
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thought for the Day

When on a pilgrimage, without adequate mental preparation, you may not be able to receive the Grace of God! During pilgrimage, do not act like a postal parcel, which moves from place to place, collecting impressions on the outer wrapper, but not on the core being. Your purpose for a pilgrimage is to strengthen your spiritual inclinations and let the holiness of the place settle in your mind. As a result, your habits must change for the better and your outlook must widen. Your inward vision must become deeper and steadier. You must realize the Omnipresence of God and the oneness of Humanity. You must learn tolerance, patience, charity and service. After the pilgrimage is over, sitting in your own home and ruminating over your experiences you must determine to seek. Aspire to get higher, richer and more real experience of God realization.

Repetition of God’s Name (japam) and meditation (dhyana) are the means by which you can accelerate the concretisation of Divine Grace, in the Name and Form you yearn for. The Lord has to and will assume the Form you chose, the Name you fancy and the way you want Him to be. Therefore do not change the Name and Form you adore mid-way; but select and stick to the One that pleases you most, whatever the difficulty you encounter or however long it takes! All agitations must cease one day, is it not? The dhyana of the Form and the japam of the Name - that is the only means for this task.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba 

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