
Monday, December 30, 2019

Farewell to the current year and welcoming a New Year!

We are now bidding farewell to the current year and welcoming a New Year! There is an intimate relationship between the two. We give a send-off to one while we welcome the other. In the same token, should we not bid farewell to our bad qualities and welcome good and divine qualities? You may offer all your bad qualities to God. There is nothing wrong in this. Indeed, it is only God who can take them and bestow His grace on you to foster good qualities. For example, suppose you have a soiled, torn and mutilated hundred rupee currency note, no one will accept it. But if the number is intact, the Reserve Bank of India will accept it and give a good note of the same value in return. Similarly God alone can and will accept the bad qualities, provided you offer them with sincere devotion and repentance, and in return He will shower His abundant Grace on you!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Plant the seed of devotion of remembering Lord's name (namasmarana) in your mind. That will grow into a tree with branches of virtue, service, sacrifice, love, equanimity, fortitude and courage. You swallow food, without being aware of how it is transformed into energy, intelligence, emotion and health. Similarly, swallow the food for the spirit, this remembrance of Lord's name, and watch how it gets transmuted into virtues without you being aware of it. Ravana discovered that Rama and kama (desire) cannot coexist in the mind. Develop steadiness in the recitation of the Name of God and in the worth of that Name. Then, even if the whole world says, "Do evil," you will refuse to obey; your system itself will revolt against it. And even if the whole world asks you to desist, you will insist on doing right.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Happiness and sorrow have to be experienced in the worldly life as they are inevitable like the sunset and sunrise. You think new year will give better experiences; this is not correct. It is the mind that is responsible for pleasure and pain. If your mind is good, you will find anything good. You are embodiments of the Divine which is nothing but bliss. While being so, is it not folly on your part to say that you are suffering from pain and grieve over this? Some want to have uninterrupted happiness. When you eat at 10 a.m. you do not go on eating every hour thereafter without break. So also when you experience pleasure it has to be digested before you meet with another bout of such experience. Just as you have to do some exercise for helping the food to digest, you have to go through the exercise of confrontation of pain after experiencing pleasure. Therefore, you must take whatever is given by God as good for you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

What exactly is the meaning of ‘Sai Baba’? Sai means Sahasrapadma (thousand lotuses), Sakshatkara (realisation or direct experience of the Lord), etc., Ayi means mother, and Baba means father. Thus, ‘Sai Baba’ means “He who is both Father and Mother and the Goal of all yogic endeavour”, or “The ever-merciful Mother, the All-wise Father, and the Goal of all spiritual efforts”. When you are groping in a dark room, you must seize the chance when someone brings a lamp into the room. You have to hurriedly collect your belongings scattered there or discover where they are located and do whatever else needs to be done. Similarly, make the best of this chance when the Lord has come in human form to your very door and get ready to save yourself from disaster! The undue importance now attached to the satisfaction of sensual desires must diminish as a result of your association with sacred books and saintly personages.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Embodiments of love! Brahman (Divinity) is full of love and is in fact the embodiment of love. Your love should merge with this love. This is only one; there is no second. It is the non-dual state. The essential nature of love is sacrifice. Under any circumstances true love does not give room for hatred. It is love that brings even a person far away closer and more intimate to you. It is love that drives away the feeling of separateness and promotes the feeling of oneness. Love also raises a person from the animal to the human. Prema (Love) is the Prana (Life Force) of mankind. Love is shown only to persons who are alive. No one loves a corpse. One without love is like a lifeless corpse. Love and life are therefore inter-related and intimately connected.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Hanuman is the brightest example of a realised soul who succeeded in the journey of life. When he first presented himself before Rama and offered his services, Rama turned to Lakshmana and said, "Brother, listen! Notice how Hanuman has mastered the Vedas. His speech is saturated with humility and dedication which the Rig Veda embodies, the retentiveness and reverence that Yajur Veda promotes and the intuitive vision that Sama Veda grants. Hanuman is a genuine devotee and knows all scriptural texts. Sugriva is fortunate to have Hanuman as his minister whose thoughts, words and deeds are offered to God." When these three are in perfect harmony, they will surely win God's Grace, just as Hanuman succeeded!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Jesus Christ demonstrated and preached the power of faith and ultimately, invited on Himself the supreme sacrifice of life itself. Jesus was conscious of His supreme purpose and duty, and sanctified His body by sacrificing it for protecting others. With faith in the oneness of humanity, Jesus stood against opponents and critics, and confronted their onslaughts. Jesus taught Peter, His foremost disciple, to live in love, for Love is God. Jesus advised that one can experience God only when one becomes the embodiment of Love, who doesn't seek anything or expect even gratitude in return! Love spontaneously becomes sacrifice and service! When Peter listened to such exhortations from the Master, he found a new joy welling up within him and also, a new meaning in the word 'joy'. 'J' meant Jesus and the letter directed him to love Jesus first. 'O' meant others who must be loved next. 'Y' meant yourself who ought to be loved only last.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The destiny of a nation or community is dependent on the moral fibre of its people. Their character must be deep-rooted in faith and in truth. Today, in a world broken into racial and religious units, there is a great need to cultivate a broad outlook and large hearted attitudes. Narrow loyalties cause friction and conflict. Jesus emphasised the importance of faith and the danger caused by hypocrisy. Christ’s teachings must be interpreted, understood and followed from the universal point of view. Truth must be revealed as unity in Thought, Word and Deed. Jesus Christ proclaimed that God is all powerful and omnipresent, one without a second. This is the primary message of Jesus. His understanding of God grew within him in stages. First he looked upon himself as a Messenger of God. Later, developing a closer relationship with God, he announced himself as the Son of God. Finally, realising his identity with God, he asserted, "I and my Father are One."

