1.Love should not be rationed on the basis of caste, creed or economic status, or the intellectual attainment of the recipient. It should flow full and free, regardless of consequence, for, it is one's nature of love, to seek out the dry dreary wastes, which love can water and make fertile.
2.Like food to a starving man, like showers on a parched field, the Vedic science of spiritual self-discovery is life-giving succour for a society that is sliding down to destruction having lost its hold on truth, morality, peace and love. You are the instruments in the spread of Vedic truth among the farthest corners of this vast land; you are the chosen ones! You have to show by precept and by example that the path of self-realization is the path to perfect joy. On you lies a great responsibility; the responsibility of demonstrating by your calmness, composure, humility, purity, virtue, courage and conviction under all circumstances, that the Sadhana (spiritual practices) you follow has made you a better, happier and more useful person. Practise and demonstrate, do not simply assert in words and deny in deeds.
3.Saturate every breath of yours with love. Love knows no fear. Fear drags man into falsehood, injustice and evil. Love does not crave for praise. Only those who have no Love in them itch for reward and reputation. Love is its own reward. If you are eager to place offerings before the Lord, let it be Love instead of mere material objects. Love is not merchandise; do not bargain about its cost. Let it flow clear from the heart, as a stream of Truth, and a river of wisdom. Let it not emanate from the head, nor from the tongue. Let it emerge, full and free, from the heart.
4.When God assumes human form and is behind you, before you and beside you, speaking to you and moving with you, and allowing you to cultivate attachment of various kinds with Him, you do not recognise Him. We should not be misled into the belief that He is just human and nothing more. We generally forget the Truth. The Divine proclaims, "I am not a mass of flesh and blood; I am not a bundle of desires which the mind is; I am not the heap of delusion which the imagination is; I am the Paramaathma (Supreme Soul), the Origin and the End. I am the urge within you, the knowledge that you seek as a result of the urge, of your own self.”
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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