
Monday, March 12, 2012

The mind must become the servant of intellect, not the slave of the senses

1.Krishna fostered what was really beneficial to Arjuna; He paid full consideration to what will really promote the reputation, the Atma-ananda (bliss) and the Dharma (Right Conduct) of Arjuna. He tended and fended Arjuna as the very breath of His own life; He watched over Arjuna as one watches over the eye or the heart, and thus transformed him by teaching him about holy things. Krishna loved Arjuna beyond compare; that is the nature of a genuine Guru. Arjuna too was no ordinary being; he bowed in humility to Krishna and carried out sincerely the assignments from Him. Whatever the crisis, he stuck to Krishna's command and word; he wore the comradeship with the Lord as the armour that will save him from all harm, as the very body in which he dwelt, as something which he must foster, strengthen and guard. This is how Guru and Sishya (disciple) should be bound together.

2.The mind must become the servant of the intellect, not the slave of the senses. It must discriminate and detach itself from the body. Like the ripe tamarind fruit, which becomes loose inside the shell, it must be unattached to this shell or casement which is the body. Strike a green tamarind fruit with a stone and you cause harm to the pulp inside. But do this to a ripe fruit and what happens? It is the dry rind that falls off, nothing affects the pulp or the seed. The ripe aspirant does not feel the blow of fate or fortune. It is the unripe man, who is wounded by every blow. So too, your ignorance must fall off through your own efforts. It will not come to you as a gift or miracle. Truth, Bliss and Peace that is won by your own struggle with untruth and injustice will be the lasting treasure for you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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