
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Ages have gone by and the world has undergone many changes, but there is no transformation in the human heart.

Ages have gone by and the world has undergone many changes, but there is no transformation in the human heart. Some people say that education is bringing about a change in man. No doubt, there has been a change. But what type of change is it? It is a peculiar change that is leading to the perversion of the human mind instead of transforming his heart. In fact, modern education has added to the confusion of man. Man is not learning what he is supposed to. He is wasting his life by cultivating bestial qualities and by indulging in demonic deeds. The culture of Bharat lays great emphasis on the underlying unity in diversity. It wants us to understand this principle of unity and work for our own redemption. But we are following what is contrary to our ancient culture. So, there is a rise today in the number of so-called educated intellectuals who fragment unity into diversity, but the number of noble souls who visualise unity in diversity is on the decline. The way of life of ancient Bharatiyas was such that they evinced great concern for everyone’s welfare. They found fulfilment in giving happiness to others.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Take it that it is Rama that speaks through you and honour every word as Rama would have done. Consider how much Lakshmana had to repent for not acting, on one fateful occasion, according to the word he had given to Rama Himself. Rama had asked him to never leave Sita alone in the hermitage and he had agreed. But he left the place and that is how Ravana could kidnap Sita and carry her to his island city! Rama is Atma-Rama, the voice of God within. Do not disobey it or circumvent its directives. Pray that the voice alerts you ever, pray with humility and surrender to the advice. Then Rama will guide you right with compassion. Ramadas of Bhadhrachalam was thrown into prison; he was whipped without mercy. But he never lost faith in Rama. He pleaded plaintively for grace, and he was able to earn divine intervention to save himself from torture. Unwavering faith is the sign of spiritual success. That is the result of the awareness of one's inner Reality, the stabilising core, the Divine in man.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Dharma is not a thing that can be determined by each and every person, according to one’s whim. Some may say that the dharma that comes out of one’s heart is one’s dharma; how can it become the dharma of God? So, in your heart - not the physical heart but the spiritual heart - you must try to locate and cognise the Principle of the Self. The word “I” belongs to Atma and never to the body. Thus, dharma is that which comes from our heart and which is to be put into practice by us. The vyavaharika dharma or dharma relating to the daily routine changes from day to day. Those things that change from day to day are not real dharma. Dharma is eternal, it is immutable, it is truth. If it is changeable, why should we establish such a dharma? Should we act according to it? Rama has been described in the Ramayana by the statement, Ramo vigrahavan dharmaha - Rama is the embodiment of dharma. Even though Rama had a physical body, the dharma that He lived and set as example and established in the world for eternity is the eternal dharma; it is the Unchanging Truth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Duty is God; Work is worship. Even the tiniest work is a flower placed at the feet of God.

Render your hearts cool with delight, share the delight with others, and adore God in this delectable form. When you go into the qualifications needed for seva, you will know that a pure heart, uncontaminated by conceit, greed, envy, hatred or competition is essential. What is also needed is faith in God, as the spring of vitality, virtue, and justice. Seva is the worship you offer to God in the heart of everyone. Do not ask another which state you belong to, or which caste or creed you profess. See your favourite form of God in that other person; as a matter of fact, he is not 'other' at all. It is His image, as much as you are. You are not helping some 'one individual'; you are adoring Me, in him. I am before you in that Form; so, what room is there for the ego in you to raise its hood? Duty is God; Work is worship. Even the tiniest work is a flower placed at the feet of God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Man alone is capable of seva; that is his special glory and unique skill.

You may not get a chance to partake in some gigantic scheme of service through which millions may be benefitted; you can lift a lame lamb over a stile, or lead a blind child across a busy road. That too is an act of worship. Seva is more fruitful than japa, dhyana, yajna and yaga, usually recommended for spiritual aspirants. For, Seva serves two purposes: the extinction of the ego, and the attainment of ananda (bliss). When someone sitting near you is sunk in sorrow; can you be happy? No. A baby nearby might be weeping pathetically, and your eyes are full of tears in sympathy. Why? There is an unseen bond between the two. Man alone has this quality of sympathy; he alone can be happy when others are happy, and miserable when others are miserable. That is why he is the paragon of creation, the acme of animal advancement. Man alone is capable of seva; that is his special glory and unique skill.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Ravana sought to achieve greatness but did not strive to lead a good life. Rama's career is different. He aspired only to be a good man and did not seek greatness.

Ravana taught a great lesson to the world. He exclaimed: "Oh men! Do not live as I have lived and ruin your lives." What is the root cause of Ravana's ruin? Unable to conquer his desires and unwilling to get rid of his impulses, he ruined his entire clan. His sons were killed. His brother and other kinsmen died and ultimately his country itself was reduced to ashes. Ravana confessed - "In the end I ruined myself”. This was the message Ravana gave to his countrymen in his last moments. Only by suppressing desires does a man manifest his humanness. A man who is unable to put an end to his desires puts an end to himself. A good man by his good conduct achieves greatness. Ravana sought to achieve greatness but did not strive to lead a good life. Rama's career is different. He aspired only to be a good man and did not seek greatness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Picture the Lord in your heart and utter the Name - then you will feel the joy of singing the Name. - Baba

Your health will get spoilt by eating all kinds of sweets sold in the marketplace. Those sweets may be tasty but are harmful for you. Instead, the sweet of Rama Nama has been prepared by our great rishis. It has a wonderful effect on your mind. It can never become stale or spoiled. The more you eat this sweet of Rama Nama, the more joy will you derive from it. It is sweeter than sugar and tastier than curd. The divine Name of Rama is full of sweetness and it will remain sweet forever. There have been many incarnations of God on earth. But the divine name of Rama remains eternal. Since ancient times, Rama Nama has remained the Taraka mantra (a chant that liberates) for one and all. Right from children to elders, everyone derives bliss chanting the Rama Nama. Age is no obstacle to experiencing the sweetness of Rama Nama. There is immense sweetness in this name. Never give up such a sweet, nectarous and blissful Rama Nama even for a second!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

All the ideals propagated by the Ramayana should be properly understood and put into practice by one and all. Only then will human life find fulfilment. - Baba

The foremost teaching of Rama was that one should follow Satya (Truth). Taking Satya as the basis, one should sustain and promote Dharma (righteousness). Dharma is not confined to any particular place or country; it is present in all. It is born out of Satya. In fact, Dharma cannot exist without Satya. What is Dharma? Dharayati iti dharma (that which sustains is Dharma). Some people wrongly limit Dharma to mere feeding of the poor or acts of charity. Dharma should flow from one’s own heart. Then, it should be put into practice. Do as you say. That is man’s foremost duty. There should be perfect harmony between one’s words and actions. On the other hand, if one says one thing and does something contrary to it, it connotes adharma (unrighteousness). You are entitled to be called a human being only when your thoughts, words and deeds are in harmony. Rama achieved unity of thought, word and deed. In contrast, Ravana’s thoughts, words and deeds were at variance with each other. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

The world today is in dire need of the story of Rama. For one thing, sons today do not follow the injunctions of their fathers. Fathers do not set the right example for children.

The world today is in dire need of the story of Rama. For one thing, sons today do not follow the injunctions of their fathers. Fathers do not set the right example for children. Disciples do not respect preceptors properly. Preceptors do not treat disciples with affection. There is no love lost even between friends! Relations are estranged amongst themselves. In all fields of life - in administration, agriculture, business or politics - discord is rampant. Divisions and conflict prevail in social, political and even spiritual fields! If you enquire into the causes for this situation, you find selfishness is at the root of it all. The basic elements are common to all mankind. The world is one family. All men are brothers. Rama preached to the world this basic truth. He taught the world the duties of everyday life, the social duties and family obligations. This triple stream of duties is the message of the Ramayana. Whoever bathes in this triple stream is absolved of his sins and is redeemed. Ramayana must be read, reread and lived up to by everyone!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

God is the nearest, the dearest, the most loving, and the most eager companion, comrade and kinsman for man. - Baba

Embodiments of Divine Love! The Lord pervades everything in the cosmos with His myriad feet, hands, eyes, faces and ears. But man, not recognising the fact, imagines he is the doer and indulges in all kinds of speculation, thinking that no one knows about them. The Lord sees everything. No one can conceal anything from Him. He dwells inside and outside every living thing. Hence nothing can be hidden from Him. God dwells in all beings in one and the same form. Although living beings may vary from each other, God is One and indivisible. The sun shines over the water in the lake, in a well, in a vessel, in a river or over the ocean. Although the sun is one, he is reflected in different ways. The containers are varied, but God is one and the same in all beings. There is nothing in the world nearer to one than the Divine. God is very much nearer to you than your mother and dearer to you than your father. You cannot afford to forget such a God. Bear this good counsel in mind.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

It is not for God to tell you what’s good and bad. Your own thoughts and feelings tell you what’s good and bad.

It is not for God to tell you what’s good and bad. Your own thoughts and feelings tell you what’s good and bad. If you eat cucumber, you will get the belch of cucumber. What is in you will be reflected outside! Whatever bad you see in others, it is but a reflection of your own thoughts. Some people are constantly immersed in worldly thoughts. Such people can never be happy. Only those whose mind is steady and thought-free, attain the state of bliss! Some people consider themselves very intelligent and keep enquiring deeply into their accumulated bookish knowledge. This type of pedantry is like an allergy. Once this allergy starts spreading, their energy is sapped! Unfortunately, today we are developing allergy, not energy! Do not keep deliberating whether something is good for you or not. Everything is good. Whatever happens, consider that it’s good for you. When you develop such an attitude, everything will turn out to be good for you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Education is not for mere living; it is for life, a fuller life, a more meaningful, and more worthwhile life!

 If value is given to the office that a man holds, which is but temporary, as soon as he retires and starts sitting on a bench in a park, people will stop recognising and saluting him! The schooling that gives just outer polish is a waste of opportunity. Education is not for mere living; it is for life, a fuller life, a more meaningful, and more worthwhile life! There’s no harm if it’s also for gainful employment, but the educated must be aware that existence is not all, that gainful employment is not all! Again, education is not for developing the faculty of argument, criticism, winning a polemic victory over your opponents or exhibiting your mastery over language or logic!That study is best that teaches you to conquer this cycle of birth and death, that gives you mental equipoise that will not be affected by the prospect of death, that will not be disturbed by the blessings or blows of fate. That study begins where this study of yours ends!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Buddha was so agonised by the suffering that haunts the life of man that he investigated the behaviour of the mind and intellect of man and discovered remedial disciplines; he analysed the vagaries of the mind which lead man into the whirlpools of desires; he analysed the ways of reason too and spotted the areas where prejudice takes root; above all, he preached surrender to dharma (righteousness), to compassion and to Buddha (the Enlightened One). Jainism, the religion that was rendered an All-India movement by Mahaveera, extols Jina, the heroic conqueror of the senses, the emotions and the stratagems of the intellect. He called upon all to carry out the duties commensurate to their status and professions, with steady faith and enthusiasm. He declared that all things and beings are holy in their own right and are but pilgrims on the road to Realisation. Any Injury inflicted on any of them is an intervention in that sacred journey and so has to be scrupulously avoided!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Learn to adjust your likes and dislikes to those of others in your family;

Learn to adjust your likes and dislikes to those of others in your family; learn the gentle art of sacrifice and service. Bear in mind, when you react angrily against your mother-in-law, that a day will come when you too will have a daughter-in-law! Try to appreciate their points of view; they may have greater forethought, greater experience, and a greater sense of responsibility; they may know more about people and things than you, who are fresh entrants in the household. The family whom you marry is a good training ground; it is a field of spiritual practice. When you are found at fault, do not fly into a rage. Instead, examine your own conduct and discover the faults in yourselves. Self-examination is the first step to self-improvement and peace. Do not exaggerate the faults of others, but give them a wide margin and see them as small. Exaggerate yours; see them big and strive to remove them fast. Take all fault finders as your friends and well-wishers, for they give you warning signals in time.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Speak without anger or spite, without any artificiality or formality, straight from the heart.

Cultivate a sweet temper and sweet speech which is its natural consequence. Speak without anger or spite, without any artificiality or formality, straight from the heart. Then you will be spreading joy and love among all. When your parents plead that they cannot afford to clothe you as you wish or give you the various frills of finery that you crave, do not get wild and quarrel with them. Be bold enough to resist the temptation of yielding to the peer pressure of the crowd. Remember: nourishing good qualities (guna-poshana) is as important as nourishing the body (deha-poshana). You go about filling every bus in attractive dresses and carrying heaps of books, but let Me tell you that the greatest beauty aid is virtue. Attach importance to discipline (nishta) and not to variety on breakfast (nashta). You can miss breakfast but not discipline. Live a regulated and disciplined life from now on; make it a habit, an armour that will protect you from harm.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought For the Day

At the time of Jesus’s crucifixion, his mother Mary came near him and started shedding tears. Jesus consoled her saying, “Why do you cry, mother? The body is like a water bubble. Let them do whatever they wish with this body. You think these people are trying to kill me. I have no death. None can kill me.” Mary then told him, “Are you not the son of this body?” Jesus replied, “Of course! I am related to you at the physical level, as a son. But, ‘I am I’ only. You are all like children to me. You are all embodiments of Divinity.” Thus, Jesus attained the highest level of spirituality, having gone through all tests. Jesus was not merely a human form. He was the Embodiment of the Divine Self, verily. But, some people could not realise his divinity. Even now only some people have faith in Divinity while others do not. Some extol Divinity, whereas others criticise. It all depends upon their faith. If you consider a stone as God, it becomes God automatically.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

I and you are one. You are not different from Me. - Baba

 Devoid of spiritual outlook, all your education and academic degrees are a mere waste. Their value is zero. Hence, fill your lives with devotion to God and develop the outlook “I am not this body. This is a vesture taken upon by me. There is God inside who is conducting my life.” You are like fully ripened fruits. But, the fruits must contain sweet juice. Without that, it cannot be a fruit. You must all have the sweet juice of love. If there is no sweet juice, people will just bite the fruit and throw it away. Hence, fill your hearts with the sweet juice of love. Whatever be the name and form, develop faith in God. God has many names; but God is only one. The ornaments may be many, but gold is one. Do not lose sight of the gold. Without gold, you cannot make ornaments. Develop faith as your foremost quality, irrespective of whether it brings you the desired results or not. Add love to that faith.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Far more beneficial than honouring the great is the practice of loving them. Praise, glorification and eulogy raise them onto an unreachable pedestal. Love binds one heart to another. Gratitude for the inspiration and instruction received must bind the hearts in love. The heart of Jesus was pure and calm. Hence, it is honoured as sacred. We must make our hearts sacred so that either we merge in Jesus or Jesus merges in us. When we merge, it is called Bhakti (Devotion); to have Jesus awakened in us is the path of Jnana (Wisdom). Jesus was a messenger of God, but note this too - all of you are messengers of God. Jesus was not the only Son of God; you are all His children. Jesus and His Father are one. You and God are also one; you need to be aware of it.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Be as devoted and disciplined as Arjuna. Be as intelligent and strong as Bhima. Be steadfast and sincere like Dharmaraja. Then, no harm can come to you;

 Be as devoted and disciplined as Arjuna. Be as intelligent and strong as Bhima. Be steadfast and sincere like Dharmaraja. Then, no harm can come to you; you will achieve victory in all your efforts. There are four F's that you must keep before your attention - (1) Follow the Master (2) Face the Devil (3) Fight to the End and (4) Finish at the Goal. ‘Follow the Master’ means, observe Dharma. ‘Face the Devil’ means, overcoming temptations that beset you when you try to earn artha (wealth or wherewithal to live in comfort). ‘Fight to the End’ means, struggle ceaselessly; wage war against the six enemies led by kama (desire). And finally, ‘Finish at the Goal’ means, do not stop until the goal of moksha (Liberation from ignorance and delusion) is reached. The four F's are fundamental for the pursuit of Purusharthas (goals of human life) Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. I shall be ever with you, wherever you are, guarding you and guiding you. March on, fearlessly!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Consider yourself as God first, and then begin to see the same God in every living being. Your body is a temple. There is divine energy in that temple.

All people in this world love someone or the other. However, there are differences in such love. The one God is present in all bodies. ‘Love all Serve all’, since God is present in all human beings. There is no place in this universe where God is not present. God is present in the sky, in the water, in the sound and in the light. Thus, everything in this universe is the embodiment of Divinity. We forsake such omnipresent Divinity and worship God in the form of some idol in a temple. No doubt, you can worship those idols, nothing wrong in that. But, you must realise the truth that the same God in that idol is present in every human being, nay, in every living being. Consider yourself as God first, and then begin to see the same God in every living being. Your body is a temple. There is divine energy in that temple.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Whenever you are in difficulties, you just assure yourself that these are passing clouds which will move away, therefore, you don’t need to be worried. Whatever comes, has to go. They are momentary.

You desire to have bliss. But, from where do you get bliss? From a shop in the market? Or by having a sumptuous meal with a variety of dishes in a hotel? No, not at all! Bliss has to come from within. You are, in fact, the embodiment of bliss. You were blissful at the time of your birth. But, once you started developing attachment with the world, you began crying. Hence, you have to reduce your worldly attachments. You are at present having a lot of attachment to the world. Thereby, you are weakening your body. Ultimately you will end up in sorrow. Worry is a very bad quality. Hurry, worry and curry – these three together make the heart very weak. Hence, keep them at a distance. Whenever you are in difficulties, you just assure yourself that these are passing clouds which will move away, therefore, you don’t need to be worried. Whatever comes, has to go. They are momentary.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The man who is filled with pure love has great peace of mind, is pure at heart and is unruffled by any adverse circumstances, failures or losses. This fortitude is derived from the love of the Lord, which endows him with self-confidence. Self-confidence generates immense internal power. Everyone must develop this power. Everyone should develop self-confidence so that the Atma-Ananda (bliss of the Self) may be experienced. Love should be free from feelings of expectation of any return or reward. Love which arises out of a desire for something in return is not true love. Utterly selfless and motiveless love should be developed. This is the bounden duty of man. You should not pray to God seeking this favour or that because no one knows what immensely precious, Divine and magnificent treasures lie in the treasure-house of Divine Grace. No one will know what God intends or desires to give to a devotee. In such a situation by asking for trivial and petty things, man is demeaning his Divine estate!

          Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba 

Discipline is essential for the success of every endeavour of man, whatever the field, whether it be economic, social, educational, or merely material and worldly.

Discipline is essential for the success of every endeavour of man, whatever the field, whether it be economic, social, educational, or merely material and worldly. It is even more essential for success in spiritual effort. The discipline of concentration is indispensable for even common acts like walking, talking, writing or reading. Spiritual progress and bliss depend on disciplined effort. It can come only through hard and difficult toil, not through pleasant easy paths. Life becomes worth living only when one has disciplined habits, concentration of mind, renunciation of sensual pleasures and faith in the Self (Atma). Discipline and concentration are like the embankments which control and direct the flood waters of a river into harmless and fruitful channels. You are engaged in sadhana and the inquiry into the Self and, in this great task, these two will be of great help!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, April 14, 2023

Thought for the Day

 Man should not seek from God, nor desire, nor pray for some petty trifles. More precious and desirable than anything else is God's love. If you wish to ask for anything from God, pray to Him thus - "Oh Lord! Let me have You alone." Once you have secured the Lord, you can get anything you want. That was why Mira sang: "I have obtained the wealth of the gem of Divine Love." When you can have divine love, to crave anything else is like asking for coffee powder from the Kalpataru (Wish-fulfilling Tree)! What you have to seek from God is God Himself and not any small and worthless benefits! Even while praying to God for His grace, you should not indulge in extravagant praise and flattery to win His approbation and seek His favours. Such praise for securing favours has a commercial tinge. Even the favours received through such praise are not proper at all. It is because the rishis and the yogis in the past resorted to such praise that they had to perform penance for hundreds of years to get a vision of the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba