
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thought for the Day

1.When you hold a currency note in your hand and say proudly, “This is mine”, that note laughs at you, for it says, “Oh, how many thousands have I known, who have taken pride like this!” Consider all objects that you collect here, in this life, as given on “trust” to be used in this caravanserai, during your pilgrimage in the field of action (Karmakshetra). You have to return them when you leave – they belong to another. The body is but a tent in the journey of life. Don’t fondle the delusion - ‘my body’. Pine for the Indweller, Dehi. Discover the immortal “I” and know that it is the spark of God, present in you. Live in the companionship of the Supreme.

2.Love for the Lord should not degenerate into fanaticism and hatred of other names and forms. In the current times, this type of cancer is affecting many eminent people; you must do well to avoid it. Believe that all who revere the Lord and walk in fear of sin are your brothers and sisters, your nearest kith and kin. Their dress or language or skin colour or the methods they adopt to express their reverence and fear to the Divine are not at all important. Sugar dolls are valued for the sugar, not for the shapes given by the manufacturer, be it elephant, dog, lion, cat, rat, jackal or whatever. People buy the sugar doll for its sweetness, not the shape. So too, people are drawn to the same God, as He is sweet and grants bliss. 

3.People prefer to burn the sandalwood tree for sale as charcoal, as they do not know the value of sandalwood. The goals people set before themselves, are to win comforts and peace. That surely is the proper thing to do, but they stop after this step in the journey, mistaking the pseudo for real. One believes that if they get two full meals a day, a few yards of cloth to wear and a roof over their head with a few sundry superfluities, they have reached the goal in life! They may have certainly reached a milestone, but the joy one derives from that milestone is paltry. This joy is mixed with grief and it easily turns into pain; it is harmful to others and has in it, some pride, envy, malice, greed and other harmful ingredients. Do not neglect the grand opportunity and take this life to be just human. Dedicate this life to discover the immortal Self present within you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba  

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