
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Thought for the Day

Man who is endowed with the intelligence to pick and choose, to benefit from the past and prepare for the future, must utilise every Karma performed to purify the mind from the dross of low desire. Karma is any activity, action or deed. The Veda insists on rites, rituals, ceremonies, etc., but not as mere reward oriented acts. Such selfish acts are resorted to by birds and beasts. Karma has to be an act of worship, an offering to God, a fulfillment of duty. The only reward one must look forward to is the victory over selfishness achieved by the development of detachment. Selfish desire to appropriate for oneself the gains of actions, breeds pride, greed and hatred. Karma as dictated by duty and the higher impulses is the primary step in the journey to one's Reality.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, May 29, 2017

Thought for the Day

The core of this Universe is the Supreme Self (Paramatma). We can describe the Universe but the Supreme Self is beyond all description. Both the cognisable and the non-cognisable have emanated from the same One Indivisible Consciousness. Each is full and complete in itself. The individual consciousness is the manifestation of the Cosmic Consciousness. When the material sheath falls off, it merges in its source. The Vedas declare, “This is full, that is full. From the full emerges the full. When the Full is taken from the full, the full remains full”. So the Cosmos, the World, the Individual - all are embodiments of the Full. Nothing is fractional or incomplete. Hence all is indeed Divine. But this awareness of the immanence of the Universal can come to your experience when the ‘I’ consciousness is forgotten. When the ‘I’ in you disappears, you automatically become fit to know the ‘non-I’.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Though humanity has achieved incalculable progress in science and technology, the mind of every individual is still polluted with greed, envy and gross selfishness. Egotism has struck deep roots in the heart and has grown to demonic proportions. People have become puppets, yielding to every pull of the string. They crave all things that confer temporary happiness on them and accumulate things that cater to their sense of power. They examine every item from their own selfish point of view. They are therefore enslaved by the monsters – envy, pride, fear and prejudice. True knowledge alone can save mankind from ruinous downfall. Sai has reiterated the four goals laid down in the Vedas. They are Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love. Humanity must understand the importance of these four goals as foundational pillars, accept them, adore them and practice them in daily living. Only then Divinity latent within can shine forth in all its glory.
Bagavan Sri SRi Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Thought for the Day

The Sadhana (spiritual practice) of selfless service to better another being’s condition is superior to the Sadhana aimed at one’s own liberation. Worship God in His manifestation as mankind. Every one is a child of God, whatever the colour, caste, creed, and language. This sense of unity has to be fostered. Serving to fellow beings, is indeed worshipping God! You have in you both the talent and the desire to uplift your fellow beings. The country needs your service urgently today. In simple language, persuade fellow-beings to give up habits that undermine their health and peace, and promote in them the qualities of mutual aid, truthfulness and nonviolence! God welcomed the urge to manifest the Cosmos. “Ekoham Bahusyam (I am One; I shall become Many)”, He said to Himself. You must also feel the need to blossom and expand. Derive bliss in the process, possess it and share it, in order to increase it.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

A person who strays away from righteousness (dharma) meets with greater harm than even physical slavery. There is dread hue and cry now about invasion and bondage to the enemy if you are not alert enough and united enough. But the loss of dharma is an even greater calamity, for what is life worth if one cannot live up to the talents with which one is endowed? These principles are called eternal (sanatana) because their origins are not dated, their author is not identifiable; they are the revelations made in the clarified intellects of impartial sages. They are basic and eternal. They do not represent temporary vagaries. Dharma is not a matter of time and space, to be modified and adjusted to the needs and pressures of the moment. It means a number of fundamental principles that should guide mankind in its progress toward inner harmony and outer peace.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Prahlada was immersed in the thought of his beloved Lord, when he was thrown downhill, trampled by the elephant and tortured at the direction of his father. He paid no heed, for he heeded only his Lord; he needed only his Lord. The cowherd maidens lost all attachment to the world and to the senses when they listened to Krishna’s flute; they yearned for the sublime spiritual merger with the infinite Lord. By the purification of impulses, one gets into the higher stage where the mystery of the Divine is grasped — this is the realm-of-spirituality (salokya) stage. Then by contemplation of the Divine, the stages of proximity to Divinity (Sameepyam) and likeness of the form of Divinity (Sarupyam), are won. Many great mystic poets like Jayadeva attained this height and sang in that strain. But if you sing that song in the same way, Krishna will not appear. He wants sincerity, not imitation.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Repetition of the Lord’s Name (namasmarana) is the best spiritual discipline; it is the most beneficial good action you can do forever.

