
Friday, January 6, 2012

The relationship between the worker and the employer should be like that between the heart and the body.

1.The relationship between the worker and the employer should be like that between the heart and the body. Both are bound intimately with each other; they depend on each other for their very existence. Love and affection have to govern the relationship between the two, not hatred or envy. Work in the spirit of love; it will lead you to worship. That is to say, work without any regard to the proportion of benefit you derive from it. Work, since it is your duty; work since you love to work, since that is the way you can offer God the gratitude for the skills endowed upon you. This kind of work leads you to wisdom, which is the recognition of the Divine in every being. May the New Year grant you mental peace and may your life's ideal of self-realisation be fulfilled. May all comforts and contentment be added unto you. This is My blessing.

2.You may wonder why liberated ones (Jnanis) should still do Karma (action). Well, people usually follow the ideal set by those in higher levels. Their acts form the basis of Right Conduct (Dharma). If Jnanis are inactive, how are ordinary mortals to save themselves? They will have no guide and will lose themselves in the easy paths of sensory pleasures. The duty of the wise is to foster the right and practice it before others, so that they too may be prompted to follow, drawn by the hope of becoming as contented and as joyful as the jnanis. The wise have to do and get done, see and show, so that the rest might be persuaded to follow the example set by them. The sun and the moon carry on their routine tasks; wind and fire have to perform their duties without demur. Hence, each one should perform one’s task w ithout fail and with care.

3.Many children are wayward and vile today, since they have no other examples to follow. Unfortunately, parents, teachers and leaders are inflaming the passions of young minds and encouraging them onto inappropriate actions. Along with Bala Vikas, elders too must experience Vikas (flowering or development), and lead exemplary lives of simplicity, sincerity, and steady spiritual discipline. Children do not say one thing and do the opposite. They are very straight forward and innocent. Everyone should imbibe this nature from them, for elders have strayed far from that ideal. Instead of saying a hundred things, it is better to do one thing properly. Sanctify your life by doing selfless work. For the person who talks a lot, there is no time for work. Instead of wasting time in your words, use your time in service to mankind which is service to God, all the while repeating the name of the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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