
Monday, December 30, 2019

Thought for the Day

Jesus Christ demonstrated and preached the power of faith and ultimately, invited on Himself the supreme sacrifice of life itself. Jesus was conscious of His supreme purpose and duty, and sanctified His body by sacrificing it for protecting others. With faith in the oneness of humanity, Jesus stood against opponents and critics, and confronted their onslaughts. Jesus taught Peter, His foremost disciple, to live in love, for Love is God. Jesus advised that one can experience God only when one becomes the embodiment of Love, who doesn't seek anything or expect even gratitude in return! Love spontaneously becomes sacrifice and service! When Peter listened to such exhortations from the Master, he found a new joy welling up within him and also, a new meaning in the word 'joy'. 'J' meant Jesus and the letter directed him to love Jesus first. 'O' meant others who must be loved next. 'Y' meant yourself who ought to be loved only last.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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