The passionate and ignorant (Rajasic and Tamasic) forces besieging your heart are bent on your downfall. Just as they give calcium and vitamin tablets to cure anaemia, take Repetition-of-the-Name tablets to get rid of mental anaemia and other illnesses. The Lord’s Name is the Narasimha for the Hiranyakasipu of the mind (the Avatar Narasimha slew the evil Hiranyakasipu). There are some throat pastilles or lozenges, which you have to keep in your mouth and swallow slowly in order to relieve a cough; similarly, keep the Lord’s Name on your tongue and imbibe its taste slowly to get rid of the troublesome upsurge of passions and emotions. Keep the Name lit on the tongue; it will illumine your interior and also the exterior. It will cleanse your mind as well as minds of those who listen to the Name when you recite it. Keeping it on the tongue is like keeping a lamp lit on the entrance doorstep of your house.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Do not grieve that the Lord is testing you and putting you through the ordeal of undergoing the tests, for it is only when you are tested that you can assure yourself of success or become aware of your limitations. You can then concentrate on the subjects in which you are deficient and pay more intensive attention, so that you can pass in them too when you are tested again. Don’t study for the examination at the last moment; study well in advance and be ready with the necessary essential knowledge and with the courage and confidence born out of the well-acquired knowledge and skill. What you have studied well in advance must be rolled over and over in the mind, just previous to the examination; that is all that should be done. This is the pathway to victory.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, May 22, 2017

Thought for the Day

The greatest disease is the absence of peace. When the mind is peaceful, your body will be healthy. So everyone who craves for good health must pay attention to their emotions, feelings, and motives that animates them. Just as you wash clothes, you must wash your mind free from dirt every day. To cleanse your mind you should mix in good company and avoid dirt elements like falsehood, injustice, indiscipline, cruelty, hate, etc. Truth, righteousness, peace, love - these form the clean elements. If you inhale the pure air of clean elements, your mind will be free from evil viruses and bacilli, and you will be mentally sturdy and physically strong. As Swami Vivekananda said, you should have nerves of steel and muscles of iron. You must brim in hope and joy as your unshakable resolution, not display despair and dejection.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Thought for the Day

Many of you grieve: “It is said that getting the audience of a holy person is destruction of sin (darshanam papa nashanam). Well, I have had darshannot once but many times, and yet, my evil fate has not left me and I am suffering even more than before!” True, you may have come and haddarshan, and have sowed fresh seeds secured from the holy places — seeds of love, faith, devotion, good company, godly thoughts, remembering God’s name, etc. And you may have learnt the art of intensive cultivation and soil preparation. Now you have to carefully sow the seeds in well-prepared fields of cleansed hearts. Until the new harvest, when the fresh produce comes in, don’t you have to consume the grain already stored in previous harvests? The troubles and anxieties you experience now are the crop collected in your previous harvests, so do not grieve and lose heart!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Life is not gifted to you to enjoy food and become fat yourself.

Life is not gifted to you to enjoy food and become fat yourself. The body is the basic instrument for the practice of righteousness (Dharma). Give food to the starving. Dedicate your entire time to service and for the proper discharge of your duties. God is omnipresent; He is everywhere and within you. You are Divine! You must develop the spirit of sacrifice (tyaga). You must serve others through your body and cherish good and noble thoughts in your mind. You must use your wealth for supporting educational and service institutions to help the people. This is the way to lead a purposeful and sublime life. God alone can transform your spiritual efforts into a transcendental experience. Ensure your spiritual practices (Sadhana) are not for any selfish reason. It must promote the good of others. Give up selfishness, cultivate selfless love for others, and thus sanctify your lives. Then you will experience Sakshatkara, the vision of the Divine, from within you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, May 19, 2017

Thought for the Day

You attach importance to quantity, but the Lord considers only quality. He does not calculate how many measures of ‘sweet rice’ you offered but how many sweet words you uttered and how much sweetness you added in your thoughts. Offer Him the fragrant leaf of devotion, the flowers of your emotions and impulses, freed from the pests of lust, anger, etc. Give Him fruits grown in the orchard of your mind, sour or sweet, juicy or dry, bitter or sugary. Once you decide that the orchard in your mind is His, all fruits will naturally be sweet! The very act of your seeking refuge and protection (sharanagati) will render them acceptable to the Lord, so they cannot be bitter. And for water, what can be purer and more precious than your tears shed not in grief, but in rapture at the chance to serve the Lord and to walk along the path that leads to Him!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Engage your tongue only to speak the truth, to speak sweetly and to consume what is pleasant and wholesome for your body.

All the five elements have been created by the will of the Supreme. They must be used with reverential care and vigilant discrimination. Reckless use of any of them will only rebound on you with tremendous harm. Nature outside must be handled with discretion, caution and awe. It is the same with our inner ‘nature’ and internal instruments too! Of these, two are capable of vast harm - the tongue and one’s lust. Since lust is aroused and inflamed by the food consumed and the drink taken in, the tongue needs greater attention. While your eye, ear and nose have single uses, the tongue makes itself available for two purposes: to judge taste and to utter word - symbols of communication. You must control the tongue with double care, since it can harm you in two ways. Sage Patanjali, the author of Yoga Sutras has declared that when tongue is conquered, victory is yours!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Thought for the day

Good and bad, wealth and poverty, praise and blame go together in this world. You cannot derive happiness out of happiness (na sukhat labhate sukham). Happiness comes only out of sorrow. A wealthy man today may become a pauper tomorrow. Similarly, a pauper may become a rich man some day or other. Today you are being praised, but tomorrow you may be criticised. To consider praise and blame, happiness and sorrow, prosperity and adversity with equal-mindedness is the hallmark of a true human being. The Gita declares, “Remain equal-minded in happiness and sorrow, gain and loss, victory and defeat (sukha dukhe same kritva labhalabhau jayajayau). You can truly enjoy your life as a human being only when you consider both sorrow and happiness, profit and loss with equanimity. There is no value for happiness without sorrow. Therefore, welcome sorrow if you want to experience real happiness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Unbelief is the insidious disease that is now rampant amongst people. It sets fire to the tiny shoots of faith and reduces life to cinders and ashes. You have no criterion to judge, yet you pretend to judge. Doubt, anger, poison, illness — all these must be destroyed before they grow. Repeat Rama’s name, whether you have faith or not. That will itself induce faith and create the evidence on which faith can be built. In addition, if you aspire to be a devotee, you must eschew attachment and aversion. You should not be proud if you sing well or decorate your worship room tastefully. There must be a steady improvement in your habits and attitudes; otherwise, spiritual discipline is a vain pastime. Your homes must be immersed in the highest peace (shanti) — undisturbed by any streak of hatred, malice, pride, or envy. No worship or penance can equal the efficacy of obedience to the command given for your liberation.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The word surrender has been misinterpreted and people promote idleness in the name of surrender. We think that we have surrendered our mind and body to the Lord. Your mind is not under your own control, how then can you hold it and give it to the Lord? You have no control over your own body too. So to say that you have surrendered your mind and body to the Lord is untrue! The flute is a very good example of an instrument close to the Lord and the one great quality in the flute is its complete surrender. There is nothing left inside the flute – it has no residual desires and is completely hollow. Like the flute has nine holes, our body also has nine holes. If we successfully remove the pulp of desire from our body, then there is no doubt that our body-flute will also become nearer and dearer to the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Everyone must be interested in knowing about the experiences of ideal ones who struggled to arrive at the Truth; for all should have an ideal to strive for, a goal to be reached. For saplings to grow, soil is essential; for ideals to get implanted, knowledge of the struggles and successes of saints and sages is essential. These experiences are not uniform; each spiritual aspirant has a different story to tell, depending upon their equipment and enthusiasm. So the vision and the glory are different, though all are divine. Take the case of Sage Agastya. He is reported to have drunk the ocean completely in one sip. The real meaning of this is, he dried up the ocean of the objective world (samsara), with its waves of grief and joy, prosperity and adversity, success and failure. ‘Drinking the ocean’ is not a special feat; it is a parable explaining that though he was a married man with a son, he conquered all attachments of the world. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Thought for the Day

Devote your time to the service of the world with faith in the Lord, regardless of its fruits. Then you become blessed. Otherwise though the body may be inactive, the mind will be very busy, committing acts on its own. People with such minds fall prey to karma (consequences) in spite of their not doing anything! When a person has the mind fixed on contemplation of God and the pursuit of truth, though the body and senses do acts that are of service to the world, they won’t be affected by them; though they do actions they are still non-doers of action. This is the lesson from Bhagavad Gita. The heart of the person who doesn’t strive to cultivate the mind with holy thoughts is certain to be the paradise of evil and wickedness. Everyone who hopes to rise to greatness, who seeks one-pointedness and aspires for salvation must bear this in mind.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The Lord is attained only through supreme devotion (para-bhakthi). Supreme devotion can be acquired only through spiritual wisdom (jnana). Spiritual wisdom can be cultivated only through faith (shraddha), and faith comes only through love. So how is love to be cultivated? Through two methods: (1) Always consider the faults of others, however big, to be insignificant and negligible. Always consider your own faults, however insignificant and negligible, to be big, and feel sad and repentant. By these means, you avoid developing bigger faults and defects, and acquire the qualities of brotherliness and forbearance. (2) Whatever you do, do it remembering that God is omnipresent. He sees, hears and knows everything. Discriminate between the true and the false, and speak only the truth. Discriminate between right and wrong, and do only the right. Endeavour every moment to be aware of the omnipotence of God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Gladly share your education and wealth with your fellow human beings. God is the real owner of the wealth you acquire. Remember, the money you earn belongs to God’s Trust. You are His Trustee and accordingly, make proper utilisation of your wealth. Do not hanker over money or other forms of wealth. Instead, constantly contemplate on God. You don’t have to go to caves or forests or ashrams in search of Him. Wherever you are, He is with you. Develop this faith and win over your demonic qualities. Do not forget that what ultimately comes with you is not your wealth or education, but the sin or merit you have accumulated through your actions. Share at least a morsel of what you eat with others. Never forget to practice selfless love and service. Help yourself and help others, this is indeed the greatest spiritual practice (sadhana). Without following these principles, there is no peace and joy, anywhere in the world!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the day

You consider helping people in difficulties is service. No. It is not as simple as that. Your body should be constantly engaged in serving others. The human body consists of several limbs. All these limbs are meant to be engaged in serving your fellowmen and not for other activities. Unfortunately we are forgetting this basic fact. Every limb in the body has been granted by God for Karmopasana (worshipping God through service). Karmopasana is the only means by which the human life can be sanctified. We are building several temples. We are undertaking various spiritual practices. But all these sadhanas can give us only temporary satisfaction, not eternal joy. Our ancient sages have been able to achieve eternal joy through a conscious effort. Therefore, you must develop firm faith in the truth that nothing can provide eternal joy, except service to humanity. Undertake service to the suffering humanity. Service is not merely confined to health services. Service encompasses every possible help to fellow human beings. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Thought for the Day

You should realise that for every action there is a consequence. The results of each action depend on the nature of the action, just as the nature of the tree depends on the seed which is sowed. The consequences of one’s actions are inescapable and it is for this reason that the Emperor Manu laid down that all should observe righteousness (Dharma). The consequences of actions may appear sooner or later but they are bound to occur. When you constantly think of God and perform all actions with divine feelings, you will experience the full blossoming of the human qualities. You cannot avoid actions. You must transform work into worship. You have to perform work in this spirit. You cannot substitute prayer for work. You have to combine both work and worship. Hence from now on, consider your every action as dedicated to God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

You are unnecessarily struggling and planning several schemes, thinking about them day and night. In spite of all your struggles, what has to go out of your hands will go. Divinity in all the human beings is one and the same. The body is like a water bubble. The mind is like a mad monkey. If you follow this mad monkey, you will get into trouble. In the same manner, if you believe in the body, you do not know when this body, which is like a water bubble, will burst. Nothing is permanent. Only the Divine Self (Atma) is eternal and immortal. ‘I’, ‘Self’, ‘God’ are all different names by which God, the Atmaswarupa is called. God incarnated as Rama, Krishna and the like, and underwent several difficulties to demonstrate great ideals. Finally, every one of them left their mortal coil. The physical bodies of the Avatars undergo changes, but the Divine Soul (Atma) in their bodies remains the same. It is omnipresent, eternal, changeless and transcends time. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

It is indeed foolishness to single out a particular day in a year and celebrate only that day with great joy. Everything in this objective world is impermanent and unreal. Hence we must contemplate on the eternal truth and reality. We should not waste our time brooding over the past or anticipating the future. It is great foolishness to worry about the future or the past, forgetting the present. The present is only real. Past is past, you cannot get it back, however much you pray for it. The future is hidden in the womb of time. Unable to internalise this truth, people worry about past and future. Hence, from now, give importance to the present. It is important that you consider every minute of your every day and celebrate it with new joy! Indeed, for a true devotee, every day is new; every day is a festival day!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Never blame others for the difficulties you face. Never abuse anyone. Love all and treat everyone as your brothers and sisters.

Develop the quality of love. Do not hate anyone. Develop the faith that whatever happens to you is good for you. Think that whenever you encounter any difficulty or suffering, you alone are responsible for it. On the other hand, if you insult anyone knowingly or unknowingly, that someone else may punish you some day. Pleasure and pain are the products of your own making. The merit or sin you commit, follows you like a shadow always. Many today give sermons to others, without they themselves following what they advice. What value will your advice have? Whenever you read or listen to a noble thought, it is of no value to you until you practice it assiduously. Help your fellow human beings at least in a small measure. You will be helped in return when you need it most. Never blame others for the difficulties you face. Never abuse anyone. Love all and treat everyone as your brothers and sisters.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the day

There are many noble mothers in this world. But Mother Easwaramma was the chosen one. I chose her to be My mother! As Sai’s glory began to spread far and wide, she came to Me one day and said, “Swami, I am pained to see small children of our village walking all the way to Bukkapatnam to attend school. Please construct a small school.” Conforming to her wish, I established a small school. After some time, she wanted a small hospital also to be established here. She said she could not bear to see the mothers taking the trouble of carrying their children to Bukkapatnam for medical treatment. Accordingly I got a small hospital built. The small school that I established has become a big university today. The small hospital that I constructed has become a Super Specialty Hospital. These mighty tasks could be accomplished as a result of the Sathya Sankalpa (genuine noble wish) of Mother Easwaramma and Nitya Sankalpa (Eternal Divine Will) of Sai.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Treat all elderly women as your mother and the younger ones as your sisters. The world will remain safe and secure only when men have such noble feelings.

