
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thought for the day

People perform acts prompted by the desire for the fruits thereof; if an act does not yield desired results, they will not do the act thenceforth. Profit, gain, reward, result - man seeks these alone. But this rule does not apply to those who take the Geetha in their hands to drink the nectar of the Lord's message. Not all do yearn for the nectar; and if you do, it is evident that you aspire for eternal joy and liberation. Then you must pay the price of giving up the desire for the fruits of your actions, and dedicate everything at the feet of the Divine. Desist from sin, injustice and vice. Do not insult elders, desert the virtuous, and wound the self-respect of the good. Dedicate yourself to the cause of establishing Santhi and Soukhya (peace and plenty) in the world, and even if you must struggle, realize that justice is bound to win.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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