
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thought for the Day

There is no love between the husband and the wife before they are married. There is no love between the mother and the child before the birth of the child. The son, though he loved his mother with all his heart, flings her body onto the burning pyre and consigns her to the flames without any mercy after death. How can such love be called true Love? All such relationships can at best be termed attachment and not Love. Attachments come in the middle and pass off in the middle. But Divine Love existed even before birth and will last after death. Attachments are like passing clouds that sail away quickly. True Love is uncontaminated, unsoiled, unadulterated, unpolluted, eternal, perennial, pure and unsullied. It is only Divine Love that is not tainted by selfishness and self-interest, and exists before birth and lasts after death. All other kinds of love are stained by selfishness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the day

True learning is like an X-ray camera, which lays bare the innermost details with perfect fidelity. Our mind should be like an X-ray with Love as the film, such that it captures the entire personality of a being with accuracy. An X-ray machine without film is of no use, as nothing can be captured then. Love must be abiding and eternal. But today the love of people is transient and ephemeral, and may expire at any time. It is not at all worthy of being called Love. True Love endures trial and turbulence, loss, and pain, and transcends every trying circumstance. Never forget God under any circumstance, however difficult it might be. Our Love for God should survive every onslaught, and resist all the ravages of time and the vicissitudes of life. Our Love should not change and float with every passing wind. The lives of great devotees demonstrate to us how firm and strong our devotion should be.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Without faith in God, all other possessions are of no avail. Take the example of Duryodhana, who was the lord of an empire. Both Duryodhana and Arjuna went to Krishna before the Kurukshetra battle. Duryodhana wanted only Krishna's army on his side. Arjuna was content to have Krishna alone on his side. This was enough to secure for him victory in the war. All the armies Duryodhana had were of no avail. Duryodhana relied on the clever strategies of his uncle, Shakuni. He had no faith in the divine intelligence of Krishna. The lesson that everyone must learn from this episode is that they must rely, not on their cleverness but on the guidance of their higher intelligence, which transcends ordinary reason and thinking. They should seek the support of That which sustains everything in creation. Place your trust in God

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Geetha says: Shraddhavan labhate jnanam (The persevering seeker secures wisdom). This means that without perseverance and earnestness, no success can be achieved. You must develop interest and devote attention to the path shown by elders and to the knowledge taught by scriptures. You must pay heed to what the elders say. If you have no earnestness(shraddha) you cannot achieve anything, despite your worldly qualifications. Despite ages of evolution and considerable progress in scientific knowledge, people are unable to make significant progress towards the Divine because of absence of strenuous striving in the spiritual sphere. Study of the scriptures and reciting God's names may be good acts in themselves. But if there is no love for God from within, which is the basis of allsadhana (spiritual discipline), any amount of recitation, listening or reading of scriptures are of no use.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Whenever the children go astray, wittingly or unwittingly, parents must quickly correct their faults and bring them to the righteous path. The obligations of parents do not end with providing food, schooling and knowledge of worldly matters. The children should also be provided with right values. They should not be made to think that the acquisition of wealth is the be-all and end-all of life. Wealth will not accompany anyone when they leave the world. Wealth is necessary only for meeting your essential needs. Too much wealth is an embarrassment like an oversized shoe. Too little of it is likely to be painful, like a tight fitting shoe. So, it is desirable to have only that amount of wealth that is adequate for your basic needs. It is deplorable that today, in the mad pursuit of money, people are forgetting all human qualities.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Can any high-powered bulb equal the matchless brilliance of the Sun?

Can any high-powered bulb equal the matchless brilliance of the Sun? Can any pump in the world supply as much water as we get from a heavy downpour? Can any fan in the world give as much coolness as given by the Wind-God? The gifts of God are abundant, bountiful and beyond compare. We pay tax for many facilities we enjoy, like water-tax to the corporation, tax to the electricity department for providing power, etc. But what taxes are we paying to the great Lord who provides us with endless power, light and wind? When we pay tax to the different departments for services provided, is it not our duty to pay the tax of gratitude to God? We do not show any gratitude to God who has gifted us the five elements, which never get depleted. In fact, our foremost duty should be to express our gratitude to God, who gives us so much in endless abundance.

Bagavan Sri SRi Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

When you become conscious of the light, acquire wisdom and realise the meaning of existence, you will be transported from agony to ecstasy. Light here does not signify the light of the Sun, the Moon or the lamp, but that of the heart. Wisdom does not refer to scientific wisdom, but enlightenment brought about by the transformation of the heart. What about existence? Awareness of your own true reality is the proper meaning of existence. The awareness of your reality lies in the realisation that you are not the body, the mind or the senses. True realisation lies in understanding the fact that you are based on a transcendental principle that goes beyond the boundaries of matter. One should earnestly investigate the presence of Divinity in human life. Awareness of one’s own duty is tantamount to the awareness of Divinity in human life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Parents have the primary responsibility to mould the character of children. Too much freedom should not be given out of excessive affection. -

Dhritarashtra had a hundred sons, the Kauravas. He knew very well that they were a wicked lot, and also knew that his brother's sons, the Pandavas, were wedded to righteousness (Dharma). He was also aware that the Kauravas were inflicting many indignities and injuries on them. Vyasa warned him thus many times: "Dhritarashtra! I do not say that for you to love your sons is wrong. But you must not shower misplaced affection on your sons. Do not behave like a blind ignorant man. By showing your unrestricted love for a bad son, you are causing harm to the community and the country." The doting father did not heed to sage's advice. Consequently, he got involved in many sinful actions. Through blind infatuation for his sons, what did Dhritarashtra achieve? In the final outcome, he had no one even to perform his funeral obsequies. The Pandavas had to render this service to him. It is not wrong to love children. But parents should learn how to love them.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Your thoughts are the root cause of everything. Therefore, you should have only noble, sacred, pure, and meaningful thoughts

Good company can elevate one to the level of Divinity, whereas bad company can degenerate one to the level of an animal. You should make efforts to rise above the human level. No effort is needed for your downward fall. To become bad is very easy. Young people today entertain bad thoughts and feelings, and perform bad actions, thereby wasting their precious young age. Unfortunately, people today associate with bad company, because of which their good feelings and actions are turned into bad feelings and actions — ultimately making their lives very miserable. Though it may appear to be very difficult to attain the higher level, you should still make efforts to reach higher levels. Your thoughts are the root cause of everything. Therefore, you should have only noble, sacred, pure, and meaningful thoughts.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Everyone should treasure in their hearts love for their mother, who bore them, reared them with love and fostered them with care

All of you should earnestly investigate the presence of Divinity in human life. Awareness of your duty is equal to the awareness of Divinity in daily living. In the modern world, nobody has a sense of gratitude. Some of you fail to show gratitude even to doctors who heal you when you were sick. You argue that you need not be grateful to the Doctor because it is their duty to cure a suffering patient. But remember, as a patient, you too have a duty. Flagrant violation of duty leads you nowhere. It is your duty to show gratitude to the mother who nourished you in the womb and fostered your wellbeing. Strange, but many even question why they should be grateful to the mother, who, in their opinion, is duty bound to take care of her children. Please internalise that it is your primary duty to take care of your mother who gave birth to you and raised you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Parents should feel happy only when they see their children leading blameless lives, acquiring a good name and behaving properly.

Parents today lavish too much affection on their children. But such affection alone is not enough. There should be both ‘love’ and ‘law’. Only when both love and restraint are present will the love prove beneficial. For all the evil habits of children, who are naturally innocent and uninformed, the parents are primarily responsible. Parents today do not make any efforts to teach proper ways of behaviour to the children. They pamper the children by giving them money and gifts freely. They want their children to become officers, to earn large incomes, acquire wealth and lead a life of comfort and ease. But they do not consider for a moment how they should make the children realise the need to develop good qualities. It is up to parents to teach the children to cultivate right attitudes and moral qualities. Parents should feel happy only when they see their children leading blameless lives, acquiring a good name and behaving properly. 
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Thought for the Day

Human life by itself is very sacred. But it becomes good or bad according to the company with which it is associated. When you keep iron in dust, it gets rusted. But when the same iron is put in fire, it gets rid of its rust, becomes soft, and starts shining. Particles of dust rise up in the sky in the company of wind but fall down into gutter when they are associated with rainwater. The dust particles do not have wings to fly up in the sky, nor have they feet to jump down. Both, their rise and their fall happen by the effect of the company. Your good or bad depends upon the type of company you join. Good company makes you sacred and divine. Bad company gives rise to bad feelings and bad thoughts, which prompt you to perform bad deeds. Therefore, it is essential for you to join good company and develop your humanness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thought for the Day

Dharma and Jnana (right conduct and spiritual wisdom) are two eyes given to you to discover your uniqueness and your innate Divinity. Dharma indicates the right path which every individual, group or society should follow. Dharma destroys the one who violates it and protects the one who protects it. The edifice of Dharma is erected on the foundation of Truth. Nyaya (justice) is an essential attribute of Dharma. A society, nation or an individual shines with glory only when they adhere to justice, acquire wealth by the pursuit of agriculture, business or any other profession, and acquire merit and divine grace by adhering to morality (neethi) and righteousness (Dharma).While Dharma leads to right action, it is necessary also to acquire Jnana. All the sufferings and problems in life arise from the sense of duality. Once the feeling of 'I' and 'mine' is got rid of, consciousness of the all-pervading Divinity can be realised.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Thought for the Day

There are no limitations of time or space for the establishment of oneself in the contemplation of the Omnipresent Lord. For this, there is nothing like a holy place or a special time. Wherever the mind revels in contemplation of the Divine that is the holy place! Whenever it does so, that is the auspicious moment! Then and there, one must meditate on the Lord. Hence scriptures reveal, ‘To meditate on God, there is no fixed time or place. When and where the mind so desires, then and there is the time and place!’ (Na kaala niyamo yathra, na deshasya sthalasya cha Yathrasya ramathe chittham, thathra dhyanena kevalam.) The world can achieve prosperity through disciplined souls whose hearts are pure and who represent the salt of the earth. To promote the welfare of the world, from this very minute, everyone should pray for the advent of such holy personages, and deserve the blessings of the great, and forget the sufferings of your daily living.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Thought for the Day

Dharma when wedded to great a soul called Truth (Sathya), the children of Earnestness (Shraddha), Compassion (Daya), Peace(Shanti), Prosperity (Pushti), Contentment (Shanthushti), Progress(Vriddhi), Modesty (Lajja), Honour (Gouravam) and Liberation(Mukthi) will arise. Carefully examine yourself, if you are from the above Dharma lineage or from that of Ignorance (Mithya) and Unrighteousness (Adharma). When you assiduously practiceDharma, the Divinity within you will manifest itself spontaneously. Do not limit Dharma to mere words. You are the very embodiment of righteousness. But you will not be worthy of this appellation if you do not lead a life of Dharma. Everyone must realise that to attain oneness with Divinity is the goal of human life. Hence it is your primary duty to develop faith in the Divine. With faith, you will lead a life devoted to Dharma, Sathya and Neethi (Righteousness, Truth and Justice), and achieve the purpose of your birth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Devote your time to the service of the world, with faith in the Lord, regardless of its fruits. Then you become blessed. Otherwise, though the body may be inactive, the mind will be very busy, committing acts on its own. People with such minds fall prey tokarma in spite of their not doing anything! When a person has the mind fixed on contemplation of God and the pursuit of truth, though the body and senses do acts that are of service to the world, they won't be affected by them; though they do actions (karma), they are still non-doers of action. This is the lesson from Bhagavad Gita. The heart of the person who doesn't strive to cultivate the mind with holy thoughts is certain to be the paradise of evil and wickedness. Everyone who hopes to rise to greatness, seeks one-pointedness and aspires for salvation, must bear this in mind. Spiritual wisdom alone is the cause of liberation.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Satha Sai Baba

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Love and sacrifice are the two greatest qualities in life

In the world the progeny of Dharma and Adharma (Righteousness and Unrighteousness) are continually growing. Consider this lineage: Unrighteousness (Adharma) married delusion (Mithya). Mithya is neither truth nor untruth. This couple had two children, a son called Ahamkara (egoism) and a daughter called Moha(infatuation). As both are the children of Ignorance, with no capacity to judge what is right and wrong, the unholy alliance between them resulted in the birth of Lobha (avarice) and Vanchana (deceit) as son and daughter. From the wrongful union of these two, Irshya(jealousy) and Krodha (anger) were born. Out of their union, Bheeti(fear) and Mrityu (death) were born. This lineage is known asAdharma Santhathi (the progeny of unrighteousness). Following this lineage of Unrighteousness, every union is improper.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Thought for the Day

Do not feel proud about your cleverness or intelligence or about your ability to win laurels in studies. Good character and righteous thinking are more valuable than scholastic achievements, wealth, power or intellectual abilities. Utilise your intelligence and thoughts for achieving bliss which comes from leading a life of righteousness and goodness. Let your life be dedicated to ideals. The Lord is secured and bound only by the intensity of your devotion. The Ganges of true devotion must flow from your heart. Everything that is associated with Divinity has its origin in the heart. Hence the heart should be emptied of all evil and kept pure and unsullied by right action. It may not be possible to escape the consequences of one's good and bad actions. But even a mountain of sin can be wiped out by winning the grace of the Divine. Hence one should strive to earn the love of God, which is all-embracing and all-powerful.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, March 11, 2016

Thought for the Day

Many state that service to humanity (manava-seva) is service to God (Madhava-seva). It is true. Although the service of humanity is holy, unless it is merged in the bigger ideal of divinity in everyone, people won’t benefit, however huge the service. Quoting the slogan is useless if service is done with an eye on name and fame and the fruits of one’s action. Only when you constantly contemplate on the Lord, follow true and righteous means in execution, and work with faith in the essential divinity of people, then the service to humanity truly becomes service to God. Without thoughts of God how can service to God originate? All such talk is mere show. In fact those who are immersed in the uninterrupted contemplation of the Lord need not do any other task at all. The fruit of their prayer itself can make the world holy. However all can’t be thus engaged, so others must prepare for that stage by purifying their mind and diminishing their desires.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

In money, scholarship, knowledge and intelligence there is no evil. Evil arises only from the activities you carry out using them

The game of life you play is akin to the Mahabharatha war. On one side were the forces of evil, the Kauravas, and on the other the powers of good, the Pandavas. They played the game of life with the empire as the football. Until achieving complete victory, Lord Krishna was the sole chief for the righteous Pandavas, who completely surrendered to Him. The wicked Kauravas lost their commanders one after the other in the battle. The real contest today within you is the one between the evil qualities of desire, hatred, envy, pride, etc. and good qualities like truth, virtue, peace, nonviolence and love. Your body is the battlefield. One team’s captain is the embodiment of good qualities. The captain of the other is the embodiment of mundane desires. Those who adhere to ever changing and worldly desires will attain defeat. Only those who attach themselves to the unchanging and eternal Divine can hope for enduring success in life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

When there is no possibility of achieving and acquiring devotion, charity, peace, and truth, the great and good people who desire to achieve them pray to the Lord within themselves. When the Lord’s will, the needs of spiritual seekers, and the teachings of great persons unite, the happiness of the world will be assured and undiminished. If all humanity prays at one time for unrest, injustice, disorder, and falsehood to be transformed into peace, truth, love, and mutual service, things will certainly become better. There is no other way out. Worrying is fruitless. This is no occasion for despair. It is against the essential nature of people to plead weakness and want of strength. Therefore giving up the search for other means, people must try prayer, service to others, and mutual love and respect. They should delay no longer; they will soon acquire contentment and joy.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Thought for the Day

Embodiments of Love, consider for a moment, where from the rain comes. It comes from the clouds. Clouds come from water vapour, rising from the sea. Rain water becomes a channel on the earth, changes itself into a rivulet and merges into a big river, and finally reaches the sea as its destination. A pot made out of clay when broken, is cast on the ground, and in course of time, becomes clay again. Water from the sea joins the sea, clay from the earth, goes back to earth again, but why does a human being alone forget the source He came from? The only besetting evil in human being is the sense of ‘mine’ (Mamakara), the acquisitive and possessive feeling. This is the root-cause for all other evils. You must remember that you are truly divine. You inhale and exhale 21,600 times – it is a natural reminder of the message of ‘SO-HAM’ (I am God) which is the truth about your divine reality.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Prayer alone makes life happy, harmonious and worth living in this universe.

Truly, the prayers of the great act as an invitation even for the advent of the Lord. In the external world, when the subjects need any convenience or help, they approach the rulers and inform them of their request. So also, in the internal state, when there is no possibility of achieving and acquiring devotion, charity, peace, and truth, the great and good people who desire to achieve them pray to the Lord within themselves. Then, listening to their prayers, He Himself comes into the world and showers His grace on them. Ramayana and Bhagavata reveal that Lord Rama and Krishna incarnated as an answer to the prayers of the sages. Thus prayers should be offered again and again for the realisation of the task. No one should become desperate and give up prayers if they don’t result immediately in the advent of the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Who is Lord Shiva, and where is He to be found? Many answers are given, including Kailash as His place of residence. The true answer is, ‘Isavasyam Idam Sarvam’ (All this is pervaded by Isa). He is omnipresent. There is no place, object or being where God is not present. Correct your outlook and recognise this unity in the apparent diversity around you. When God is omnipresent, what need is there to go in search of Him? The search is meaningless. If one gets rid of attachment and hatred, one will experience the Divinity inherent within. This is the sadhana (spiritual exercise) one has to do today - to get rid of desire and hatred which conceal the God within. Many people ask: "Swami! Show us the way." All you have to do is to go back to the source from which you came. Where is the need for seeking the way? The Bhagavatha has declared that it is the natural destiny of every living being to go back to where each one came from.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Arms and bombs cannot save the world.

Arms and bombs cannot save the world. God’s Grace alone can save the world. Hence your foremost duty is to pray for His grace. Prayer is supremely important and this awareness is needed in your daily living, at every step. Never forget that nothing is as powerful as the Lord’s Name to protect you. When you sing alone, your heart is merged in the song. When many sing together, the prayer acquires a divine power. Hence Guru Nanak commended community singing. With melody and rhythm, you must impart feeling to your song to make the bhajan a sacred offering. A tune (raga) without feeling(bhava) is a disease (roga). Giving up conceit and exhibitionism, sing bhajans in a spirit of humility and devotion, with the full awareness of the power of the Lord’s Name. This is the right way to do bhajans. When all participants sing in unison, sacred vibrations are produced, and the divine energies released fill the whole universe.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Police and rulers can overcome only external foes; they have no power to destroy the internal enemies. The internal foes, the six enemies (arishadvarga) that operate inside a person, can be uprooted only by the teachings of the Lord, love of God, and the company of the holy and the great. The world suffers harm at the hands of wicked people when the police and the authorities fail in their duties. Similarly, the world is enveloped in darker ignorance when ‘great’ spiritual aspirants give up the path of world welfare, become victims of sense enjoyment and nurture ambition to earn name and fame. Spiritual elders are the rulers of the internal state; administrative authorities are the rulers of the external state. The whole world will bask in peace and joy only when worldly authorities and spiritual aspirants realise their duties and perform them with the right attitudes, with the welfare of all at heart, remembering the omnipotence of the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, March 4, 2016

Thought for the Day

Dharma and Jnana (right conduct and spiritual wisdom) are two eyes given to you to discover your uniqueness and your Divinity. - Baba

Righteousness (Dharma) is eternal, it is same for everyone everywhere.

Righteousness (Dharma) is eternal, it is same for everyone everywhere. It expresses the significance of one’s inner Divinity(Atma). The birth place of righteousness (dharma) is your heart. What emanates from the heart as a pure idea, when translated into action is called dharma. If this is to be explained in a manner that all can understand, you can say, “Do unto others as you want them to do unto you”! Dharma also consists in avoiding actions which would hurt others. If anyone does things that causes happiness to you, then you in turn, should do such things that will cause happiness to others. When we recognise that certain acts others do cause difficulties, and when we too do the same deeds, that clearly is adharma! Sometimes, and under some circumstances, an individual who commits a wrong must be told in very clear terms that he has done something wrong, so that he improves.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Be humble, be calm, be tolerant. Co-operate with all and treat everyone with
courtesy and kindness. - Baba

Thought for the Day

Kind-hearted doctors run medical institutions here and there, serve the diseased and cure the afflicted. Similarly if we had ashrams here and there of holy personages who were experts in the treatment and cure of the ‘birth-and-death disease’, then people could be cured of the afflictions of ignorance, untruth, immorality, and self-aggrandisement. Ignorance produces wickedness, and it can be cured only by the medicine of the knowledge of Brahman(Brahma-jnana), with supplementary doses of the drugs like peacefulness, fortitude, self-control (santhi, sama, dama), etc. Instead, the ‘great men’ of today, for the sake of name and fame, give those who approach them the medicines they demand and the drugs their patients relish! The so-called ‘great’, on account of their weakness and foolishness, fall into perdition even before they taste the spiritual bliss themselves! The holy essence has to be experienced and realised. One’s selfish needs have to be sacrificed.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Good qualities, good practices, and good behaviour are the hallmarks of a student.      Baba.

Many students waste their time in bad company, bad thoughts, and bad behavior

Your mind, destiny, position, and wealth (mati, gati, stiti, andsampatti), are gifts of God. You must use it to develop the qualities of equality, solidarity, integrity, and amity. But people today have changed their mind (mati) into a wicked mind(durmati). It is your mind that makes you a good or bad person. Improper use of mind will make you egoistic. Modern youth and students aspire for wealth, friendship, and high position but not virtues, and indulge in ostentation. Many students waste their time in bad company, bad thoughts, and bad behavior. Brass and gold, both look alike. But a vessel of brass makes much more noise than one made of gold. Students should not indulge in showmanship and tall talk. Always talk sweetly and softly, with humility. You cannot always oblige, but you can always speak obligingly. Always talk lovingly and respectfully, and conduct yourself fittingly as an ideal devotee, an ideal student.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba