
Saturday, February 22, 2020

Thought for the Day

The path of surrender is like that of a kitten (marjala kishora nyaya), that simply mews in one place, placing all its burdens on the mother cat. Similarly, the devotee places complete trust on God. The mother cat holds the kitten in its mouth and transports it safely through even very narrow passages. When the devotee places all burdens on the Lord, without fear or worry, and surrenders fully to His will, He will certainly provide everything. Lakshmana is the witness of this path. To serve Rama, Lakshmana renounced all obstacles in his path - wealth, wife, mother, home and even sleep and food for fourteen full years. He felt that Rama was his all, his happiness and joy, and would grant him everything that he needed. His life’s purpose was only to follow Him, serve Him, and surrender his will to Him. This is the characteristic of complete self-surrender. This discipline of surrender (prapatti) is much superior to that of devotion (bhakti).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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