita. Be unmoved by duality; that is the lesson. Let not defeat or success affect your inner calm. See yourself as your Self, unrelated to others or to the objective world. When you know your true Self, you are liberated: that is Moksha.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, October 4, 2013

Thought for the Day

Consider it your foremost duty to revere your mother as Divine and serve her. If you cannot respect your mother, who bore you for nine months, brought you forth into the world and cares for you, whom else would you respect? Maternal love is akin to that of the Creator who projects and protects this infinite cosmos in countless ways. You may choose to worship the Divine in the form of a Goddess. Another may worship and adore God in a different form. You should note that the forms in which the Divine is worshipped by others are as important as your own chosen deity. If, on the contrary, you criticize or cast a slur on the deities worshipped by others, you are committing a grievous sin. Similarly, respect and show equal regard and reverence to all mothers (women) as you would to your own mother.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Prayer is the very breath of religion; for, it brings man and God nearer and nearer to each other. Meditation (dhyana) is the process of listening to the Song Celestial, the flute of Krishna, with the mental ears alert on the melody. Just as every day you engage in exercises and consume tonics, calculating the intake of calories and vitamins, paying meticulous attention to the nutritional value of the food, pay attention also to the intake of impressions into the mind, whether they debilitate or strengthen, whether they add to the power of resistance of the mind against the viruses - greed, envy, hatred, pride, malice, etc. Have a meal of good acts of service, divine thoughts, and drink the juice of Love (Prema rasa), so that they may be washed down, and digested well. Then, you can be shining in mental health, happiness and wholesomeness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Today while Science is making rapid strides, morally people are going down. Selfishness and self-interest dominate every one of the many activities. The unlimited proliferation of desires is the root cause of people’s misery and ruination. If you follow two main principles, you can reach the goal of human life: Sarva jiva namaskaaram Keshavam prathi gachathi - the reverence shown to every being reaches God. Sarva jiva thiraskaaram Keshavam prathi gachathi - similarly, insult to any beings amounts to insulting God. Understand and internalize the Omnipresence of the Lord. In the Gita, Krishna declares that sacrificing the fruits of your actions is the best and easiest way of realizing God. Sacrifice (Thyaga) is the only means of attaining liberation. Serve the society, help the poor and needy in distress, and manifest the human quality of compassion.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Thought for the Day

What exactly is Truth? Is it the description of a 'thing seen' as one has seen it, without exaggeration or under-statement? No. Or, the narration of an incident in the same word as one has heard it narrated? No. Truth elevates; it holds forth ideals; it inspires the individual and society. It is the Light that illumines one’s path to God. A life inspired by Truth will enable man to live as man - not degrade oneself to the status of a lower species. There is God everywhere and there is no second entity. God is the Truth, the only Truth. God is in every article or thing, as the basis, as understanding and understandability, as the source of Divine light, as Atma. Truth is the One Awareness, the One Divine Energy that activates every living being, nay, every particle of matter.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Thought for the Day

Develop faith in yourselves, so that you can stand like a rock braving the rushing waters of the flood of negation. That faith will make you overcome the changing circumstances of the outer world. Keep the flame of detachment (vairagya) burning with tiny sticks until it grows into a big bonfire; welcome all chances to develop discrimination (viveka). Take the Name of the Lord and repeat it always. Sing to the Lord with faith and enthusiasm. Let the whole environment reverberate with the devotion you put into every Name that you sing. The Lord’s Name promotes comradeship and establishes concord; it stills all storms and grants peace. Become a blossom, exude the fragrance ofseva (selfless service) and prema (love); then you will find a place in the garland that adorns the Lord.

Bagavan Sri  Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba