
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Thought for the Day

One of the handicaps that have to be overcome is weak faith in oneself 
 (Avishwasam)Today you gladly and willingly place all faith in the body and its accessories but not in your inner motivator, the charioteer. In particular, youth today have faith in unreal, transient, momentary pleasures and pastimes. They have no knowledge of the eternal, the changeless, and the ever-blissful. Precious years of life are thus wasted in worthless pursuits. That is why your faith falters when even a minor calamity happens! Contemplate deeply on the impermanence of wealth, fame, worldly friendship, and so on. Cultivate faith in the value of service; believe that love can overcome hatred. Have faith in righteousness and the moral life. This is called righteous living (dharma). Never stray into wrong paths, enticed by sensual desires and plans for self-aggrandisement.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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