
Friday, July 29, 2011

Thought for the Day

1.The spiritual aspirant must always yearn for good company (satsang), where there is no chance for growth of greed or ambition. Even if it is hard to come by, you should only mix with good people. It is profitless for a true aspirant to associate with people who spend their time in worldly affairs. If you don’t secure good friends, spend your time alone; thereby you do not lose anything. Never even think of joining the company of the bad or being in their presence. Do not get entangled in their wiles. If you cultivate good qualities and seek good company, then both, repetition of the Divine Name and meditation will become easy for you and will yield quick results.

Space is one. But it is held in diverse containers like the home, the pot, the building and the canvas. There is no truth in this divided existence; it is the one space that exists in all these ‘receptacles’ which are varied shapes and forms, with distinct names attached to them, and different modes of behaviour and use. So too, individual beings (jivas) have different names and forms, peculiarities, specialties and behaviours. But like the string that holds the beads, passing in and through each one, the Super Consciousness in all individuals is ONE. That is the Self, Atma, which is mistaken as the ego through ignorance. Only when this truth is acquired, can man release himself from the hold of this transient world.

3.Those who never speak of the Lord, or those who are not even aware of Him, or those who are busy multiplying and strengthening the bonds of worldly existence (samsara) or who preach and practice falsehood, injustice, and oppression, and who advise you to stray from the path of dharma (righteousness) - treat those not as your friends but as people to be avoided at all costs. Associating with such bad company (dussanga) leads to committing wrongs against your will, uttering words that should not be uttered, doing deeds that ought not be done and consequently, treading the path to ruin. People who fear neither sin nor God are capable of venturing into any wickedness; so, seek the company of those who fear God and fear sin; that alone is true good company.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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