
Monday, February 17, 2014

Thought for the Day

Many people try to do Hata Yoga or develop Kundalini Shakthi and so on. Some invoke evil spirits to harm others. These forms of spiritual practices are not Satwik. God is the Eternal Absolute (Sat) and the individual is Consciousness (Chit). When these two (Sat andChit) merge, you have bliss (Ananda). Your spiritual practices must help you to realise this bliss (Sat-chit-ananda). Only such practices deem to be called Sadhana. Where is God (Sat)? God is present in everyone. So always be prepared to serve everyone, regarding them as Divine. Your spiritual practices (Sadhana) must help you cultivate the feeling of Universal Love and adoration for the Divine who embraces everyone. There is no higher spiritual practice than the cultivation of Love. Hence, intensify your spiritual practices in the spirit that the one God pervades the many forms in the Universe.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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