
Monday, April 29, 2019

Thought for the Day

As a lump of sugar sweetens every drop of water in the cup, seeing through the eyes of love makes everyone friendly and charming. The simple milkmaids of Gokul saw each other as Krishna; such was their overwhelming love for the Divine Incarnation. The Bhagavata, where their love and the love of many other devotees of the Lord are described, is a text-book of Divine Love, Bhakti. Begin loving service, this day this moment. Each act will urge you to the next, for the thrill is so inspiring. The act of service is to be judged not by advertisement or the cost spent. The need of the recipient, the feeling (bhava) of the person who serves - these decide whether the act is gold or lead. Fill every act of yours with Love. Let no one suffer the slightest pain as a result of your thought, word or deed. Let this be your Sadhana. It will surely help you to achieve the Goal.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Love will never bend before the forces of envy or hatred, however powerful they may be.

The prompting inside an individual to love one’s mother is an expression of the Divine Nature in that person. If there was no spark of the Divine in the person, they would not have loved at all. A person who loves another individual is a theist, whether they go to a temple or church, or not. You proceed from the known to the unknown. Then that love expands in ever widening circles, until it covers all nature! In its pure form, even plucking a leaf from a tree may affect you that you will think twice! The green vitality of the tree is a sign of the Divine Will, which sends its roots deep into the soil. The roots keep the tree safe from storms, holding it fast against the violent tug of the wind. So too, if the roots of love in an individual goes down into the spring of the Divine in them, no storm of suffering can shake them.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, April 27, 2019

சேலத்தின் குற்றாலம் -போகலாமா.. மாமரத்து மடுவு அருவி ..அறிமுகம்... எப்படி போகனும் தெரியுமா...

ஏற்காட்டிலிருந்து உருவாகி வரும் கல்லாறு தான் மாமரத்து மடுவு .. கொக்கரான் அருவிகளை
சேலத்தில் உள்ள பலருக்கு இந்த இடம் தெரியவில்லை. நகரத்தில் இருந்து
கிமீ உள்ள இந்த இடமே தற்போது தான் சில நண்பர்களால் தெரிந்தது...
சேலம் டவுனில் இருந்து.... பொன்னாம்மாபேட்டை... (ரயில்வே கேட் தாண்டிவீராணம் வழியாக...
காவல் நிலையவழி) D.பெருமாபாளையம் கிராமம்...(15கிமீ) D.பெருமாபளையம் -> காரைக்காடு (2.5கிமீ) (கிராமத்தில் வழி கேட்கவும்)  பின் மலை நடைபயணம்.. மாமரத்து மடுவுக்கு (3-4கிமீ)
பேருந்தில் செல்பவர்கள் D.பெருமாபாளையத்திலிருந்து நடந்து செல்ல வேண்டும், பைக் அல்லது காரில் செல்பவர்கள் காரைக்காட்டிலிருந்து இந்த அருவிகளுக்கு நடந்து செல்ல வேண்டும்.
ஏற்காடு மழைகளின் உருவாகி வரும் கல்லாற்றின் நடுவே பல எழில்மிகு அருவிகள் உள்ளன. அவரவர் விரும்பிய அருவிகளில் குளித்து மகிழலாம். நடந்து செல்லும் பாதையும் இயற்கை எழில்மிகு பாதையாக உள்ளது.
ஆண்கள் மட்டும் செல்ல முடியும் என்று நினைத்திருந்தேன், எங்களுக்கு முன்ன பல பெண்களும் குழந்தைகளும் அருவிகளில் குளித்து கொண்டிருந்தனர். தண்ணீரும் நிறைய வந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறது.
குடும்பத்துடன் ஜாக்கிரதையாக சென்று சேலத்தில் உள்ள குற்றாலத்தில் குளித்து.. இயற்கை எழிலை ரசித்து பசுமையை அனுபவித்து வாருங்கள்.

Thought for the Day

Why must you compete and quarrel? One of you may be working in an office, another in a shop, third in the press – how does it matter? Do not feel that your role is low and another person's high. Do not be depressed when you find your role is minor; do not be proud when you discover that your role is a major one. Give your best to whatever role is allotted to you. Engage in sadhana with devotion, discipline and a sense of duty. That is the way to earn Grace Why should you be as intensely fascinated by materialistic desires? When will you strive to gain the eternal, infinite, and universal? One day, you must give up the body you have fed and fostered. How long can you keep all that you have earned and possessed with pride? Trivial thoughts and desires award only sorrow; holy thoughts and desires award divine peace. Cultivate good and beneficial feelings and desires.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, April 26, 2019

பெண்கள் தெரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டியது ...

1. மஞ்சள் நூல் கயிற்றில் மட்டுமே திருமாங்கல்யத்தை கோர்த்து அணிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும்.

பெண்கள் கோவிலில் அங்கப்ரதக்ஷிணம் செய்யக் கூடாது (பெண்களின் மார்பு பகுதி பூமியில் படக்கூடாது)

கோவில்களில் பிரஸாதமாக தரப்படும் துளசியை தலையில் வைத்துக் கொள்ளக்கூடாது .

பெண்கள் எப்போதும் முந்தானையை தொங்க விட்டு நடக்கக்கூடாது.

கோவிலில் தெய்வத்தை வணங்கும் பொழுது போது பின்னங்கால்கள் இரண்டையும் சேர்த்துக்கொண்டு முன் நெற்றி தரையில் படுமாறு மண்டியிட்டு வணங்கவேண்டும்.

தலை குளிக்கும் பொழுது சுமங்கலி பெண்கள் சிறிது மஞ்சளை உரைத்து முகத்தில பூசிக்கொண்டு பிறகு குளிக்க வேண்டும் .

கோலமிடும் போது தெற்கே பார்த்து நின்றுகொண்டு கோலமிடக் கூடாது

8. திருமணம் ஆன பெண்கள் ஒரே ஒரு விரலில் மட்டுமே மெட்டி அணிய வேண்டும்.ஒரே காலில் இரண்டு மூன்று அணிய கூடாது,அணிவதால் ஆரோக்கியம் மற்றும் கணவனின் வளர்ச்சி (உடல் ,வருமானம் )பாதிப்பு அடையும் .

கர்ப்பமான பெண்கள் உக்கர தேவதைகள் இருக்கும் கோவிலுக்கு போககூடாது .

பெண்கள் கிழக்கு திசையை நோக்கி குங்குமத்தை இரண்டு புருவ மத்தியிலும் உச்சந்தலையிலும் இட்டுக்கொள்ளவேண்டும். திருமணம் ஆகாதவர்கள், உச்சந்தலையில் இட்டுக்கொள்ளகூடாது.

11. அமாவாசை, தவசம் ஆகிய நாட்களில் வாசலில் கோலம் போடக்கூடாது.

Just as fire is needed until rice is cooked, spiritual practices are essential until you realize your innate divinity.

Food is the medicine for the illness of hunger; water, for thirst; for the disease of Birth-Death-Cycle (bhava-roga), Bhagawan is the medicine. for the disease of desire, Jnana is the specific. For the disease of doubt, despair and hesitation, which are the occupational diseases of spiritual aspirants, the most effective remedy isparopakara (doing good to others). For the major infection ofashanti (anxiety and restlessness), the course of treatment is bhajan. It is to provide these remedies to the sufferers that the organisation has to dedicate itself. The organisations must be such that members find them congenial places to deepen their Sadhana, to cultivate their virtues and to overcome their ego, by contact with workers who are free from the least trace of that deadly poison. If this is achieved, their success is certain.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, April 25, 2019

நமக்கு தெரிந்ததும் ... தெரியாததும்

ஆண்கள் தெரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டியது
1. நாம் உடுத்திய பழைய துணிகளை வீட்டின் கதவுகளின் மீது போடக்கொடாது .

2. உடம்பிலிருந்து உதிர்ந்த மயிரையும், வெட்டிய நகத்தையும், வீட்டில் வைக்கக் கூடாது . உடனே வெளியே எரிந்து விட வேண்டும் .

3. ஒரே சமயத்தில் இரண்டு கைகளாலும் தலையைச் சொறியக் கூடாது

4. திருமணம் போன்ற மங்கள நிகழ்ச்சிக்கு சென்று வந்தவுடன் குளிக்க கூடாது .

5. சாப்பிடும் அன்னத்தை உருண்டையாக உருட்டி சாப்பிடக்கூடாது .

6. ஈரத்துணியை உடுத்திக்கொண்டு உணவு அருந்தக்கூடாது

7. வபனம் (ஷேவ் ) செய்து கொள்ளும் முன்பு எதுவும் சாப்பிடக்கூடாது .

8. தாய் தந்தை உள்ளவர்கள் ஒருபோதும் வெள்ளிக்கிழமையன்று ஷவரம் (ஷேவ் ) செய்துக்கொள்ள கூடாது .

9. இரண்டு கன்னங்களிலும் கைகளை வைத்துக்கொண்டு நிற்பதோ , உட்கார்ந்து
கொள்வதோ கூடாது .

Thought for the Day

I feel hurt when anyone calls India deficient or poor. It may be that some people are unaware of the methods of becoming rich or may not care to adopt them. But most people know the means of getting inner peace. You should demonstrate through your lives that spiritual discipline makes one happier and more courageous to fight the battle of life. This is your great good fortune, indeed. The world is suffering today from too much knowledge; virtue has not increased in proportion to the advances of knowledge. That is the root cause of the misery in human society. Of the two tyres of the vehicle that humanity is riding, the tyre of Divinity (Brahman) is flat, and it must be filled by pumping the Lord’s Name into it. You cannot drive very far with a flat tyre. Therefore, join holy association, cultivate good activities, and derive joy therefrom!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Thought for the Day

Just as a fish can live only when it is immersed in water and feels the element all around it, so too the human is an animal that can live only when immersed in bliss. One must have bliss not only at home, in society, and in the world but, more than all, in the heart. As a matter of fact, bliss in the heart produces bliss everywhere. The heart is the spring of joy. That spring has to be touched by constant meditation, recitation of God’s name, and the intermittent dwelling on the glory, the grace, and the inexhaustible manifestations of the Lord. Hold fast to the goal; the devotee should never turn back. Never give way to doubt or despair. A person driving a car concentrates on the road, anxious to save themselves and others from accident. In this case, fear induces single-mindedness. Love is a greater force that helps concentration. With steady and resolute love, concentration becomes intense and unshakeable. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Self-realisation is the goal. Love is the means.

Incarnation is for the sake of fostering righteousness (dharma), for demarcating and directing it, and to show mankind the true path of desireless activity. The doctor first diagnoses the disease. Then he prescribes the course of treatment. So too, you must submit yourself to the diagnosis of your illness, viz. misery, travail, and pain. Investigate fearlessly and with care, and you will find that while your basic nature is bliss, you have falsely identified yourself with the temporary, the frivolous, the paltry, and that attachment has brought you all the sorrow. You must realise that both joy and sorrow are passing phases, like white or dark clouds across the blue sky, and you have to learn to treat both prosperity and adversity with equanimity. If only time is well spent, the ignorant (pamara) can become an ascetic of the highest order (Paramahamsa) and that ascetic can also become one with the Lord, the Universal Substance and Substratum (Paramatma).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Most people remember God only during difficulties. Earn the Grace of the Lord and mountains of troubles will vanish!

The spiritual Sadhana you perform may be compared to the process of conversion of milk into butter. Your human body is your home. Your heart is the vessel in which the milk of consciousness is boiled on the stove of devotion. The lid for this vessel is earnestness (Shraddha). When the fire of discrimination (Viveka) is lit, the cream of understanding rises upward from the boiling milk. To prevent the cat of maya from stealing the milk, the door has to be barred by the gate of wisdom (Sujnana). After the milk is cooled by tranquility (Shanti) and the buttermilk of the divine name is added to it, the curd of divine grace results. When this curd is churned with the rod of knowledge and the rope of love, the whey of ignorance is separated and the butter of the Atmic Reality emerges. Such a realised soul definitely attains oneness with the Divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

You should be prepared to face the vicissitudes of life with firm faith in God. It is during times of difficulties that God is remembered. To confront difficulties with faith is itself a spiritual discipline. Although Rama was the son of the Emperor Dasaratha and son-in-law of King Janaka, he had to face many ordeals in life for the sake of upholding Dharma. The Pandavas went through many difficulties for the sake of adhering to righteousness and hence their name and fame remain forever. You should pray to the Lord to give you the strength to bear all troubles and face all difficulties. If you have even an atom of grace of the Lord, a mountain of troubles can be overcome. Chaitanya declared: "If a fraction of the time that is spent in worrying about wealth, provisions, wife, children, friends and business is devoted to contemplation on the feet of the Divine, one can face the messengers of death without fear and cross the Ocean of Samsara (worldly existence)!"

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Pure Love is the key to open the doors locked by egoism and greed.

In the pursuit of the good and godly life, one may encounter many difficulties and disturbances. Those who hate others will ultimately be consumed by their own hatred. Many doubts and questions crop up. It is only when all difficulties are faced squarely and the troubles are borne with patience and fortitude that we can understand the true nature of Reality. The transforming power of Love is boundless. St. Paul, who was originally an inveterate critic of Jesus, was transformed by Christ's love into the greatest apostle of Jesus. Pure Love will never submit to the forces of envy or hatred however powerful they may be. Selfless Love will prevail over them for sure. You should not allow yourselves to be overwhelmed in any way by difficulties and sorrows, doubts and disappointments. You must have faith. Have confidence in yourself and strive to understand well the nature of God's love. To secure that love is the sacred goal of human life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Only the one who is truthful in word and deed can be esteemed as a genuine human being, says Prophet Mohammed.

Love is another name for Dharma (Righteousness). True Love is priceless. It has no trace of selfishness in it. It does not change with time. It is pure and unsullied. It always grows and never diminishes. It is spontaneous. God’s love is spontaneous; it is free from selfishness, unwavering and always full. Ordinary human love is motivated by selfish considerations. It is liable to change owing to changes in time and circumstance. For persons immersed in selfish love, it is difficult to comprehend or realise the greatness of Selfless Divine Love. Love wears the mantle of Truth. And one wedded to Truth is ever young and vigorous, says the Hindu scriptures. The Bible also declares that the body gets fortified by adherence to Truth. Truth should not be confined to speech. It must express itself in action. Only the one who is truthful in word and deed can be esteemed as a genuine human being, says Prophet Mohammed.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Practise the vocabulary of pure and unselfish love – unlearn the language of hate and contempt.

In the Bible it is recorded that Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. When they asked him why He was doing so, Jesus answered: "I am washing your feet as your servant, so that you may learn to serve the world." Every individual, to begin with, is a messenger of God. When they fulfill their duties as a messenger, they realise that they are God’s own child and then achieve Union with God. God's love is boundless and universal, unlike human love, which is narrow and selfish. God promotes love in everyone through His love. Swami's love is beyond reason. It is unlimited and unchanging. Those of you who have been nourished by Divine love should not deprive yourself of its beneficence. I do not seek anything. I impose no hardships. If you understand the real nature of Swami's love, and utilise that love to transform yourself into an embodiment of love, you will become an example to the world!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

In the Bible it is recorded that Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. When they asked him why He was doing so, Jesus answered: "I am washing your feet as your servant, so that you may learn to serve the world." Every individual, to begin with, is a messenger of God. When they fulfill their duties as a messenger, they realise that they are God’s own child and then achieve Union with God. God's love is boundless and universal, unlike human love, which is narrow and selfish. God promotes love in everyone through His love. Swami's love is beyond reason. It is unlimited and unchanging. Those of you who have been nourished by Divine love should not deprive yourself of its beneficence. I do not seek anything. I impose no hardships. If you understand the real nature of Swami's love, and utilise that love to transform yourself into an embodiment of love, you will become an example to the world!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

God is in your heart. Wherever you go and whatever you do, it is known to God even if you think none has noticed it. Many start worrying about petty temporary things that are passing clouds and sometimes falter in their faith and devotion. This is not correct. Never give up devotion. When you spend your time thinking of God and chanting His name, you will never come to grief. Follow the dictum, "Satyam vada, dharmam chara (speak the truth, practice righteousness).” You are bound to emerge successful always. Your good work will beget God's grace without fail. Sin or merit comes only from your own deeds, not from outside. Truth is common to all countries and all times. If you follow truth, which is God, you will invariably do only sacred or righteous work. Divine love flows to everyone who performs righteous acts. Remember, righteous actions (Dharma) should always go hand-in-hand with selfless love (Prema). If separated, they are meaningless.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Our scriptures advise you to revere your mother, father, preceptor and guest as God. Cultivate and practice humility, love and reverence like the ancient Bharatiyas. That is the true sign of an educated person.

Make every effort to understand the greatness of your ancient culture and traditions. Respect everyone. Never be rude to elders or guests who visit your house. Whether your parents are at home or not, offer your guests a seat and give them a glass of cold water or buttermilk. Speak to them with love. How many children are following such noble practices in the present times? Even when you speak on the phone, you should talk in a loving and respectful manner. Respect does not mean merely saying, 'hello'. You should offer yournamaskara (salutations) with humility and reverence. Na-maskara means offering respects without a trace of ahamkara and mamakara(ego and attachment). Our scriptures advise you to revere your mother, father, preceptor and guest as God. Cultivate and practice humility, love and reverence like the ancient Bharatiyas. That is the true sign of an educated person.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

This year is named vikari (crooked)! So be warned! Do not run after devious desires or crooked satisfac­tions. All roads leading to the realm of the senses are tortuous and blind; only the road that leads to God is straight. Cultivate the attitude of transparency and straightforwardness in everything. That will reveal the Atma. Straightforwardness will en­able you to overcome the impact of three qualities (gunas) on your mind. The treatment you have to give these qualities is to grind them to a paste so that a new taste of bliss (ananda) might emerge, just as you grind salt, chillies, and tamarind together to get a tasty chutney for your meal! No single quality should dominate; all must be tamed and diverted to fill the lake of bliss in your heart, ananda. How do you know you are successful in your effort? If your inner poise or inner equilibrium is undisturbed by external ups and downs, that is real success.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, April 14, 2019

தங்கம் தங்கம் தங்கம்

தங்க வியாபாரம் பற்றிய கதிகலங்க வைக்கும் மர்மப்பின்னணி !
தங்கம் பற்றி விழிப்புணர்வு இல்லை மக்களுக்கு...! சில விளம்பரங்கள் சேதாரம் இத்தனை % என்றும், செய்கூலி இல்லை என்று கூறுகின்றது. உண்மை என்ன ?*
 ஒரு பவுன் தங்கசெயினுக்கு
1.5 கிராம் செம்பு சேர்த்தால் மட்டும் நகை செய்ய முடியும்...!
 இது அனைவருக்கும் தெரிந்தது. ஆனால்
8 தங்கத்தில் 1.5 கிராம் கழித்தது போக
6.5 கிராம் நகை செய்யப்படுகின்றது...!
ஆனால் சாமானியன் நகை வாங்கும்போது 6.5 தங்கம் + 1.5 செம்பு இரண்டும் சேர்ந்து 8 கிராம் தங்கமாக பில்லில் போடுகின்றார்கள். அதுமட்டுமின்றி அதற்கு மேலாக சேதாரம் என்று கூறி மேலும் 1.5 கிராம் செம்பை தங்கம் சேர்க்கப்பட்டதாக கூறி செம்பை தங்க விலைக்கு விற்கின்றார்கள்...!
 இதில் நான் சொல்லுவது என்ன 6.5 தங்கம் + 1.5 செம்பு (தங்கமாக) + சேதாரம் செம்பு 1.5 = 9.5 கிராம். ஆக 1 பவுன் நகை வாங்குபவர்கள் வெறும் 6.5 கிராம் தங்கத்தை மட்டும் இல்லாமல் 3 கிராம் செம்பை சேர்த்து விட்டு தங்கத்தின் விலையை போட்டுவிடுகின்றார்கள்...!
 ஆக 1 பவுன் 8 கிராம் நகைக்கு 9.5 கிராமுக்கு நாம் பணம் கட்டுகின்றோம். யாரை ஏமாற்றுகின்றார்கள் நகைக் கடைகாரர்கள் ! ஏழைகளை ஏமாற்றி ஏழைகளின் இரத்தத்தை ஒட்டுண்ணிகளாக உறிஞ்சி எடுத்துக் கொண்டு இருக்கின்றார்கள்...!
 ஒருவர் ஒரு புதிய நகைக்கடை திறக்கின்றார் என்றால் ஒரு சில வருடத்தில் பல மாடிகளும் பல ப்ளாட்டுகளையும் வாங்கி குவிக்கின்றார்கள் என்றால் பணம் எப்படி வந்தது ? நான் மேலே சொன்ன கணக்குதான் உண்மை...!
இன்று ஒரு கிராம் தங்கத்தின் விலை என்ன ? பவுனுக்கு 3 கிராம் என்று வசூல் செய்யும் போது ஒரு கிராம் செம்பின் விலை என்ன ? கணக்கு போட்டு பாருங்கள்...!
1 கிராம் தங்கம் ரூ. 2922/-
8 கிராம் தங்கம் ரூ. 23,376/-
1 கிராம் செம்பு - 4.80
1.5 கிராம் செம்பு - 7.20 or 7/-
6.5 கிராம் தங்கம் - 18,993/-
6.5 கிராம் தங்கம் + 1.5 கிராம் செம்பு அடக்க விலை -18993+7=19000/-
1 பவுனுக்கு தங்கத்தில் லாபம் - 23376-19000= 4376/--
சேதாரம் 1.5 கிராம் = 4383/-
1 பவுனுக்கு மொத்த லாபம் 4376+4383=8759
 என்ன தலை சுத்துதா ? 

The responsibility lies with the parents and teachers to make the children adhere to our ancient tradition.

Vishu is a day of great happiness for people of Kerala. On the day of Vishu, people have a sacred bath and wear new clothes. Then they offer obeisance to their elders and seek their blessings. Remember, mere external cleanliness is not enough, you must cleanse your mind and develop inner purity. The all-pervasive Divine is present within and everywhere around you. See God within you and cultivate cordial relationship with everyone. We have to offer obeisance to our elders and seek their blessings. We have to develop good relationship with all. Therein lies the true celebration of Vishu. Right from young age, the children should be taught the greatness of our ancient culture. They should be moulded into ideal citizens. They should be made to practise our traditional values. For anything, practise is very important. The responsibility lies with the parents and teachers to make the children adhere to our ancient tradition.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Be duty conscious. Your efforts yield very good results, and work sincerely. Sanctify your life by performing righteous actions.

You must discharge duties ordained on you by God and sanctify time. Whatever actions we perform are the reflections of our inner thoughts and feelings. Hence, undertake such actions that provide happiness to you and everyone. Due to the effect of Kali age, people do not work hard. Both educated and uneducated have become lethargic. Today people prefer to lead an easy life. Even students want to pass examinations without putting much effort. People want to secure jobs without working hard. After securing jobs, they want salaries without discharging their duties adequately. This type of attitude is not good. It is said, kashte phali - hard work yields rich rewards. The rewards that you get will be commensurate with the efforts you put in. Be duty conscious. Offer salutations to the action (tasmai namah karmane) so that your efforts yield very good results, and work sincerely. Sanctify your life by performing righteous actions.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sathaya Sai Baba

The Name Rama has the triple power of destroying sins, conferring peace and dispelling ignorance.

Sri Rama's incarnation as a human being was for the purpose of promoting peace and happiness in the world. His Name is very significant. The three syllables 'R', 'A' and 'Ma' indicate the three causes for human birth, Papamu (sins one committed),Thapamu (troubles one experiences) and Ajnanamu(ignorance). ‘Ra’ represents the root letter for Fire (Agni), ‘Aa’ for Moon and ‘Ma’ for Sun. Agni destroys everything and reduces it to ashes. The letter ‘R’ is powerful to destroy all sins you have committed; The letter ‘Aa’ (symbolising the moon) has the powers of cooling the ‘fevers’ man suffers from and conferring peace on him; ‘Ma’ (Sun) dispels the darkness of ignorance and confers illumination of wisdom. Hence, the Name Rama has the triple power of destroying sins, conferring peace and dispelling ignorance. Chant the sweet name of Rama with a pure, unsullied heart, in a spirit of selfless devotion and redeem your lives by living up to Rama’s ideals.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Rama Rama Ram

Satya and Dharma (Truth and Righteousness) are the most important concepts in the Ramayana. Vedas, which are the very life-breath of Bharatiyas, proclaim: “Satyam Vada; Dharmam Chara(Speak the Truth; Act Righteously)”. To honour the plighted word of his father, Rama elected to go to the forest leaving Ayodhya. Truth is the foundation for all righteousness. There is no greater religion than truth. Rama stood out as an upholder of Truth to fulfil the promise of his father, to maintain the traditions of his Ikshvaku dynasty, to protect his country and for the sake of the welfare of the world. Everyone who calls themselves a human being should stand up for truth in the same manner. Mahatmas (noble ones) are those whose actions, thoughts and words are in perfect accord. Wicked people are those whose thoughts, words and deeds are at a variance with each other. Lord Rama indeed is a Mahatma (a noble one), worthy of adoration for time immemorial!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Mother Gayatri has three aspects - Gayatri, Savitri, and Saraswati. Gayathri is the presiding deity of our senses; Savitri is the presiding deity of the life principle, and Saraswati is the presiding deity of speech. All these three are within the same Principle of Truth. Gayatri Mantra beings with, Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvah. Bhur means materialisation (body), bhuvah means vibration (life principle), and suvah means radiation representing the Atma. From a scientist’s point of view, matter can be converted into energy and vice versa. But in My view, matter and energy do not exist separately. These two are inseparable and interrelated. In fact, there is no matter in this world; wherever you see, you find only energy. Truth, Righteousness, Peace, and Forgiveness are all expressions of the Principle of Shakti (Energy). Truth is the primal cause. There is nothing other than this. All faculties of energy are present in this Truth. So, consider Truth as your mother and follow it.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Attachment brings sorrow in its wake!

More things, more hurdles, more handicaps. Accumulation of sofas, chairs, cots, tables, and curios clutter the hall and render movements slow and risky. Reduce wants and live simple, that is the key to happiness. Attachment brings sorrow in its wake! When death demands that everything be left behind and everybody be deserted, you are overpowered with grief! Be like the lotus on water; on it, not in it. Water is necessary for the lotus to grow, but it will not allow even a drop to wet it. The objective world is the arena of virtue and the gymnasium for the spirit. Use it for that purpose only; do not raise it to a higher status! Take up the simple
 Sadhana  of Namasmarana(Remembering God), along with reverence towards parents, elders and teachers, and service to the sick and poor. See everyone as your lshtadevata (chosen form of God). That will fill your heart with love and give you stability of mind and peace.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba