
Monday, November 10, 2014

Do all acts as offerings to God; do not classify some as ‘my work’ and some as ‘His’ work. - Baba

While performing your duties in your house or outside, constantly remind yourself, “Whatever I do, think or speak, everything belongs to God.” The proper attitude should be, ‘Sarva karma Bhagavath preethyartham’. Take for example, the process of cooking. You add different ingredients to the dish being cooked in definite proportions and try to make them tasty. But the real taste comes only when the job of cooking is done as an offering to God. The food becomes divine when it is offered to God. On the other hand, if the various items are cooked with the attitude, ‘I am doing this job as a routine; I am cooking these items for my family members to partake’, it does not reach God. Hence undertake every act in your life as an offering to God, chanting His Name. Whatever you think, speak or do, consider it as God’s command, God’s work.

Bagavan Sri SRi Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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