Mother is not just an ordinary woman; she is verily God. Scriptures give mothers an exalted position in the Universe. Worship her and attain her grace. Once you have the blessings of your mother, you can achieve anything in this world. Never disobey or displease her. Never cause displeasure to your mother. Never hurt her feelings. Then God will help you in all your endeavours. Even today, there is no dearth of noble mothers. They feel pained to see their children straying away from the right path. They leave no stone unturned to correct them. A woman’s prayer is more powerful than a thousand prayers of men because women are pure and tender-hearted. Never look down upon women. Treat all elderly women as your mother and the younger ones as your sisters. The world will remain safe and secure only when men have such noble feelings.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The more you grind the sandalwood, the more it yields sandal paste. The more you crush the sugarcane, the more it yields sweet juice. As the gold is heated more and more, it becomes purer and shines with added brilliance. Likewise, the good qualities in a noble person blossom more and more as one passes through the vicissitudes of life. Embodiments of Love! The difficulties of life do not cause any hindrance to a person pursuing a noble course of life. In spite of these, he always remains at peace and contemplates on God constantly. Of all the living beings, to be born a human being is the rarest occurrence (Jantunam Narajanma Durlabham), so this life that you are gifted with is indeed a great good fortune. Having been blessed with such a human birth, you should develop noble thoughts and experience bliss within. Only then will you be truly fortunate.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Thought for the Day

A pure devotee is one who possesses the quality of Udasina, being indifferent to external happening. The other quality a devotee must have is being free from egoism and possessiveness. And one should also get rid of the idea of doership and ownership and surrender everything to God. Krishna has declared in the Gita that such a devotee is dear to Him. Such a devotee naturally develops detachment towards all worldly concerns and is indifferent to the happenings in the phenomenal world. He is indifferent to praise or blame, pleasure or pain. Another quality you must have is giving up attachment to the fruits of one's actions. Everything belongs to the Divine. Hence, engage yourself in worthy acts and experience God. Everyone in the divine mission, unaffected by success or failure, joy or sorrow, will receive God's grace abundantly.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, May 1, 2017

Thought for the Day

Since times immemorial, you have an eternal, infinite and unbroken link to the Atma (Self). Bhagavatam declares, "It is natural for every living creature to go back to the source from where it came." You emerged from the Divine (Atma) and you must merge in the Divine. Till the goal is reached, do not treat lightly the sacred journey of life. Ask yourself, where did you come from? Not from your mother! Your mother gifted the body, but the Soul came from the Lord. You are not the body nor the senses nor the mind. You are the Atma alone. Each of you is a child of immortality. That being the case, why are you seeking this anrutha (untruth)? What is the way to immortality? Removal of immorality is the only way to immortality. Bad traits and evil qualities like attachment, hatred and envy, make you distant from God. Get rid of them, God becomes nearer and dearer to you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