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The power of Love is infinite. It can conquer anything. Once while Lord Buddha was journeying, He was confronted by a demoness who threatened to kill Him. Smilingly, Buddha said: "You are not a demon; you are a deity! I love you even if you behave like a demon." Hearing these loving words, the demoness turned into a dove and flew away. Love can change the heart of even an inveterate enemy. It is this kind of Universal love that should be cultivated by everyone. There are people professing different faiths in the world - Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Zorastrians and so on. There should be no difference or distrust amongst religions, for all of them uphold Truth and Righteousness (Dharma). Today, the world is bedevilled by conflict and violence. Peace and prosperity can emerge only when people turn to the path of love and morality, and lead purposeful lives.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Thought for the Day

The Gita does not encourage inertia, indifference or slothfulness. It recommends Karma as a divine communion (Yoga), as an activity in tune with the Divine Will, and directed to the promotion of one's spiritual consummation. Karma must be an act of fulfilment, of adoration and of one's duty to oneself and others. The Gita marks out the steps and the path towards the realisation of this goal. It accepts all attitudes as valuable and sublimates each one into a spiritual effort (sadhana). No one can do better than their best. The body is gifted with all its inherent excellences and defects so that every moment of life can be used for purposes that can sanctify time through service, sacrifice and love. Mundane action (Karma) then becomes Karma-yoga, karma yoked with unselfish ideals.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

A piece of mysorepak (an Indian sweet made of gram flour) has sweetness, weight, and shape; the three cannot be separated, one from the other. Each little part of the sweet has sweetness, weight, and shape. We don't find shape in one part, weight in another and sweetness in a third. And when it is placed on the tongue, taste is recognised, weight is lessened, and shape is modified - all at the same time. So too, the individual soul (jiva), the Atma and the Supreme Lord (Parameshwara) are not separate; they are one and the same. Similarly every individual deed, all activities in life must be full of the spirit of selfless service (seva), divine love (prema), and spiritual wisdom (jnana). This is verily the yoga of the Supreme (Purushothama-yoga). It must be practiced in action, not merely spoken in words. Spiritual discipline must be constantly done with an ever expanding heart full of devotion and spiritual wisdom.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

