
Friday, October 27, 2023

Never give up the Gayatri Mantra. It will protect you from harm wherever you are - travelling, working or at home.

 Saraswati is the presiding deity of speech and wisdom. Gayatri Mantra begins with "Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvah”. Bhuh means materialisation. It represents matter, which is subject to change. Bhuvah represents life principle, vibration. Savitri is the presiding deity of the life principle. You must have heard the story of Savitri, who restored her dead husband back to life with the power of her devotion and surrender. Saraswati is worshipped as Jnana Devata, since she confers good intellect and wisdom. This is described in Vedas as Prajnanam Brahma. Prajnana does not mean worldly knowledge. It is Constant Integrated Awareness, which is changeless and eternal. The divine mother has three names: Gayatri, Savitri, and Saraswati. Gayantam trayate iti Gayatri (Gayatri protects those who sing her glory). Gayatri, being the presiding deity of our senses, helps us to master the senses. Savitri, being the presiding deity of the life principle, protects our life. Saraswati bestows on us the changeless and eternal wisdom.


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