அறியாத செய்திகள்

* ஒரு மனிதன் மரணமடையும் போது முதலில் செயல் இழக்கும் உறுப்பு அவனது காதுகள்.....
* விஞ்ஞானி ஆல்பர்ட் ஐன்ஸ்டீன் பிறந்த நாடு - ஜெர்மனி.....
* லப்..டப் ..லப்..டப் ..என்னும் சத்தம் நமது இதயம் ஏற்படுத்துகிறது என்பது நமக்கு தெரியும்.... நமது இதயத்தின் வால்வுகள் திறந்து மூடும் போதே இந்த சத்தம் உருவாகிறது என்பது எத்தனை பேருக்குத் தெரியும்? ஆமாங்க இது உண்மை தான்.....
* உலகின் முதல் மின்னஞ்சல் 1971 ஆம் ஆண்டு ரே டாமிலின்ஸன் (ray tomlinson) என்பவரால் அனுப்பப்பட்டது.....
* பூமியின் எடை ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் 100 டன் அதிகரிக்கிறது... காரணம் விண்வெளியிலிருந்து விழும் குப்பைகள்!.....
* சராசரி மனிதன் வாழ்நாளில் 3 ஆண்டுகளை டாய்லெட்டில் கழிக்கிறான்......
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* ஒவ்வொரு முறை நாம் தும்மும்போதும் ஒரு வினாடி நமது இதயம் நின்று பின் துடிக்கத் தொடங்கும்......
* இரத்த சிவப்பணுக்கள் உடலை சுற்றிவர 20 வினாடிகள் ஆகும்.....
* மனித உடலில் உள்ள இரத்த நாளங்களின் மொத்த நீளம் 1,00,000 கிலோமீ்ட்டர்.....
* எவரெஸ்ட் சிகரத்தின் பழைய பெயர் சோமோலெங்மா... 1863 முதல் எவரெஸ்ட் என்ற பெயர் வந்தது...
* இங்கிலாந்தில் சபா நாயகருக்கு பேச அனுமதி இல்லை......
* நீங்கள் உங்கள் கைவிரல்களை 'நெட்டி' முறிக்கும்போது ஏற்படும் சத்தத்திற்கு காரணம்... நம் உடம்பில் நைட்ரஜன் வாயுவில் உள்ள குமிழ்கள் உடைவதே......
* ஒரு மீட்டர் தூரத்தை ஒரு வினாடியில் கடக்கும் ஆறு கால்களை கொண்ட ஒரே விலங்கு கரப்பான் பூச்சி மட்டுமே.....
* ஒரு சிறிது துளி சாராயம் அல்லது மதுபானத்தை ஒரு தேளின் மேல் தெளித்தால், அதனால் தாங்க இயலாது.... அந்தத் தேள் தன்னைத் தானே கொட்டிக் கொண்டு இறக்கும்......
* மனித உடலில் மிகவும் குளிரான பகுதி - மூக்கு.....
* வைரம் என்பது மிக உயர்ந்த விலையுள்ள ஆபரணம் ஆகும்.

Thought for the Day

Lord Krishna indicated the qualities one should possess to enable them to earn the love of the Lord. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna declared, desirelessness (Anapeksha) as the first important quality. All sensual pleasures are ephemeral. But most people are content with sensual pleasures. Greater than the sensual is the transcendental path, Shreyo marga, which confers lasting bliss. When you do any action as an offering to God, it gets sanctified. Such an act becomes anapeksha (a desireless act). Every selfless act of devotion becomes an action free from the taint of desire. The second quality is purity (Shuchi). What is required is both internal and external purity. God cares only for Chitta-shuddhi (purity of the mind). The third quality is dhaksha. This means that the devotee should be steadfast and unwavering in any situation. With their mind firmly rooted in God, they should engage themselves in service of others and perform actions in a spirit of detachment.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Embodiments of Love! Human life is precious, noble and virtuous. It is a pity human beings do not realise this or forget it often. The whole purpose and goal of human life is to know one's true nature. Forgetting one's true nature, you are caught up in worldly concerns and plunged in misery. The ancient sages have indicated the path to be pursued for the redemption of mankind. They commended nine forms of worship (Nava-Vidha Bhakti), any one of which could confer bliss and redeem any individual's life. To experience the proximity of the Divine the easiest path is Namasmarana, remembering constantly the name of the Lord. Sage Veda Vyasa declared that in this Kali Yuga there is nothing greater than chanting the name of Hari for realising God. It is the easiest path for one and all, be it the scholar or illiterate, the rich or the poor.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Love is Divine. Love all, impart your love even to those who lack love. Love is like a mariner’s compass. Wherever you may keep it, it points the way to God. In every action in daily life manifest your love. Divinity will emerge from that love. This is the easiest path to God-realisation. But why aren’t people taking to it? This is because they are obsessed with misconception relating to the means of experiencing God. They regard God as some remote entity attainable only by arduous spiritual practices. God is everywhere. There is no need to search for God. All that you see is a manifestation of the Divine. All the human beings you see are forms of the Divine. Correct your defective vision and you will experience God in all things. Speak lovingly, act lovingly, think with love and do every action with a love-filled heart.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba