
Friday, December 13, 2019

This body is meant for performing actions; it is a mere implement and instrument gifted by God.

Tat Twam Asi – You are the embodiment of the Atma. This is the highest and holiest Mahavakya or divine axiom. You are that indestructible fruit and its inner essence. You are that Atma Tatwa, the Atmic principle which is different from the body and is blemishless. It is for the sake of this Atmic principle alone that you are given this body. You, the Atma, is always steady. Have you come with the body as a vehicle to destroy yourself? Surely not. You are here to exercise authority over the body to thereby promote welfare of the world. The body has to be utilised for this mahat tatwa – great purpose. This body is meant for performing actions; it is a mere implement and instrument gifted by God. Once its intended purpose is served, it is needed no more. Until you have realised your true self, the body has to be protected by all means.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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