You must be happy that the Lord has placed newer and newer materials to serve Him and worship Him in various means and forms. Pray for ever new opportunities and exult in the chance that your hands receive. This attitude gives immeasurable joy. To lead a life suffused with this joy is indeed bliss. Whatever is done from sunrise to sunset must be consecrated as if it is the worship of the Lord. Just as care is taken to pluck only fresh flowers and to keep them clean and unfaded, so too, ceaseless effort should be made to do deeds that are pure and unsullied. If this vision is kept before the mind's eye everyday and life is lived accordingly, then it becomes one long unbroken service of the Lord. The feeling of 'I' and 'You' will soon disappear; all traces of self will be destroyed. Life then transmutes itself into a veritable devotion to the Lord.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

When work is undertaken with an egoistic attitude, impelled by selfish motives and inspired by hopes of self-advancement, it feeds greed and pride, envy and hatred. Then it fastens the bond and fosters the feeling of attachment to more profitable work. It promotes ingratitude to those who lent their hands and brains, and to God Himself who endowed the person with the urge and the skill. "I did it", one declares when the work succeeds and say "Others spoiled it" when it fails. Resentment, depression and despair follow when the work results in failure. The more deeply one is attached to the fruits, the more intense and painful is one's grief when one is disappointed. The only means therefore, to escape from both pride and pain is to leave the result to the Will of God, while one is happy in the thought that one has done one's duty with all the dedication and care that one is capable of.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The one who is unable to imbibe true wisdom which broadens the mind and explore the inner truth about life, cannot promote the welfare of the world. The well-being of the world depends on the well-being of society and the latter depends on the welfare of individuals. All these are mutually interdependent. They are integrally related to one another. Hence the need for individuals in society to be truthful in thought, word and deed. This spiritual principle dearly warns those who mouth slogans of peace but indulge in acts inimical to peace. Human life can be truly understood only in the context of harmony and co-operation. For this to be realised, one must engage oneself in service to society. Such service is rooted in spiritual faith.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Be like a lotus, which is not affected by the water in which it is born.

The one who is unable to imbibe true wisdom which broadens the mind and explore the inner truth about life, cannot promote the welfare of the world. The well-being of the world depends on the well-being of society and the latter depends on the welfare of individuals. All these are mutually interdependent. They are integrally related to one another. Hence the need for individuals in society to be truthful in thought, word and deed. This spiritual principle dearly warns those who mouth slogans of peace but indulge in acts inimical to peace. Human life can be truly understood only in the context of harmony and co-operation. For this to be realised, one must engage oneself in service to society. Such service is rooted in spiritual faith.

Be like a lotus, which is not affected by the water in which it is born.

The one who is unable to imbibe true wisdom which broadens the mind and explore the inner truth about life, cannot promote the welfare of the world. The well-being of the world depends on the well-being of society and the latter depends on the welfare of individuals. All these are mutually interdependent. They are integrally related to one another. Hence the need for individuals in society to be truthful in thought, word and deed. This spiritual principle dearly warns those who mouth slogans of peace but indulge in acts inimical to peace. Human life can be truly understood only in the context of harmony and co-operation. For this to be realised, one must engage oneself in service to society. Such service is rooted in spiritual faith.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Transform work into worship, and worship into wisdom.

Study of the Upanishads and Shastras (spiritual sciences) and reciting God's names may be good acts in themselves. But, if there is no love, which is the basis of all sadhana (spiritual discipline), they are of no use. They are like buttermilk. But the love of God is like well-boiled milk; it contains all the proteins and vitamins. Love reinforces one's physical, mental and spiritual energies. Devotional acts without love are like diluted buttermilk in which there are no nutrients. Dhyana (meditation) and japa (repetition of the holy name) without love are lifeless rituals. Love which expresses itself in service to all living things is the best expression of the love of God. There is no true devotion without such love. It is love which is unchanging and which does not mind any sacrifice in serving others.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Do we use the clothes worn during winter in summer too?

