
Monday, May 2, 2016

Thought for the Day

We should not delude ourselves into thinking that the Avatar is a simple human form like ourselves. His form may be human; but His majesty and magnificence are Infinite. The principle of Rama is most sacred, sublime and glorious. There is nothing in the world that cannot be achieved by cultivating the Rama Principle (Rama Tatwa). Though thousands of years have elapsed since Ramayana took place, the Rama Principle is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the people. It is ever fresh, ever new and embraces infinitude itself. The Rama Principle is contained in the smallest of the small and the largest of the large. It is not confined to the name and form. It is a transcendental principle, which transcends time itself. True seekers will understand the true nature of humanity by realizing the Rama Principle. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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