
Monday, April 11, 2011

There should be perfect harmony between your thoughts , words and actions

Sathya (Truth) and Dharma (Right Conduct) are the two main teachings of Rama. Do not consider yourself as a mere human being. Develop full faith that you are none other than the Divine! The very same Atma that pervades the entire universe took a form and incarnated as Rama. You should take Sathya (Truth) as your very basis. You must sustain and promote Dharma (righteousness). Dharma is not confined to any particular place or country; it is present in all. It is born out of Sathya. What is Dharma? Dharayati iti dharmaha (that which sustains is Dharma). Some people wrongly limit Dharma to mere feeding of the poor or acts of charity. Dharma should flow from your own heart. Then, it should be put into practice. Do as you say; that is your foremost duty. On the other hand, if you happen to say one thing and do something contrary to it, know that it connotes Adharma (unrighteousness). There should be perfect harmony between your thoughts, words and actions.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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