
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thought for the Day

1.If Arjuna was an individual like others, he could not have been an effective instrument, a recipient and transmitter of great teachings. He is a hero who has defeated not merely the outer foes, but even the inner ones. Weak hearts cannot grasp the Geetha and put it into practice. It is with this full knowledge that Krishna selected Arjuna and showered on him His overpowering grace. Once Krishna said: "Arjuna, you are My closest Bhaktha (devotee); you are also My dearest friend. That is the reason why I taught you this supreme, secret teaching." Reflect on this! To get the title from the Lord Himself is the highest credential and good fortune, which reflects how pure-hearted and deserving Arjuna was. Bhakthi (devotion) must be won by implicit obedience. But being a devotee alone is not sufficient. Hence Krishna uses the word mithra (friend). The friend has no fear; that makes him a more perfect recipient.

2.You are pure and indestructible; you are beyond the ups and downs of life; you are the true, the eternal, the unchanging Brahmam (Divine Self). A mere five-minute inquiry will convince you that you are not the body, the senses, the mind or the intelligence, the name or the form; but that you are the Aatma Itself - the same Aatma that appears as all this variety. Once you get a glimpse of this truth, hold on to it; do not allow it to slip. Make it your permanent possession. Look upon all with love, respect and faith in their sincerity. Treat your servants kindly. Do not entertain hatred or contempt in your heart. Repent for the errors that you commit and decide never to repeat them; pray for strength to carry out your resolutions. Do not find fault with others. Purify your heart by being good to all.

3.What exactly do people mean when they say the Sun has risen or that it has set? It is so far as their vision is concerned; that is all, is it not? The Sun does not rise or set. The incarnation of God is also like that. In the Geetha, Krishna said: “I am not born, nor do I die. Men of ordinary intellect consider that I am born many times and that I do many deeds during each birth. Whenever there is a need for the uplift of the world, I become manifest, assuming a name and form, that is all. So I am conscious of all My appearances, all My manifestations. I am almighty, I am Sarvajna (all knowing). Not only I, even you know everything. But your Jnana (wisdom) is overwhelmed by ajnana (ignorance). I am Jnana itself. I remain as almighty and as Sarvajna as ever. I am birthless, immortal”.

4.Be silent yourself; that will induce silence in others. Do not fall into the habit of shouting, talking loudly or for long. Reduce contacts to the minimum. Carry with you an atmosphere of quiet contemplation, wherever you happen to be. There are some who live in a perpetual tornado of noise. Whether they are in an exhibition, a fair, a hotel, a temple or even in Prashanthi Nilayam; their wagging tongues do not stop. Such people will not proceed far on the Godward path. There are others who relish disputes and arguments; they are never content with obvious facts; they must create doubts where none existed before, and shake faith. They dispute whether Rama is superior to Krishna, or whether Krishna is a fuller incarnation of Godhead! These thoughts are not helpful either, for a spiritual aspirant. Winnow the real from the apparent. Look inward for the kerne l, the meaning and purpose of life.

5.Avatara Purushas (divine advents) have no merit or demerit accumulated in former births, unlike ordinary mortals. They do not have any balances to pay off in a birth. Theirs is a Leela (divine play), a birth taken on. The goodness of the good and the wickedness of the bad provide reasons for an Avatar of the Lord. As a result of the advent of the Lord, the good will be happy and the bad will suffer. The Avatar, however has no joy or grief, even when enveloped in the body assumed. The Avatar is not constituted of the five elements; it is chinmaya not mrinmaya - spiritual not material; it can never be disturbed by egoism or the sense of ‘mine’ and ‘thine’; it is untouched by the delusion born of ignorance. Though men may mistake an Avatar as just human, that does not a ffect the Avatar’s nature; an Avatar comes for a task and is always bound to accomplish it.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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