
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fill your life with righteous acts and do not misuse your talents for unholy purposes.

The whole world is a stage and every individual is an actor. The Divine Lord is the Director of the Cosmic Drama. The primary goal of every actor doing a particular role is to carry out their duty, setting aside their individuality. In a school drama, a boy may play the role of a director. While acting, he must exhibit the behavior of a director and not behave like he would in his normal daily routine; those traits must be given a back seat. Your birth as a human being is a God given gift which must be used with due care. Fill your life with righteous acts and do not misuse your talents for unholy purposes. Your life will have a mixture of good and bad, discriminate and select to play your role in a good manner wherein you manifest humanness, and thus conduct yourself worthily. Realise that every human birth is a manifestation of the Divine will.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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