Do we use the clothes worn during winter in summer too? Likewise, as long as the gales of worldly attachment blow and till we are unable to withstand such gales, this dull and dirty human vesture is essential. Once this gale does not affect one's mind, body or words, then one can assume a subtle body. “This Supreme Divine is repeatedly offering me newer instruments to do service and getting loving acts of service done through me; He is conducting this beautiful play through me and engaging me in a variety of useful endeavours” - if one were to journey through life with this feeling, would it not be one filled with immense joy?

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Education must be regarded as a sacred process and preparation for unselfish service to society. There are innumerable people in the world who are suffering from various physical and other disabilities. It is the duty of educated persons to serve them and help to relieve their suffering to the maximum extent possible. This is the best form of service to the Divine. There is pollution and impurity in the air, water and in many things around us. You must use the knowledge you acquire to purify what is impure. Service to society must become the primary purpose of education. Students of Sai should devote their knowledge not only to earn a living, but to use their talents and energies in whatever walk of life they may be engaged in to render service to society in all ways open to them.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, December 13, 2019

Thought for the Day

When Dharmaja lost his vast empire to his enemies and had to live in caves amongst the Himalayan ranges with his consort Draupadi, she asked him one day, “Lord! You are undoubtedly the foremost amongst those who follow the path of righteousness (dharma) unwaveringly; why did such a terrible calamity happen to you?” She was stricken with sorrow. Dharmaja replied, “Draupadi! Do not grieve. Look at this Himalayan range. How magnificent and glorious it is! How beautiful and sublime! It is so splendid a phenomenon that I love it endlessly. The embodiment of this sublime beauty is God. Mountains need not grant me anything, but I just love them and their Creator for their beauty. I do not wish for any favour, nor will pray for any boon. The highest reward for my love is His love, Droupadi! Let Him keep me where He loves to keep me.” Thus Dharmaja explained that love must be divine, spontaneous and must be practiced accordingly!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

This body is meant for performing actions; it is a mere implement and instrument gifted by God.

Tat Twam Asi – You are the embodiment of the Atma. This is the highest and holiest Mahavakya or divine axiom. You are that indestructible fruit and its inner essence. You are that Atma Tatwa, the Atmic principle which is different from the body and is blemishless. It is for the sake of this Atmic principle alone that you are given this body. You, the Atma, is always steady. Have you come with the body as a vehicle to destroy yourself? Surely not. You are here to exercise authority over the body to thereby promote welfare of the world. The body has to be utilised for this mahat tatwa – great purpose. This body is meant for performing actions; it is a mere implement and instrument gifted by God. Once its intended purpose is served, it is needed no more. Until you have realised your true self, the body has to be protected by all means.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

It is not wrong to love children. But parents should learn how to love them.

It is not wrong to love children. But parents should learn how to love them. Whenever the children go astray, wittingly or unwittingly, parents should hasten to correct their faults and bring them to the righteous path. The obligations of parents do not end with providing food, schooling and knowledge on worldly matters. Children should also be provided with right values. They should not be made to think that the acquisition of wealth is the be-all and end-all of life. Wealth does not accompany one when they leave the world. Wealth is necessary only for meeting one's essential needs. Too much wealth is an embarrassment like an oversized shoe. Too little of it is likely to be painful, like a tight-fitting shoe. So it is desirable to have only that amount of wealth that is adequate for one's basic needs. It is deplorable that in the mad pursuit of money, people are forgetting or compromising human virtues.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Behaviour is important for man.

Man does not live long. However in this short span of life he has the ability to experience divine bliss. Two people might appear ostensibly made of the same mould. Their limbs might look alike. Nevertheless, one could turn out to be an angel and another a beast. What is the reason for this? Looking at their behaviour, it is hard to believe that both of them belong to the same community. Therefore, primarily behaviour is important for man. Each and every moment, human life may superficially appear to be simple but truly it is not so; there is a great meaning inherent in it. The entire life is a great act of sacrifice or yajna karma. If the sleep that one enjoys after offering all the experiences of the day to the Lord in a spirit of surrender, is not Samadhi then what else is it? Because of the all pervasive feeling of “I am the Body”, man, without discrimination, explores various ways to boost his physical being. Therefore, instead of thinking day and night about the body, preserve it only for the purpose of serving all living beings with Trikarana shuddhi - purity of thought, word and deed, so that you can realize the Higher Self, as you are not the body but the Atma.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

There is no greater quality in an individual than selfless love, which expresses itself in service to others

People have faith in the results given by scientists of the calculation of planetary distances and sizes. But they hesitate when confronted with conclusions arrived at by investigators who have seen and shown, experienced and enjoyed the Truths by going into the inner space and inner regions of the Spirit. It is unreasonable willfulness that makes people stick to the beliefs they have accepted as unchallengeable. As the statement goes, “The subterranean fire can be grasped in the palm and the sky can be contacted as a concrete entity; but one can never refine the mind of an obtuse and obstinate person." For one can awaken a person who sleeps; one can make a person who is not asleep to rise and move; but one can never awaken a fellow who pretends to be asleep. Willfully avoiding the illumination of knowledge is a sin against spirituality. Our students must welcome light at all times and from all quarters.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Transform work into worship, and worship into wisdom.

One must take up work, that is of some use to the world. Move into the villages and help to keep them clean. Instruct the women of the village in the basic principles of child-health, child-care and child-training. When health fails, people become despondent and even desperate. When health prevails, vitality pervades both mind and body. By the process of loving service, you can become the promoters of much joy. Do not consider any act of service as demeaning. Sweeping the streets, for example, is not below your dignity. Do you not sweep the floor of your home? Do you not scrub and wash off dirt? When you undertake such tasks, the villagers will also gladly share in them. Why be ashamed to be good? The ridicule that may be cast on you has been the reward of many saints. It will soon fade away.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Close your eyes to others’ faults, but keep them open to recognize your own faults.

As our vision, so is the creation. Will not the colour of creation change based on the colour of glasses we wear? There have been and there are great masters now too who demonstrate to man the great heights one can attain, and also reveal the great power that is latent in the human body. Mind of man is often wasted wandering on things outside, criticising others and similar such activities. When one is always engaged in seeing faults in others, how can one attain ekagrata or one-pointedness? Ask yourself this question: When many valorous and great ones, who have physical bodies just like me, have attained such exalted status, why should my position be anything less? What do I gain in finding faults of others? I have to search within myself for my own faults and keep my mind under control – Making this firm resolve is the first step in spiritual practice.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

To battle against the tendency of body identification and to win the grace of God, spiritual exercises such as philosophical inquiry (Tatwa Vicharana), mind and sense control (sama-dama) and other six-fold spiritual disciplines (shat-sampatti) have been laid down. Their practice will ensure the purification of the consciousness; it will then become like a clean mirror that can reflect any object, and the Atma will stand revealed clearly. For the attainment of the highest wisdom (jnana-siddhi), cleansing of the consciousness (chitta-suddhi) is the royal path. For the pure in heart, this is easy to achieve. This is the central truth of the Bharatiya search for the ultimate reality (Paramartha). This is the very vital breath of the teaching.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Man has within him the capacity to change his evil propensities and habits.

Perfect character lasts till the end of one's life, nay end of all ages; it is immortal and is associated with the Atma. Such immortal qualities are - compassion, kindness, love, forbearance, integrity and patience. Habits form only because of the deeds we indulge in. These habits shape the intelligence. All that we weave in our imagination, our aspirations and deeds, leave an indelible imprint on the mind. Due to these, man makes his own perception of the world. Man’s present condition is the result of his past birth. These habits mould man’s character. Whatever be the nature, just by the process of imagination and practice, it can be modified. A bad person will not remain so always. Did not Angulimala, the dacoit, turn into a good person just by the darshan of Buddha? Did not the thief Ratnakara become Valmiki, the sage? Man has within him the capacity to change his evil propensities and habits. Selfless service, renunciation, devotion, prayer, enquiry - these will enable the inculcation of new svabhava - conduct.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

God is all mercy; adore Him as long as you have breath, so long as you are conscious.

