
Monday, January 31, 2011

Thought for the Day

1.How can those who are aware only of mere sensual pleasure know the Supreme Truth? The craving for sensual pleasure veils the truth from the inner eye. That craving manifests in multiple ways, creating increasingly more desires and laying down more and more urges to action. These hide the truth from our eye like a thick veil. The recognition of this veil is a big step in spiritual progress. This is the Maya Principle (delusion) of Vedanta. From immemorial times, though the Truth was self-evident, this curtain has hidden it from people. Fortunate are those who have achieved great strength in spirit, holding God as their father, mother, Guru, friend, and the beloved. They adored God as dearer to them than anything or anyone, here or hereafter.

2.Repetition of God’s Name and meditation should never be measured by mere external standards; they are to be judged by their inner effects. If one sways between impatience and sloth, and always worries, “Why has it not come yet? Why is it still far away?” then it all bolis down to repeating the Name simply and doing meditation with an eye always on the fruit thereof. The single fruit of repetition of Divine Names and doing meditation is the conversion of our focus from outward to inward, that is, seeing the reality of Atmic bliss. For this transformation, one has to be always active and hopeful, regardless of the time taken and the difficulties encountered. One should not count the cost, the time, or the trouble, and await the descent of the Lord’s grace. This patient wait is itself part of tapas (the austerity of meditation). Sticking unfalteringly to the vow is the austerity.

3.When you achieve sense-control, mind-cleansing, concentration and inner silence, what initially appeared as a logical necessity later dawns upon the purified consciousness as a Positive Permanent Impersonal Will (Prajnaanam Brahma). Through the unremitting practice of Truth, Righteousness, and Fortitude, the Divinity quiescent in the individual will be induced to manifest itself in daily living, transforming every day into the joy of true love. Know the Supreme Reality, breathe It, bathe in It. Live in It. Then It becomes all of you and you become fully Divine.

4.In the pure, serene (sathwic) path of meditation, you will consider repetition of the Holy Name and meditation as a duty and suffer any amount of trouble for its sake; you will be fully convinced that this world is just an illusion, so you will only do good under all conditions and at all times. You will desire only the good of all and will always love all; you will spend time uninterruptedly in the remembrance and meditation of the Lord. You will not crave even the fruit of repeating the Name and doing meditation; you will leave it all to the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thought for the Day

1.The key objective of education is the culture of the mind and the spirit. This is very much like agriculture, which provides food and clothing for man. We require dhaanya (grains) to sustain the body; we require dhyaana(meditation) to sustain the spirit. In agriculture, you prepare the soil, plant seeds, feed the plants with fertilisers, and reap the harvest. In ‘heart-culture’, we have to plough thehrudaya-kshetra (the field of the heart), remove the weeds and wild growth, and plant the seeds. The weeds are pernicious tendencies, attitudes and habits; the fertilisers are devotion and dedication. Water to help the plant grow is the quality of love. The seeds are the names of God, which are deposited within the purified heart. The harvest which is the reward of all this spiritual discipline is wisdom.

2.Spiritual aspirants (sadhakas) all over the world will naturally be engaged in repetition of the name (japa) and meditation (dhyana), but first, one has to be clear about the purpose of repeating the name and doing meditation. Without this knowledge, people believe them to be related to the objective world, capable of satisfying worldly desires, and hope to demonstrate their value by means of sensory gains! This is a grave error. Repetition of God’s name and meditation are for acquiring one-pointed attention on the Lord.

3.So long as attachment persists to the material body and possessions, worship of a material symbol is necessary. It is but a means. But many decry idol worship as a superstition. This is not correct. We will find it impossible to love God or adore Him unless we meditate on some Form. That is a necessary stage in the process of living. One has to accept it as such. A tree’s value is estimated with reference to its fruits. To experience the Divine Principle, idol worship is and has been a great help to many.

4.The main things to be considered are not at what expense one has prayed to the Lord, or the number of years one has been engaged in it, or the rules and regulations one has followed, or even the number of times one has prayed. The principal considerations are: with what mind one has prayed, with what degree of patience one has been awaiting the result, and with what single-mindedness one has craved for Godly bliss regardless of worldly happiness and delay, with no lassitude and with constant attention to oneself, one’s meditation, and one’s tasks on hand. As far as possible, you must direct the mind to all holy things which yield sweetness and the joy associated with the Lord.

5.The mind should not be wandering in all directions indiscriminately like the fly. The fly dwells in the sweetmeat shop and runs after the rubbish carts; the fly (mind) has to be taught to understand the sweetness of the first place and the impurity of the second place, so that it may not desert the sweetmeat shop and pursue the rubbish cart. When such teaching is imparted to the mind, it is called meditation. On the other hand, look at the bee! It has contact only with sweetness; it approaches only flowers that possess nectar; it is not attracted to other places; it does not proceed there at all. Similarly, you must give up all inclinations towards sensory attraction.

6.For you to liberate yourselves from the succession of deaths, the only means is "Knowing Him". Do not imagine that you are sinners, for you are heirs to eternal Ananda. You are ‘images’ of God. You are by nature holy, complete. Is there a sin greater than calling such as you, sinners? You are dishonouring and defaming yourselves when you acknowledge the appellation ‘sinners'. Arise! Cast off the feeling that you are the body. Do not be deluded into that idea. You are Atma. You are drops of Amrith (nectar) of Immortality that know neither beginning nor end. All things material are your bonded slaves - you you are not their bonded slaves!
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thought for the Day

1.The true seeker's approach is not to waste time in discussions and assertions of faith in dogmas. They will not delight in the sight of empty oyster shells thrown upon the beach. They will seek to gain the pearls that lie in the depths of the sea. They would gladly dive into those depths and courageously seek for pearls. The Vedas show the road to follow which leads to Realisation. Your goal should not be mere empty faith; it is the Sthithi (the stage reached) and the Siddhi (the wisdom won) that matters. The aim of every seeker is to reach fulfilment through constant sadhana (spiritual exercise). Mergence with the Divine is the attainment of fullness. This is the supreme victory for the true seeker.

2.Those who are immersed in selfishness, egotism, greed, vice, violence and unrighteousness will suffer from evil urges in their last days and destroy themselves. The virtuous attain Kaivalya or Self-Realisation; the unrighteous achieve only Naraka, hell. The eye of the onlooker sees the same consummation: death. But the goal reached by either is distinct; it is invisible to those around them. The goal is determined by the thoughts that arise in the mind during one’s last moments. Cessation of life is common. Darshan of God is something to be won, and earned. That is unique. Hence the proverb, ‘Vinaasa Kaale, vipareetha buddhi’: When disaster is immanent, the intellect turns perverted! Only those who are about to be destroyed will get and welcome evil intentions. Those who are to be bles sed with the vision of God will hold fast to the pure and the elevating in their last thoughts.

3.When you attain fulfilment, your life will be saturated with unexcelled ananda (Divine bliss), and you will experience oneness of thought, emotion and knowledge with all. You will be in ecstasy, immersed in the one and only, the Eternal Divine Principle, for that alone can confer joy. This is the genuine joy; there is no other. God is the embodiment of eternal, undiminished joy. Those loyal to God, accept this axiom that “God is the highest source of joy.”

4.Fools who cannot grasp the Truth; those who cannot recognise Divinity and the power of God and who have no faith in God live in the delusion that their plans will save them and that they can triumph through their own efforts! The fact is, not even the smallest success can be won without God’s grace. Though this is true, we should not sit with folded hands believing that a thing will accomplish itself if and when God wills. Human effort is essential, and everyone must put in sincere work. You must use the strength and skill that you are endowed with, and resolve to proceed with the task, laying the responsibility for success on God; for without the grace of God, all effort will be rendered fruitless.

5.The mind flies at a tangent all the time. Meditation (Dhyana) is the process by which it is trained to acquire concentration. When its basic truth is known, the mind will not be deluded by the evanescent, the untrue, and the unblissful. Instead, it will welcome the blossoming of joy, happiness, and truth, and it will not be affected by sorrow and grief. Your life also assumes a new splendour when you visualise and realise bliss in the awareness of the Supreme Reality. The taste of the fruit is evident when you see the whole of it is eaten with no portion left behind. So too, when the taste of meditation is once discovered, you will discard all doubt and discussion thereon and engage yourself fully in it. Therefore, begin meditation, each one of you, from today - even from this moment!

6.You feel happy when you know that this physical body is yours, do you not? Then when you know that two bodies are yours, should you not be twice happy? In the same way, with the knowledge that you have an increasing number of bodies, the experience of happiness goes on increasing. When the whole universe is known to be one body, and universal consciousness becomes part of the awareness, then the Ananda (bliss) will be complete. To get this universal consciousness, the limited egocentric prison walls must be destroyed. When the ego-self identifies itself with the Jeevi (individual soul) or Atma, death will cease. When the ego-self identifies itself and merges with the bliss of God, sorrow will cease. When it merges with Jnana or the Higher Wisdom, error will cease.

7.God is like fire and you are like coal. When coal comes in contact with fire, it becomes one with fire. Similarly, when you come in contact with God you become one with Him. Embodiments of Love! All of you are messengers of God. God alone is important. Zero gains value only when the numeral one precedes it. Moon is zero, sun is zero, world is zero too; only God is the Hero. Everything comes to nought in the absence of this Hero. A hero becomes zero if he forgets God. Have total faith in God; never give scope for any doubt. Then you are bound to be successful.

7.Everyone needs one-pointed concentration. To develop powers of concentration, sports and games are very essential. They serve to promote physical fitness and mental health. Games and sports are to be practised mainly for keeping the body in good trim. Along with keeping the body fit, it is equally essential to promote purity of the mind and develop large-heartedness. True humanness blossoms only when the body, the mind and the spirit are developed harmoniously. The enthusiasm and effort which people display in sports should also be manifested in the spheres of morality and spirituality. You must endeavour to experience the divinity that permeates Bharath's sacred culture. Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavanthu! (May all the people be happy) is the benedictory motto of Bhaarath.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, January 21, 2011

The future of the Nation depends on your actions.

1.Do not waste time speculating over what would happen in this New Year. If your actions are good, your future is bound to be good. The future of the nation depends on your actions. God is a witness; He neither protects nor punishes you. Each one is responsible for their pleasure or pain. In this New Year, develop new and sacred feelings and make everybody happy. Do not struggle for money; strive for love. Once you develop love, there will be no scope for evil qualities like anger, jealousy, etc. If your thoughts and actions are good, your future will be good. Then the whole country, nay, the whole world will prosper. Pray for the peace and prosperity of the entire world. Peace can be attained only through practice of human values.

2.Only an ardent devotee can understand and experience the bliss of oneness with God. Sugar tastes bitter to a person suffering from malaria. The defect lies in their tongue, not in the sugar. So is the case with a person immersed in worldly desires. If you are immersed in it, you cannot experience the sweetness of Divinity. Have the firm conviction “God is in me, with me, around me, behind me.” When you think on these lines, you become divine. Never entertain the thought that you are separate from God.

3.You may think that all those who know their end is drawing near, will, like King Parikshith, utilise their time in seeking to realise the vision of God. However, such a yearning can arise in the mind only as a consequence of a favourable balance of merit acquired in many lives; it will not arise all of a sudden. Consider the vast difference between what Parikshith was engaged in, when he knew that the allotted span of life is hastening to its finish, and the undertakings the demon king Kamsa was busy with when he knew that his end was in sight! These two attitudes are called Devaand asura, divine and demonic. Only those who are equipped with divine virtues have the eagerness to do good acts, and have good thoughts, faith in God, compassion towards all beings, truth, non-violence, love and contrition for swerving from t he straight path. To them alone, thoughts of God and urges to do sanctifying deeds will emerge during their last days.

4.You are all endowed with unlimited powers. Not a single person is without them! To gain awareness of this power, you must join the company of the holy, strive in spiritual practice (sadhana), and steadfastly practise repetition of the Divine Name and meditation. Of what avail is it, even though you have each item of provision in plenty in your kitchen, when you do not know how to cook them into palatable food? Similarly, when you have in yourself all the faculties needed for your upkeep and progress, but if you discard them lightly and leave them unused, how will you benefit? You must strive to see and understand the Universal Power (shakti), which is the basis of all the multifarious manifestations of name and form in the world.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, January 17, 2011

Don't waste your life in merely eating, drinking and sleeping

1.Once Droupadi asked Dharmaja, “Lord! You are undoubtedly the topmost among those who follow unwaveringly the path of Dharma; yet, how is it that such a terrible calamity happened to you?” Dharmaja replied, “Droupadi, do not grieve. Look at this Himalayan range. How magnificent, glorious, beautiful and sublime it is! It is so splendid a phenomenon that I love it without limit. It will not grant me anything; but it is my nature to love the beautiful, the sublime. Similarly, here too I am residing with Love. The embodiment of this sublime beauty is God. This is the meaning and significance of love for God. God is the only entity that is worth loving. This is the reason why I love Him. I shall not wish for any favour from Him. I shall not pray for any boon. Let Him keep me where He loves to keep me. The highest rewa rd for my love is His love! My love is not an article in the market.” Thus Dharmaja taught Droupadi that Love is a Divine quality and has to be treated so. Love is the spontaneous nature of those who are ever present in the awareness of theAtma.

2.People are suffering despair and defeat on account of the waywardness and unsteadiness of the senses. This is the result of inability to control and guide the intelligence and mind! The conflicting desires infecting the mind have to be quenched and controlled. Plunge the wayward mind, which is fleeing in all directions, in contemplation of the Name of the Lord; the effect will be like concentrating the rays of the sun through a piece of magnifying glass. The scattered rays develop the power of a flame to burn and consume. So too, when the waves of intellect and the feelings of mind get one-pointedness through the converging lens of the Atma, they manifest as the Universal Divine Splendour that can scorch evil and illumine joy. Everyone is able to gain success in his/her profession or occupation only through one-pointed attention . Even the pettiest of tasks needs the quality of concentration for its fulfilment. Thus, even the toughest problem yields to unswerving endeavour.

3.Adored by the Muslims as Allah, as Jehovah by the Christians, as the lotus-eyed Lord Vishnu by the Vaishnavites (worshippers of Lord Vishnu), and as Shambhu by the Shaivites (worshippers of Lord Shiva), God is worshipped as the One Supreme Self, who confers health and wealth. People may worship God in various names and forms, but the very same God responds to the prayers of all.

4.Unity of head, heart, and hand is essential for man. This is the true significance behind the Christians making the cross sign. Install God in your heart. Contemplate on Him and undertake good deeds. Consider every activity as God’s work and act accordingly. Merely feeding the poor and distributing clothes to the needy do not constitute Seva (selfless service). Along with this, one has to cultivate love, which is eternal. Right from dawn to dusk all our actions should be suffused with love. Start the day with love, fill the day with love, spend the day with love, end the day with love. This is the way to God.

5.To battle against the tendency of body-identification, and to win the grace of God as the only means of victory, spiritual exercises have been laid down, such as philosophical inquiry, besides sense control (dama), and other disciplines of the six-fold Sadhana (spiritual discipline). The practice of these will ensure the purification of the consciousness. It will then become like a clean mirror that can reflect the object, so the Atma will stand revealed clearly. For Jnanasiddhi (the attainment of the highest wisdom),Chitthashuddhi (the cleansing of the consciousness) is the royal path. For the pure in heart, this is easy to achieve. This is the central truth of the search for the Ultimate Reality.

6.The world observes only the interval between birth and death; they concern themselves only with that limited period. But God, the Master and Sovereign of all the worlds, past, present and future, does not do like that. He has more compassion than the entire human race put together. He showers His grace, weighing the three tenses of time, the three tiers of space, and the three traits of character. He knows best, more than any one else that the best recourse for you is to believe that everything is His Will and be at peace, and immerse yourself in the contemplation of His glory and grace.

7.Having taken birth as a human being, one has to realise the Divinity within. The primary duty of every individual, as a messenger of God, is to practice and propagate the principles of truth, love, and peace and to experience the bliss within and share it with others. The one who propagates the worldly, fleeting, and ephemeral matters cannot be called a Messenger of God. The one who loves God is the Messenger of God. The one whom God loves is the Son of God. The one who understands the principle of unity becomes one with God.

8.You should not waste your life in merely eating, drinking, and sleeping. In fact such a life is a blot on human nature itself. Every activity of yours should reflect the divine message. Unfortunately, this is not the case today. Some people claim that they have dedicated their lives to the mission of God. But in reality it is not so. They are wasting their precious time in materialistic pursuits. There is nothing wrong in studying, doing jobs, and earning money provided they are done in the right spirit, which is beneficial to one and all. You see many people suffering. In what way are you helping them? The dualities of life such as pain and pleasure go hand in hand; they co-exist. It is impossible to separate them. Pleasure does not exist separately. The fructification of pain is pleasure. This message of truth must be taught to the en tire world. Without pain, one does not realise the value of pleasure. The value of light can be realised only when there is darkness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Your Name and fame, all the comforts you enjoy, are derived from society

Service is an expression of gratitude to society. It should not be done in a spirit of condescension or to achieve some ulterior selfish objective. It should proceed from an awareness of what you owe to society. You must realise that you are bettering yourself by rendering service. Your name and fame, all the comforts you enjoy, are derived from society. Sheer gratitude demands that one should serve society which is the source of all benefits enjoyed by man. What is required for service is not money and materials. A loving heart is the first requisite. All service done without a love-filled heart is as dry as dust. Fill your hearts with love. When you are immersed in the spirit and filled with love, everything looks good and beautiful.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Every human being is a messenger of God

1.The supreme secret is that you must live in the world where you are born, like the lotus leaf, which though born in water, floats upon it without being affected or wet by it. Of course, it is good to love and adore God with a view to gain some valuable fruit either here or hereafter. But since there is no fruit or object more valuable and worthwhile than God, the Vedas advise us to love God, with no touch of desire in our minds. Love, since you must love for love’s sake. Love God alone, with no other wish or demand, since whatever He can give is but less than He Himself.

2.Maya (illusion) obstructs vision of the Reality. Its nature is to hide the reality and make it appear as the unreal. Only when you remove it and destroy it can you have a vision of God. Through this way alone can you attain God. Maya makes you feel that the non-existent exists. It shows water in the mirage. It makes you see what is imagined and desired as Truth. Delusion cannot affect a man if he is able to give up desire, imagination and planning. If you get this faith firm in yourself, there can be no more desire for external pleasures. Enquire and investigate; you will know this truth. Without that enquiry, delusion will grow and intellect will be slowly subdued.

3.Every human being is a messenger of God. Everyone is born in this world by the Will of God. Your foremost duty is to make the stream of Divine Love flow to one and all. You are born not merely to live for yourself. Only by dedicating your life to the service of the society, will you ennoble yourself and achieve self-satisfaction. God has sent you to this world to practice and propagate this message. Of what avail is human birth if you remain like a lump of clay without serving the Society?

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, January 10, 2011

Thought for the day

Developing faith in the Atma Principle and loving it earnestly is true worship. There is only one Divine Self. Feel that it is more loveable than any object here or hereafter—that is the true adoration you can offer to God. This is what the Vedas teach. The Vedas do not teach the acceptance of a bundle of frightfully hard rules and restrictions. They do not hold before you a prison house where man is shut in by the bars of cause and effect. They teach us that there is One who is the Sovereign behind all these rules and restrictions, One who is the core of each object, each unit of energy, each particle or atom and One under whose orders alone the five elements—ether, air, fire, water and earth—operate. Love Him, adore Him, worship Him - this is the grand philosophy of Love as elaborated in the Vedas.
The confusing influence of maya (illusion) is the consequence of one’s accumulated activities in previous lives. You can escape maya through good consequence. If good activity has marked previous lives, any sinful tendency will and can be overwhelmed by virtuous tendencies in this life. You will have faith in Divinity and you will attach yourself to the Divine and spend your life on the basis of the Divine. On the other hand, those who have committed horrible crimes in past lives have the dreadful darkened vision, and it prevents them from seeing the Divine. Such a person is never reminded of God and His handiwork, never yearns for his own good and the good of others. They see things in false perspective. They revel in wickedness, and engage in vicious acts.
3.The cart of inner senses (anthah-karana) must be yoked to the bullocks of intelligence (buddhi) and mind (manas) and made to follow their tracks. But if the bullocks ofBuddhi and Manas have no knowledge of the pathways of truth, righteousness, peace, and love and if they have never once trodden that path, then the cart of the inner senses itself might come to grief! Even if they are prodded to proceed, they will only drag the cart to the familiar post of confusion, injustice, cruelty, indiscipline, and falsehood! What then of the journey? When is the arrival to be? Therefore,Buddhi and Manas have to be taught the art of pulling the cart and moving steadily along the road. This has to be done by repetition of the Lord’s Name (Japa) and meditation (Dhyana ).
Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, January 7, 2011

ஈஷா யோகா

சத்குருவிடமிருந்து நேரடி தீட்சை பெற அரிய வாய்ப்பு

சத்குருவுடன் மூன்று நாட்கள் – மதுரை – மார்ச் 11,12,13

சத்குரு நிகழ்த்தும் 3 நாட்கள் யோகா வகுப்பில் பங்கேற்க அனைவரும் வாருங்கள், உங்களில் மலருங்கள்

உயர்ந்த உடல் நலத்தையும், உள மகிழ்ச்சியையும் பெற்று உங்களிடமே நிறைந்துள்ள அளவில்லாத சக்தியை உணர ஒரு வாய்ப்பு.

வாழ்க்கையை புதிய கோணங்களில் சிந்திக்கவும், உணரச் செய்யவும் செய்கிறது. நினைவாற்றல், மனம் குவிப்புத்திறன், முடிவெடுக்கும் திறன் ஆகியவை சில வாரப் பயிற்சிகளிலேயே 100% வரை அதிகரிக்க முடியும்.

நாட்பட்ட நோய்களான ஆஸ்துமா, உயர் ரத்த அழுத்தம், நீரிழிவு, மூட்டு வலிகள், தலைவலி, சைனஸ், முதுகுவலி, இருதயக் கோளாறு, உடற் பருமன் மற்றும் தீராத நோய்களும் குணமடையவும், வராமல் தடுக்க இயலும்.

மிகவும் தொன்மையான ஷாம்பவி மஹாமுத்ரா பயிற்சி வாழ்க்கையை மாற்றி அமைக்க கூடிய அளவில் சக்தி வாய்ந்ததாகும்.

எந்த மதமானாலும், எந்த இனமானாலும், பிரிவானாலும் இந்த யோகப் பயிற்சிக்கு தடையாக இல்லை. இப்பயிற்சி அனைவருக்கும் முற்றிலும் பரிசோதித்து அனுபவபூர்வமாக அறியக்கூடிய விஞ்ஞானமாகும்.


மனம் நிறைய தர்க்க ரீதியான கேள்விகள் பலவற்றுடன் நான் ஈஷா யோகாவில் சேர்ந்தேன். வெளியில் வரும்போது இதயம் நிறைய நல்ல பல உணர்வுகளுடன் வந்தேன். அது என்னை எனக்கு அறிமுகப்படுத்தியது. வாழ்வைப் பற்றி விழிப்புணர்வை விரிவாக்கியது. தொழிலில் ஆர்வத்தை வளர்த்தது. அவலமான உண்மைகளை எதிர்கொள்வதற்கான தெம்பையும், கவனத்தையும் எனக்கு அளித்தது.

-----திரு.பட்டுக்கோட்டை பிரபாகர், நாவலாசிரியர்

ஈஷா யோக வாழ்வில் உள்ள ஆனந்தத்தையும், எனக்குள் புதைந்திருந்த ஆற்றலையும் வெளிப்படுத்தியது.

--திரு.டி.ஆர்.ரத்தினம், வரி ஆலோசகர் மற்றும் சட்ட அறிவுரையாளைர்

யோகா வகுப்பிற்கு முன்பு இந்த உண்மை தெரிந்திருந்தால் நிச்சயம் சூழ்நிலைக் கைதியாக வந்திருக்க மாட்டேன். ஒருவேளை நான் இங்கு வராமல் போயிருந்தால் இந்த உண்மைய தெரிந்து கொள்ள முடியாமல் போயிருப்பேன்.

-- திரு என்.ராதா, கோவை மத்திய சிறைவாசி

ஆஹா ! படிக்கும் போதே ஆனந்தம். உடன் யோகா பயிற்சி பெற்று நல்மண(ன)ப் பூவாய் மலரப்போகிறேன்……..

திரு.ஆர்.எஸ்.சிவப்ரகாஷ், துணை வணிக வரி அலுவலர்