
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Thought for the Day

Teachers should never curse their pupils, whatever the provocation. They must always bless them. The teacher who swears like a boor, reduces oneself to the level of a boor. They should watch their own behavior rigorously and find out whether there is some habit or trait, which if imitated by the student, will be harmful. They should themselves follow the advice they give. Otherwise, they will be teaching hypocrisy to the little children and encourage them to acquire the cunningness of not being caught when doing wrong. It is sheer mental weakness and cowardice that allows hypocrisy to develop. If you have the courage to face the consequences you will never utter falsehood. The teacher should not try to rule through the easier means of fear, for that is full of dangerous consequences for the pupils. They should try rather the path of Love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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