
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Thought for the Day

In every man there is a combination of the Mayatatwa (the Deluding principle) and the Brahmatatwa (the Divine principle). Without the Deluding principle, the Brahmatatwa cannot be experienced. Without the Brahmatatwa, the power of maya cannot be manifest. On the surface of the vast ocean, countless waves are seen. There must be a force that causes these waves. It is the power of wind on the water of the ocean that produces the waves. Without the force of wind there can be no waves. Maya can be compared to this wind. The water in the ocean can be compared to the form of Sat-Chit-Ananda. The Jiva-tatwaor the individual selves are the waves of the ocean. To recognise the illusory character of the world does not mean giving up all actions or family ties. Actions should be done in a spirit of detachment. Relationships should be maintained without deep attachment. It is not renunciation of action that is required. Renunciation in action is what is necessary.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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