
Friday, March 16, 2012

Thought for the Day

1.In the Gita Arjuna asks Krishna, “Is the mind so easily controllable? Even an elephant cannot drag one as the mind does; it is the nursery of waywardness, and its defiance, determination and obstinacy are very powerful. The mind will never halt at one place. Taming the mind is like capturing the wind or bundling up water. How can anyone control the mind or begin any spiritual practice with such a mind?” Krishna broke into a smile on hearing these words and said, "Arjuna! You have described the mind and know its nature very well. But it is not an impossible task; the mind can certainly be mastered. By systematic practice (abhyasa) and by relentless inquiry (vichara) and detachment (vairagya) - the mind definitely can be conquered. There is no task that cannot be accomplished by steady practice. Place faith in the Lord and practice with the firm belief that you have the power and the grace - then all tasks will become easy.”

2.In the present times, all things have gone up in value. Man alone has become cheap. Despite being endowed with the valuable gems of reason, discrimination and detachment, man has allowed them to slip away, and is facing the consequences with dire poverty of the spirit. He has become cheaper than animals because of the proliferation of anger, hatred and greed. People have forgotten their unity with all others, all beings and all worlds. The contemplation of unity of all beings alone can establish individual peace as well as peace in the society and in the world. All other efforts are like pouring sweet scented rose water on a heap of ash - its ineffective and foolish. It is mere ignorance that keeps you away from this task. Investigate the truth about yourself and the world. Make all efforts to build peace on this foundation of Atmajnana, the knowl edge of the Atmic unity.

3.The Vedas proclaim that all this is Brahman (Divinity), one unitary uniform substance, appearing only to the faulty eye as many. You must assert Aham Brahmaasmi (I am Divine); you can then transmute yourself into ‘sons of immortality’ (Amrithasya Puthraah). Since you always say Aham dehaasmi (I am the body), the combination of five elements which will one day disintegrate back into those elements, you degrade yourself into Anruthasya Puthraah, that is, ‘sons of Illusion’. It is this attitude that breeds grief and is the root of discontent. Constantly ruminate on the indwelling God; it will promote in you love for all beings. You will then see only good in others and strive only to do good to others.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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