
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Thought for the Day

Many think that concentration is the same as meditation and take to the wrong path. Concentration is below your senses, whereas meditation is above your senses. We use concentration involuntarily in our daily, normal routine life. When concentration is part and parcel of our daily life, why then do we need to practice it? What we have to practice is that which is beyond these normal senses. We must rise from being below the senses (that is the state of concentration) to the senses (the middle position called contemplation); and from there we must rise above the senses, which is called meditation. Between concentration and meditation there is an area which covers both and that is contemplation. To be in that area of contemplation is to free yourself of routine attachments of the world. When you have completely broken away all your attachments, you break through this area of contemplation and you get into the area of meditation.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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