
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thought for the Day

People commit the great fault of identifying themselves with the body. They accumulate a variety of things for the upkeep and comfort of the body, even when the body becomes weak and decrepit with age! Can death be postponed? When Yama’s (God of death) warrant comes, all must depart. Position, pride, and power - all vanish before death. Knowing this, strive day and night, with purity of body, mind and spirit, to realise the Higher Self. The body must be preserved as a vehicle for this service. But remember, you are not this body; this body cannot be you! Until the realisation of the purpose for which the human body is given, it is your duty to watch over it vigilantly and protect it from injury and disablement. Just as woollen clothes help withstand the rigour of the cold gales during winter and are discarded in summer, the material body is no longer essential when the cold gales of material life don’t affect you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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