
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thought for the Day

1.Faith is like a live volcano. Doubts are like seeds. No seed will sprout on a live volcano. If your doubts are multiplying, it means your faith is weak and unstable, and akin to an extinct volcano. Where there are doubts, there can be no faith. Your doubts arise or disappear because of your past karma (actions). No doubts will arise if your faith is strong. To realize Divinity you must first get rid of all your doubts. From time to time, God subjects you to various tests. These are not intended to be punishments as you may imagine, but actually to strengthen your faith. Always remember that the Divine acts as a witness. The Divine shows you the path to self-realization.

2.The true Guru is like an ophthalmic surgeon. The ophthalmologist cures cataracts by removing the clouded film in the patient's eye and thus restores vision. The true Guru also removes the veil of ignorance and attachment that blurs the disciple's vision and thus restores their natural spiritual vision. Only when you clean your heart by removing ignorance, sorrow, worry, greed, and envy, can you realize the fullness of your Reality. Celebrate the day when your mind is rid of the darkness of ignorance and achieves fullness of illumination.

3.Once born, death is the inevitable end. But it is possible to escape birth and thereby also death. For birth is the consequence of Karma (action). Engage in activity as your duty requires and as an offering to God. Then you will neither be elated at success or disheartened by failure, for He prompts, He helps, He grants joy or grief as He wills. The doer will have no attachment to the fruit of the deed, so he will not be bound to its consequence; it will leave no trace on his personality to affect him beyond death.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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