
Friday, June 29, 2012

Thought for the Day

Krishna has said in the Geetha that ‘Om’ has to be remembered at the moment of death. But when the mind is flitting from one fancy to another, how can the production of a sound ‘Om, Om..’ by the vocal organs be of any benefit? The mere sound will not help you attain liberation. The senses have to be curbed, thoughts have to be one-pointed and the divine glory has to be apprehended. If you postpone sadhana (spiritual practices) till the last moment, you will be like the student who turns over the pages of his textbook for the first time, just before entering the examination hall! If the student has neglected to learn from the teacher, lecture-notes and books, how can anything enter his head on that morning? It will only add to the student’s despair. That is why the Lord advised that one must start early in this search for truth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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