
Friday, March 11, 2016

In money, scholarship, knowledge and intelligence there is no evil. Evil arises only from the activities you carry out using them

The game of life you play is akin to the Mahabharatha war. On one side were the forces of evil, the Kauravas, and on the other the powers of good, the Pandavas. They played the game of life with the empire as the football. Until achieving complete victory, Lord Krishna was the sole chief for the righteous Pandavas, who completely surrendered to Him. The wicked Kauravas lost their commanders one after the other in the battle. The real contest today within you is the one between the evil qualities of desire, hatred, envy, pride, etc. and good qualities like truth, virtue, peace, nonviolence and love. Your body is the battlefield. One team’s captain is the embodiment of good qualities. The captain of the other is the embodiment of mundane desires. Those who adhere to ever changing and worldly desires will attain defeat. Only those who attach themselves to the unchanging and eternal Divine can hope for enduring success in life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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