
Saturday, April 23, 2016

If your house is dirty you clean it so that visitors do not get a bad impression. But when your minds and your hearts are polluted, you do not feel ashamed. Isn’t it strange that you are so concerned about the cleanness of your clothes or homes, but are not concerned about the purity of your hearts and minds which affects your entire life?

Once, a friend of Michelangelo, the famous Italian sculptor, asked him, "Why are you working so hard, chiseling this huge rock? Why don't you go home and get some rest?" Michelangelo replied: "I want to bring out the living Divinity that is embedded in this lifeless stone." If that sculptor could create out of an inanimate piece of stone, a living Image of God, cannot human beings vibrant with life manifest the living Divinity that resides within them? When your clothes get dirty, you change them, because you are ashamed to appear in dirty garments. If your house is dirty you clean it so that visitors do not get a bad impression. But when your minds and your hearts are polluted, you do not feel ashamed. Isn’t it strange that you are so concerned about the cleanness of your clothes or homes, but are not concerned about the purity of your hearts and minds which affects your entire life?

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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