
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thought for the Day

The word Dhanam (wealth) means any valued possession, an object of affection. It does not merely mean riches and precious metals. The most valued possession of human beings is Self-Knowledge. Arjuna earned this, and hence was called ‘Dhananjaya’. Anyone can earn riches or money – even crooks, dacoits and pirates amass money. True wealth, worthy of deposits in the Divine Bank, is earned only by those who struggle to be virtuous, detached, humble and holy. Do not underestimate the value of this deposit. Your meritorious noble deeds, your purity, the selfless love that you manifest with your fellow beings – bring to God these precious commodities and He will readily accept them as deposits to your credit.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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