
Thursday, December 29, 2011

If the wheel of creation is to move smooth, each one has to continuously engage in Karma. None can escape this obligation, who ever it is.

1.When you enter sincerely into the path of spiritual practice, the urge to find faults in others or to publicise one's own excellence will disappear. When you yearn to reach God, you have to observe the guidelines and walk along the stipulated path; every step will bring you nearer. When you need to reach a village, you have to rise and move towards it; it will not rise and come towards you! Similarly, when you need to reach God, rise and move, as He has directed you to! By this means alone, can you make life worthwhile. Jesus taught simple practical lessons in spiritual advancement for the good of mankind; Jesus exhorted people by precept and example to cultivate the virtues of charity, compassion, forbearance, love and faith. If you are a sincere aspirant, celebrate His birthday in a spirit of dedication, deepening the faith in your hearts an d revering His doctrines through more intense practice.

2.So long as the objective world continues to attract the mind, one cannot claim complete success. Hence Krishna in the Geeta says: “You must establish mastery over the senses; then you need have no fear, for they become serpents with fangs removed. Man has three chief instruments: the mind, the intellect, and the senses. It is when these three work in unison and cooperate with one another that either 'immersal in the flux' or 'liberation' happens.” Krishna anticipated that Arjuna will be puzzled to know what will happen "when which operates with which”. So He himself provided the answer. He said: "When the mind cooperates with the senses, you enter into the flux called Samsara (worldly life); when it subordinates itself to the intellect, you attain the knowledge of the Divine. One path leads to worldly desires, the ot her to Divinity. The intellect must resolve; the mind must carry out the resolution so made. That is the correct procedure."

3.Give up all attachment and engage in acts, as if each one is a sacrifice (Yajna) dedicated to the Lord. The Scriptures emanated from God; actions (Karmas) emanated from the Scriptures; from Actions originated worship (Yajna), resulting in rain; from rain grew food; and from food came all living beings. This is the cycle that has to be accepted and honoured. Krishna declares: "Consider this, O Arjuna, I have no need to do any Karma; no, not anywhere in the three worlds. I am under no compulsion. Still I am ever engaged in Karma. Have steady faith in the Atma (Spirit); then dedicate all acts of yours to Me - with no desire for the fruit thereof, no egoism and no sense of possession or pride". If the wheel of Creation is to move smooth, each one has to continuously engage in Karma. None can escape this obligation, whoever it is.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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