
Friday, November 25, 2016

Thought for the Day

Education is an ornament for you, it is your secret wealth that confers prosperity and fame. It is one's unfailing kinsman in foreign travel. More than wealth, this secures the respect of rulers. Education is the basis for leading a purposeful life in the physical world, in the realm of the mind and in society. It equips you with mental strength and steadiness to face the challenges in life and understand the myriad manifestations in Nature. Only when you understand the power of your mind, you can recognise the relationship between the world and society. Education should promote discrimination and humility, and enable you to recognise your obligations to your parents and others who have made you who you are today. Gratitude is a supreme virtue. Be grateful to your parents. Broaden your vision. Be aware of the Divinity that is inherent in every being. Cultivate the spirit of love and fill your life with joy.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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