Develop faith in the Atma principle and love it earnestly —this is true worship. The Atma is the one and only Loved One for humanity. Feel that it is more lovable than any object here or hereafter —that is the true adoration one can offer to God. You must live in the world where they are born like the lotus leaf, which, though born in water, floats upon it without being affected or wetted by it. Of course, it is good to love and adore God with a view to gain some valuable fruit either here or hereafter, but since there is no fruit or object more valuable than God or more worthwhile than God, the Vedas advise us to love God with no touch of desire in our minds. Love, since you must love for love’s sake; love God, since whatever He can give is less than He Himself; love Him alone, with no other wish or demand.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Good Character is Power!

Human life is undoubtedly the highest in evolution, and to give it meaning, spiritual endeavour and effort that is pure and holy, is essential. For this way of life, character is most important. Character makes life immortal; it survives even death. Some say that knowledge is power, but it is not true. Character is power. Even the acquisition of knowledge demands a good character. So everyone must yearn to attain flawless character, without any trace of evil. Buddha, Jesus Christ, Shankaracharya, and Vivekananda, as well as great sages, saints and devotees of the Lord are treasured in the memory of people even to this day! What quality made them all memorable for all times? It is their character! Without character, wealth, education, and social status are of no avail. Character is the fragrance of the flower; it gives value and worth. Poets, painters, artists, and scientists may be great, each in their own field, but without character, they can have no standing in society.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wherever and whenever the lamp of love is shining bright, God manifests and showers His Grace

Love unfolds first on the lap of the mother. The eyes of Love fasten themselves on the caressing face of the mother. It then spreads towards the father, brothers and sisters, kith and kin, friend and playmate, region and language, world and its Maker. The ‘I’ that lives within the body is like a lion in a cave. It is the monarch of the forest; but it limits itself to the few square feet of rocky floor. Let it come out, renouncing the petty possession. So long as you crib yourselves into the body-consciousness (I am the body), you are the lion moping in the musty cave! Do not feel, Dehosmi (I am the body). Roar Brahmasmi! (I am Brahman) - I am all this and more, I am all this is, was, and will be. Then the littleness, time, space, ego - all will flee from your heart! You will be Love, Love, Love and nought else. That is to say, you will be Divine, one with the One.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Do your duty; leave the rest to God.

You can hold fast to God either through Jnana, Bhakti or Karma maarga (paths of knowledge, worship or work). You may travel first, second or third class in the train; the destination is the same. Jnana proceeds on the assumption that God is immanent and transcendent. Bhakti believes that God is Creator, Preserver and Destroyer, that He is to be adored, and propitiated by deeds that He appreciates, that God is Master and you are privileged to serve. Karma takes into account a third category - Nature! Man has to utilise Nature, live in Nature, live by Nature, always dedicating one’s activity to the further Glory of God, resigning oneself to the worshipful activity, unconcerned with the fruits of the activity, for they are in the hands of God. The three colours - Jnana, Bhakti and Karma are different only when the white light of God passes through the prism of human reason and mind. Activate them in deed, they are but parts of one ray.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

When a lamp is lit from another, there are two where there was just one! The first one did not stop shining light. You can light a million lamps from one; yet, the first will not suffer! Love too is like this. Share it with a million, it will still be as bright as when it was alone. When each house in the street lights a few lamps and keeps them on the door, parapet wall, gate, porch and so on, what is the effect? The town is filled with light, residents are happy, children dance in joy and the sky shines in the glow of earthly joy. Light spreads mingling with other sources of light! It has no boundaries, no prejudices, no favourites! This is the lesson of light and love; share, expand, clasp, spread, give up limits of mine and thine, his and theirs, caste and creed, in one limitless flow of Love. That is the culmination of all spiritual sadhana!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba