
Friday, March 29, 2019

Thought for the Day

You must feel an inseparable affinity with the Lord, as inseparable as the wave and the sea. You will have to follow the path of Radha, Meera, Gouranga and Tukaram. You are really of the same essence, the same taste, the same quality as the sea, though you have the name and form of the wave. Butter, when in the milk, is immanent in it and has no separate name and form; but take it out and it has a name and form which makes it distinct from milk. Ghee (clarified butter) too when liquid has no particular form, but when it hardens, it has a form. So too Madhava-tatwam (Divine state) when it assumes a form, it is manava (Man). 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Krishna demonstrated that if you practice the sadhana of the constant presence of God, you are bound to achieve victory. Take the Lord as your charioteer; He will steer you through the heaviest odds. He has no favourites or rivals. Like fire, He spreads warmth to all who are near Him. If you do not feel the warmth, do not blame Him: blame yourself that you are far from Him. Look at Bhishma; he prayed to the very Krishna who had vowed to kill him to grant him a vision of His divine splendour! That is true devotion, real jnana or wisdom! Krishna responded to his prayer and blessed him. Hiranyakashipu said, 'He is nowhere' and so, God was nowhere for him; Prahlada asserted 'He is everywhere,' and Lord appeared from the pillar and proved his mettle! God did not have to run, find the pillar and come out of it! He was there all along, just made Himself visible! 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Everyone is now seeking comfort and pleasure; that is the be-all and end-all of all efforts. If you tell a person that he can eat whatever he likes and as much as he likes, he will be delighted; but if you add that, as a consequence, he might develop some illness or other, he will treat you as an enemy. Control or regimen is never popular. But strength is derived only from control, restraint, and regulation. You become tough and capable of endurance only if you welcome hardships. Struggle, and you get the strength to succeed. Seek the basis for the seen, in the unseen. The tall skyscraper has a deep base reaching into the earth. This seen world has, as its base, the unseen Divine (Paramatma); your body is but the vehicle through which you can search, investigate, and discover that base!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Now, engage yourself in spiritual discipline, spiritual thoughts and spiritual company. Forget the past. At least from now on, seek to save yourself. Never yield to doubt or unsteadiness. That is a sign of ignorance. Have faith in any one name and the form indicated by that name. If you revere Shiva and hate Vishnu, the plus and the minus cancel out and the net result is zero. I will not tolerate the slightest hatred of any Name or Form. The wife has to revere the husband, but that does not mean that she has to hate his parents, brothers or sisters. You can never attain the Lord through hatred of one or more of His many Forms and Names. If you throw contempt at the God that another reveres, the contempt falls on your own God. Avoid factions, quarrelling, hating, scorning and fault-finding; they recoil on you. Remember, everyone is a pilgrim towards the same goal; some travel by one road, some by another. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, March 25, 2019

Thought for the Day

The eagle is pestered by crows so long as it has a fish in its beak. They swish past that so they could steal the fish out of its mouth, pursuing the bird wherever it sits for a little rest. Finally when the eagle gives up the attachment to the fish and drops it from its beak, the crows fly away, leaving the eagle free. So leave off sense pleasures and the crows of pride, envy, malice, and hatred will fly away, for they want only carrion. The snake moves in curves and not in a straight line. Individuals too move in a crooked path when they follow the senses. Practise renunciation from now on so that you may set out on the journey when the call comes; you don't know when. Else at that moment, you will be in tears, when you think of the house you have built, the property you have accumulated, the fame you have amassed, and the trifles you have won. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Thought for the Day

The nature of mind is pure. Sensory impressions colour and soil it with likes and dislikes. The mind of the animal is unaffected by the many attachments and attractions, aversions and dislikes that hamper and haunt the human mind. The latent impressions (vasanas) warp the mind that is already bent by blows and buffetings suffered, birth after birth. There is no use laying all the blame on the mind. It is a mere watchman. Impress upon the watchman that the Lord is your master, then it will obey not only the Lord who is your master but even the Lord’s friends and companions. Join satsang and see whether the mind continues to be stubborn. It will not disobey you then. It is all about training; if the watchman comes to know that you are unrelated to the Lord, he will disobey you and take to his own misadventures! If you are on the Lord’s side, the watchman becomes your aide! 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Many grieve: “It is said that getting the opportunity to see a holy person (darshanam) is destruction of sin (papa nashanam). Well, I have had darshan not once but many times, and yet my evil fate has not left me and I am suffering even more than I did before.” True, you may have come and had darshan, and you have sown fresh seeds secured from then onwards - seeds of love, faith, devotion, good company, Godly thoughts, remembering God’s name and so on, and you have learnt the art of intensive cultivation and soil preparation. So you have now sown the seeds in a well-prepared field of cleansed hearts. Don’t you have to wait for the harvest? Until the new harvest comes in, like you consume the grain already stored from previous harvests, the troubles and anxieties are the crops you collected in previous harvests! Hence do not grieve and lose your heart. Persist in your sadhana! 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

For treading the path of devotion, one needs no scholarship, nor wealth nor riches, nor ascetic rigours. Tell Me, what was the lineage of Valmiki, the wealth of Kuchela, the scholarship of Sabari, the age of Prahlada, the status of Gajaraja, and the attainments of Vidura? Pure Love (Prema) — that was all they had, and that was all they needed. The grace of the Lord is as the ocean - vast and limitless. By your spiritual disciplines, your repetition of a name of God, meditation, and systematic cultivation of virtue, this grace is converted into clouds of truth. This cloud rains on humanity as showers of prema, which collect and flow as the flood of bliss (ananda) back again into the ocean of the Lord’s grace. When prema embraces humanity, we call it compassion, the quality not of pity but of sympathy — sympathy that makes one happy when others are happy and miserable when others are unhappy. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thought for the Day

Ask the Lord for the removal of your earthly troubles; there is no mistake in that. It is much better than asking other men or women, and losing self-respect and honour. For the sake of votes, people catch hold of the feet of all and sundry; if they fall at the feet of the Lord, that will bring them more votes, for the people will plead with Him to be led by a servant of the Lord. You can call Me on the phone, but I will not be available for all those who do not have the sincere and steady yearning for the Lord. For those who say "No! You are not my Lord," I say "No." For those who say, "Yes," I too echo "Yes." If I am available in your heart, I will be available over the phone. But remember, I have My own special postal and telephone systems. They operate from the heart, straight to the heart. There are rules and regulations for the operation of that system, which the scriptures declare. You can find them there. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The Lord’s name has much efficacy. By repeating the Lord’s name, His attributes can be easily recalled. Sanctify your tongue by the repetition of His name. It must also use sweet expressions which will spread contentment and joy. Be very careful about your speech. Animals have horns, insects have stings, beasts have claws and fangs, but your biggest weapon of offence is your tongue. The wounds that your tongue inflicts can scarcely be healed; they fester in the heart for long. They are capable of more damage than even an atom bomb. Speak so that your language is as sweet as your feelings are. Make the words true and pleasing (Satyam bruyat; priyam bruyat). But for the sake of pleasing another, do not speak falsehood or exaggerate. Cynicism which leads you to speak about a thing in a carping manner to bring it disrepute is as bad as flattery which makes you exaggerate and cross the boundaries of truth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The Lord’s name has much efficacy. By repeating the Lord’s name, His attributes can be easily recalled. Sanctify your tongue by the repetition of His name. It must also use sweet expressions which will spread contentment and joy. Be very careful about your speech. Animals have horns, insects have stings, beasts have claws and fangs, but your biggest weapon of offence is your tongue. The wounds that your tongue inflicts can scarcely be healed; they fester in the heart for long. They are capable of more damage than even an atom bomb. Speak so that your language is as sweet as your feelings are. Make the words true and pleasing (Satyam bruyat; priyam bruyat). But for the sake of pleasing another, do not speak falsehood or exaggerate. Cynicism which leads you to speak about a thing in a carping manner to bring it disrepute is as bad as flattery which makes you exaggerate and cross the boundaries of truth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The divine name saves and liberates! It is the armour against the onslaughts of pride and self-pity. When you start pious repetition of a holy name or sacred formula in a systematic manner and fix your inner eye on the form that illustrates the name, you will meet with many obstacles, disquieting thoughts, and enticements. They should be ignored, bypassed and treated lightly. Strengthen your habits, stick to your discipline, and improve your inner administration. Mix more in the company of the good and the godly. The unruly bull has to be roped and tamed, its nose bored and ringed; it has to be yoked and trained to drag heavy loads and become the docile servant of its master. Some people condemn the six passions as dire enemies and advise you to eject them outright. But I would advise you to keep them with you as docile servants, and redirect them to be useful for your noble purposes. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

You can give Ananda (bliss) by your speech, only if you have attained the state of Ananda yourself. A lamp burning under a pot with five holes: that is the symbol of a person who has the flame of wisdom shining through the five senses. Cover the pot with a thick cloth and no light emerges. The cloth is the cover of anjana (ignorance), oftamas (slothfulness and dullness). Remove it; it shines feebly through the senses - that is the symbol of rajas (passion and activity). Remove the pot itself, that is to say, remove the identification with the body (the dehatma-buddhi), then the Atmajyoti (light of the Self) shines full and bright. The Divine light or Divine Bliss is ever there but, it was obstructed by the pot and the cloth. Ananda is your native character, your real stamp, your very reality. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Do not grieve that the Lord is testing you and putting you through the ordeal of undergoing tests, for it is only when you are tested that you can assure yourself of success or become aware of your limitations. You can then concentrate on the subjects in which you are deficient and pay more intensive attention, so that you can pass in them too when you are tested again. Don’t study for the examination at the last moment; study well in advance and be ready with the needed knowledge and the courage and confidence born out of that knowledge and skill. What you have studied well in advance must be rehearsed over and over in the mind, just previous to the examination; that is all that needs to be done. You will certainly emerge victorious - this is the pathway to victory. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

It is your duty to see that your conduct is right and you lead a righteous life, regardless of circumstances! Transform your heart by making it pure and sacred. Purity is the true characteristic of every human being. Purity should be manifested in everything one does: in your thoughts, in what you see or say, and in all that you do. It is only when you display such purity that you truly can become embodiments of the Divine Atma, that you really are! Then the distinction between the Divine and the mundane disappears and everything is Divinised. The difference between the object and the subject will also go. Everything then becomes the whole (purnam). Resolve today to turn your thoughts to God, to strive to purify your heart and senses, so that you can attain Self-realisation. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Educated people do not seem to have any regard for moral values. They have no gratitude for those who helped them in times of need. They have no consideration for their kith and kin, and do not hesitate to inflict harm on them. Students who have gone through years of higher education are reported to have behaved in an unworthy manner. Many lead miserable lives. What is the value of an education which does not enable one to do one’s duty towards one’s spouse and children? The first requisite is the elimination of the bad qualities prevailing among educated persons. They have to return to the path of morality and right conduct. Many educated people have neither fear of sin nor love of God. Those who appear to be pious also have no genuine good qualities. Such hypocritical behaviour is vitiating the atmosphere everywhere and promoting disorder and confusion. Everyone should therefore embark upon getting rid of bad traits and implanting divine qualities. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Look with an equal mind on good fortune and misfortune, on happiness and sorrow, loss and gain. These are products of nature like heat and cold, summer and winter. They have their purposes to serve. Similarly the ups and downs of life have lessons to teach us. In fact, without reverses in life, we shall not be able to experience Divinity. Without darkness, we cannot value light. Without experiencing difficulties, we will not enjoy benefits. It is the lack of peace of mind which compels us to seek the means to realise enduring peace. The Upanishads have declared that through renunciation alone is immortality to be attained. You should learn to practise renunciation so that you may discover the secret of enduring peace and bliss. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Temples in stone are reminders of the existence of God. When you see a lawyer you are reminded of your legal troubles. When you see a doctor you think of your illness. Likewise, when you see a temple, you are reminded of God. However what pleases Me most is the permanent temples constructed in your hearts. True worship consists in heartfelt devotion to God present within each and every one. Purify the temple in your heart, and dedicate your life to service. It is such dedicated service, done in the spirit of sadhana, that must distinguish Sathya Sai Organisations from other spiritual organisations. People talk about Swami's vibhuti (sacred ash) and Swami's miracles. But the real miracle of Swami is His boundless love which propels innumerable Sai devotees - men and women, young and old to render selfless service in various forms to express their love for Sai. Relentlessly practice purity, love and renunciation, and discover the secret of enduring peace and bliss yourself!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The relationship between karma and karma-yoga should be properly understood. Ordinary karma (action) done with attachment or desires causes bondage. But the same action, when performed desirelessly, with selflessness, becomeskarma-yoga. Our life should become a yoga (Divine Communion) rather than a 'roga' (disease). Today most of our actions result in roga because they are related to sensuous pleasures. Freedom from this disease can be obtained by pursuing the spiritual path. Spiritual path does not consist merely in singing bhajans or reciting hymns. These are good deeds. Only actions performed as a complete offering to the Divine can be regarded as spiritual. The individual who is in a state of ignorance about the Self is like the bud of a flower that has not yet bloomed. When the flower blossoms, it sheds its fragrance all round. Likewise the person who has realised the Divinity within oneself becomes a source of light and strength! 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

தமிழ்நாடு மின்சார வாரிய செயல் பொறியியலாளரால் அனுப்பப்பட்ட மிகவும் பயனுள்ள தகவல்.

*AC யின் சரியான பயன்பாடு:*
*சூடான கோடை தொடங்கியுள்ளது.*
*நாம் தொடர்ந்து*
*ஏர் கண்டிஷனர்கள்* *பயன்படுத்துகிறோம்.*
*அதில் சரியான முறையை பின்பற்றுவோம்.*
*பெரும்பாலான மக்கள் 20-22 டிகிரிகளில் தங்கள் ஏசியை இயக்கும் பழக்கம் உள்ளவர்கள். மேலும் குளிர்ச்சியாக இருக்கும்போது, ​​அவர்கள் போர்வையால் போர்த்தி கொள்கின்றனர்.*
*இது இரட்டை இழப்புக்கு வழிவகுக்கிறது. எப்படி ???*
*நமது உடலின் வெப்பநிலை 35 டிகிரி செல்சியஸ் என்று உங்களுக்குத் தெரியுமா? 23 டிகிரி முதல் 39 டிகிரி வரை வெப்பநிலையை எளிதில் சமாளிக்க முடியும்.*
* இது மனித உடல் வெப்பநிலை சகிப்புத்தன்மை என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.*
*அறையின் வெப்பநிலை குறைவாகவோ அல்லது அதிகமாகவோ இருக்கும் போது, ​​உடல் தும்மல், நடுக்கம், ஏற்படுகிறது.*
*நீங்கள் 19-20-21 டிகிரிகளில் ஏசியை இயக்கும்போது, ​​அறை வெப்பநிலையானது சாதாரண உடல் வெப்பநிலையைவிட மிகக் குறைவாகவும், உடலின் சில பகுதிகளில் இரத்த ஓட்டம் பாதிக்கவும் உடலில் உள்ள சிறுநீர்ப்பை எனப்படும் செயல்முறையைத் தொடங்குகிறது. கீல்வாதம் போன்ற நீண்ட கால தீமைகள் பல ஏற்படுகின்றன.*
*பெரும்பாலான நேரங்களில் ஏசி இருக்கும் போது எந்த வியர்வையும் வெளிப்படுவது இல்லை. அதனால் உடலின் நச்சுகள் வெளியே வர முடியாத நிலை ஏற்படுவதுடன், தோல் அலர்ஜி அல்லது அரிப்பு, உயர் இரத்த அழுத்தம் போன்ற பல நோய்கள் ஏற்படலாம்.*
*இது போன்ற குறைந்த வெப்பநிலையில் நீங்கள் ஏசி இயக்கும்போது, ​​அது 5 நட்சத்திர*
*தரத்துடன் இருந்தாலும்கூட,* *தொடர்ந்து முழு சக்தியிலும் இயங்குகிறது, அதிகமான மின்சாரம் உறிஞ்சப்படுகிறது,*
*ஏசி இயக்க சிறந்த வழி என்ன ?? *
*25 டிகிரிக்கு வெப்பநிலை* *அமைக்கவும்.*
*25+ டிகிரிகளில் ஏசி இயக்கவும்.*
*மெதுவான வேகத்தில் விசிறியை வைப்பது சிறந்தது.*
*இதனால் குறைவான மின்சாரம் செலவாவதுடன், உங்கள் உடல் வெப்பநிலையும் கட்டுப்பாட்டில் இருக்கும். மற்றும் உங்கள் ஆரோக்கியத்தில் எந்தவிதமான பாதிப்பும் இருக்காது.*
*இதில் மற்றொரு சாதகமாக, AC குறைந்த மின்சாரம் சாப்பிடுவதால், மூளையின் மீது இரத்த அழுத்தம் குறையும் மற்றும் சேமிப்புடன் இறுதியில் புவி வெப்பமடைதலின் விளைவுகளை குறைக்க உதவும்.* *எப்படி ??*
*26 டிகிரியில் ஏறத்தாழ 10 லட்சம் வீடுகள் ஏசி பயன்படுத்துவதன் மூலம் இரவில் ஏசி ஒன்றுக்கு சுமார் 5 யூனிட்களை நீங்கள் சேமிக்கலாம். எனில், நாளொன்றுக்கு 5 மில்லியன் யூனிட்டு மின்சாரம் சேமிக்கப்படும்.*
*பிராந்திய அளவில் இந்த சேமிப்பு நாள் ஒன்றுக்கு கோடிக்கணக்கான அலகுகள் இருக்கலாம்.*
*தயவு செய்து மேலே குறிப்பிட்டபடி, உங்கள் AC ஐ கீழே 25 டிகிரிகளுக்கு கீழ் இயக்க வேண்டாம். உங்கள் உடலையும் சூழலையும் ஆரோக்கியமாக வைத்திருங்கள்.*
பொது ஆர்வத்தில் முன்னனுப்பப்பட்டது
சக்தி மற்றும் சக்தி அமைச்சகம். இந்திய அரசாங்கம்.

Thought for the Day

When our clothes get soiled, we are ashamed to appear in dirty garments and so we change them. We clean our houses regularly and remove all dirt to keep it clean for family and friends. But when our minds and hearts are polluted, we do not feel ashamed! Is it not strange that we should be so much concerned about the cleanness of our clothes or our homes, but are not concerned about the purity of our hearts and minds which affect our entire life? To purify our hearts and minds, the first thing we must do is to lead a righteous life. Our actions must be based on morality. Indulging in abuse of others or inflicting pain on them is not a sign of human nature. The evil that we do to others ultimately recoils on us. Auspicious days like festivals should be used for making resolutions to change our ways of life and to purify our behaviour by giving up all bad qualities. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Young men and women of present times are ready to listen to a thousand lies, but do not have the patience to pay heed to a single truth. Always remember, one honest person who speaks with love is better than a hundred flatterers. Young people should also not underestimate the value of good health and the strength they enjoy during their years of youth. You should use it to learn and lead purposeful and unselfish lives, and maintain good health instead of dissipating all your energies and talents in the pursuit of sensuous objects and evil desires. An evil-minded person in a village is more harmful to the community than even a polluted pond! Always remember, to secure the grace of God one must adhere to right conduct and observe purity in thought, word and deed. Kindness and compassion are the hallmark of a true human being. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Your vision will become sanctified only when you develop the feeling that all are the embodiments of God.

Propagation of dharma does not mean spreading knowledge about something that is not known. Its basic purpose is to promote the practice of dharma. Only those who practicedharma are qualified to propagate it. It is because dharma  andsatya  (righteousness and truth) have not been propagated by persons practising them that they have been eclipsed, as it were, and are not perceivable. It is only when they are practised in daily life that their true nature and value will be realised. A person is judged by the nature of one’s actions. If one’s actions are good, one is described as a good person. If his actions are bad, the person is described as being wicked. One's qualities and actions are interdependent. Actions reveal qualities and qualities determine actions. Hence everyone should strive to reform oneself by developing good qualities. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Ponder on a river merging in the ocean. The waters of the ocean rise up as vapour when warmed by the Sun and form clouds, which come down as drops of rain. Each drop has inside it the yearning to return to the ocean from which it has been exiled. But, the feeling of individuality overcomes the yearning. The raindrops accumulate and flow as brooks and streams which swell into tributaries of rivers, flooding the plains. At last, the river merges into the ocean and loses its name, form and attributes. In spite of all modifications undergone in the journey from ocean to ocean, water remains as water in vapour, cloud, rain and river. Names, forms and qualities do change but the core remains unchanged. Man too emerges from the ocean of Divinity and his destiny is to merge in it. This is the Truth. This is the Reality. That Thou Art. Be firm in that faith.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Thought for the Day

You might have heard some people say that I became Sai Baba when a scorpion stung Me! Well, I challenge anyone of you to get stung by scorpions and transform into Sai Baba. No, the scorpion had nothing to do with it! In fact, there was no scorpion at all! I came in response to the prayers of sages, saints, and spiritual aspirants for the restoration ofdharma. When there is a sign of a little unrest, the police constable appears on the scene; if the mob gets unruly, the Inspector rushes in; and if it becomes violent, the Superintendent of Police has to be personally present on the scene to quell it. If, however, the situation waxes hot, the Inspector General (IG) has to make himself available, is it not? This is a situation in which the IG is taking over all charge of the situation. The sages, savants, saints, yogis and divine personalities have had their try, and they will all be cooperating in the task of reestablishing righteousness and clearing the path for the world to attain absolute peace. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

To light a lamp, you need four things - a container, oil, a wick and a match box. If any one of these is missing, you cannot light the lamp. This lamp can, however, remove only the outside darkness. How is the darkness in the heart to be removed? It can be dispelled only by the Light of Wisdom (Jnana Jyothi). How is this Light of Wisdom, this spiritual light, to be lit? This also needs four elements - detachment (Vairagya) is the container, devotion (Bhakti) is the oil, one-pointed concentration (Ekagrata) is the wick and knowledge of the Supreme Truth (Jnana) is the match stick. Without these four, the light of spiritual wisdom cannot shine. Of these, primary requisite is the spirit of vairagya(renunciation). Without detachment, all knowledge of scriptures is of no avail. What is this detachment? It is absence of attachment to the body. Give up the ego-feeling, which makes one think of the "I" all the time.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Take a lump of salt and drop it in water. The salt dissolves soon and disappears, though we know it exists in every drop. The lump cannot be found, but we know its presence by tasting the water. Similarly, God is present everywhere, though invisible. But, He can be known by the taste. You are the taste, the Divine droplet. This is the Truth - ‘That thou Art’. A tree has a trunk covered with bark and myriad roots to feed it and hold it firm. It has branches spreading in all directions, tapering into twigs. It has millions of leaves which breathe and borrow energy from the Sun. It fulfills itself by attracting bees to fertilise the flowers into seeds. All this variety of colour, fragrance, taste, smell and softness, of strength, toughness and tenderness has emanated from one single seed. Similarly, all creation emanated from God. This is the reality. Be firm in that faith. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

This all-pervading Universal Consciousness has been called Chit-Tapas. It is the highest consciousness which encompasses all other levels of consciousness and is the basis for all of them. That is the Shuddha Satwa(the all-effective Will), the Super Divine life. This is the Sai tatwa (the Sai Principle). It is omnipotent. There is nothing that is beyond its power. It is the embodiment of all powers. It should be everyone's aim to strive to recognise this Supreme Principle. There are some clearly defined methods for achieving this aim. One’s vision, which is now turned outward towards the phenomenal universe, should be turned inwards towards the Indwelling Spirit. One should manifest the Divine consciousness inherent in oneself. One should submit oneself to that consciousness as a spiritual discipline. This is called "Conscious Realisation of the Inner Divine." 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

'Shiva' means auspiciousness. ‘Night’ (ratri) signifies darkness. Shivaratri describes an auspiciousness which is inherent in darkness. It refers to wisdom that exists in the midst of ignorance. Ignorance and wisdom are not two different things; they are the opposite polarities of the same underlying principle. The stage that transcends both wisdom and ignorance is called Paratatwa, where birth and death do not occur! Thus Shivaratri reminds you of the fact that the same Divinity within you is present everywhere. Some people believe Shiva lives in Kailasa. Where is Kailasa? Kailasa is your own joy and bliss. If you cultivate pure joy and delight in your mind, your heart will become Kailasa, the abode of Lord Shiva! How can you experience pure bliss? Bliss results when you cultivate purity, steadiness and holiness. Then your heart itself will become Kailasa, filled with peace and bliss. Lord Shiva will then reside in the sanctum sanctorum of your heart, within the temple of your body. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

We have not only the Maha Shivaratri once a year, we have a Shivaratrievery month dedicated to the worship of Shiva. And why is this ratri(night) so important? The night is dominated by the Moon. The Moon has 16 kalas (fractions of divine glory), and each day or rather night, during the dark fortnight, one fraction is reduced, until the entire Moon is annihilated on the New-Moon night. From then on, each night, a fraction is added, until the Moon is a full circle on the Full-Moon night. The Moon is the presiding deity of the mind; the mind waxes and wanes just like the Moon. Chandrama manaso jatha - Out of the mind of the Purusha(Supreme Being), the Moon was born. It must be remembered that the chief aim of all sadhana is to eliminate the mind and become anAmanaska. Then only can maya (illusion) be rent asunder and the reality revealed. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Culture means giving up one's bad conduct, bad behaviour, bad deeds and cultivating good thinking as well as fostering good sentiments that lead to good actions.

Now, the only thing that is cheap is ‘man’! All else have gone up in value. Human beings are the most defamed and most neglected. When costly projects are planned and finished, when the area becomes rich and prosperous, the inevitable result is an unfortunate increase in crime and vice. This is because there is no plan to build up the moral stamina of the human community the project is intended to benefit! The community can be really happy only if it has fine health, steady peace of mind and intelligence that is valued and directed to the service of others. The recognition of the evanescence of the body and all things material must overrule the tendency towards pride and pomp, and check avarice and ambition. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Thought for the Day

The worst action you can perform is to do the opposite of what you preach - to deny by the hand what you dole out of your mouth. If you cannot live up to your declarations, keep quiet; do not go about advising because otherwise what you are really doing is that you are self-advertising that you are a hypocrite. Do not preach dharma (virtue) while decrying it in deed. Dharma is steady, unchanging; it can never decline. What happens is: those who have to practise dharma decline in faith and steadfastness. Every individual is judged by practice, not by the precepts that they pour forth. The seed grows slowly into a huge spreading tree; so, too, through tiny acts, soft words and kind deeds, man elevates himself into a Divine Being!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

The body will shine if the character is fine. Service of man and worship of God will preserve its charm

Faith and devotion are the prerequisites for peace. Have faith in the ocean, not the wave; believe in the Lord, not in little things. But the tragedy is, you put your trust in little people, in wicked people, in those who you know are vicious and greedy; but you hesitate when asked to put your faith in the Lord, who is more merciful than any father, more loving than any mother, more powerful than any earthly authority, and more considerate than any kinsman. You do not doubt each other; but, you develop doubt regarding God. Doubt is easy, faith is difficult. Dwell on the Divine Name and its sweetness will saturate your tongue and improve your taste. Do not count the number of times you have repeated it. For, whom are you going to impress with the number? The Lord will respond even if you call Him just once from the depths of feeling. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Faith and devotion are the prerequisites for peace. Have faith in the ocean, not the wave; believe in the Lord, not in little things. But the tragedy is, you put your trust in little people, in wicked people, in those who you know are vicious and greedy; but you hesitate when asked to put your faith in the Lord, who is more merciful than any father, more loving than any mother, more powerful than any earthly authority, and more considerate than any kinsman. You do not doubt each other; but, you develop doubt regarding God. Doubt is easy, faith is difficult. Dwell on the Divine Name and its sweetness will saturate your tongue and improve your taste. Do not count the number of times you have repeated it. For, whom are you going to impress with the number? The Lord will respond even if you call Him just once from the depths of feeling. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the day

Amongst all living beings, human birth is the rarest. Do not waste such a precious and rare opportunity. You will lose your humanness when you indulge in falsehood, injustice, and unrighteousness. Therefore have good thoughts, good speech and good vision. See good, do good and be good. This is the inner meaning of life. Suppose someone criticises you, you should think that this also is for your good. Whatever others may do, think that it is all for your own good. Perform all actions with the goal of redeeming your life. See to it that you do not lose your humanness under any circumstance. Lead your life always smilingly and blissfully. Perform all actions with good intentions. To perform good actions, your thoughts need to be good. When your mind is filled with good thoughts, all bad thoughts disappear. This leads to good health. Love all, serve all. If you adhere to these principles, you will always have good health. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba