
Friday, June 7, 2013

Thought for the Day

This microphone before Me, must have been made by someone, is it not? The creator is not visible or known to you presently, but you have no doubts of this person’s existence. Besides, you are confident that this person understands and knows fully well all the components, characteristics, features and effective functioning of this microphone. So too, there must be a Creator for this Universe and He must be know all about it. This Universe is composed of the five elements, and He is their Manipulator, fully aware of their subtle characteristics and properties. That Creator is your Indweller (Kshetrajna), who knows His Field (Kshethra). Hold on to Him and live your lives; you will not slip. Build your activities on that basis, your career will not cave in. You will develop courage and faith in yourself and in your destiny.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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