
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Thought for the Day

Just as all rivers merge in the ocean, all branches of education end in spiritual education. You must experience that kind of totality and merge with Divinity. Traditions and truths are being separated into various groups and the vicious syndrome of dislike for one person towards the other has come into existence. However, not just in the past, even in the present, there are quite a few people who conduct themselves as per the traditional rules and guidelines with purity to attain the ultimate goal in life. The means to liberation, in Krita Yuga was Meditation (Dhyanam), in Tretha Yuga was performing ritualistic worship (Yagna), in Dwapara Yuga it was worship (Archana), and in the present Kali Yuga, it is chanting the Name of the Lord (Namasmarana). Any or all of these methods, when followed with utmost sincerity and devotion, will help one achieve the ultimate goal of life which is Liberation (Moksha).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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