
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

To gain liberation, to win Rama’s grace, it is not enough to repeat His name; you must practice the Rama principle.

The scriptural injunctions declare, “Speak the truth” and “Practice Righteousness”. Lord Rama stuck to truth despite all temptations and never deviated from the righteous path. Rama never provoked another in order to create a convenient excuse to destroy him; on the other hand, He gave the adversary every chance to be saved. He carried the message of dharma to the monkeys and demons (vanaras and rakshasas), as well as to sages like Jabali. He accepted the homage of Vibhishana without demur, and He announced that He was prepared to accept even Ravana, if only he would repent his iniquity. Repetition of Lord Rama’s pure name will save you only if you are devoted to your parents, like Lord Rama. If not, repetition of Rama’s name is merely a movement of the lips. Meditate on Rama’s form and true nature when you chant or write His name. This practice will make you spiritually healthy and strong.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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