
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thought for the Day

1.Your duties have to be done, there is no turning away. Each have their allotted tasks, according to the status, taste, tendency and earned merit. Do it with fear of God and sin, deep in your heart. Welcome pain and grief so that you take both success and failure as hammer strokes that shape you into a sturdy aspirant. Inner content is more important than outer prosperity. Dharma is the moral code, the experience of sages, the controlling discipline which checks the mind and senses. The codes of Dharma act as brakes that control and direct human life. They help you progress, each in its own way. March straight on the path of action (Karma) and virtue (Dharma) towards God. This is your destiny.

2.The inner prompting to conquer illusion (maya), by surrendering to the Lord, comes as a result of merits accumulated from many births. Those with demerits as their earnings will pursue the fleeting pleasure of the senses. Like birds and beasts, they revel in food and frolic as the purpose of life, and do not entertain any thoughts of God. They dislike the company of the virtuous and the good, and stray away from good acts and become outlaws in the realm of God. On the other hand, those who have earned merit strive to grow in virtue, cultivate uplifting thoughts, and contemplate and yearn for the Divine. Such seekers may be drawn to the Lord through suffering or want or the thirst for knowledge or keenness to acquire wisdom. But the fact that they turn towards the Lord for relief shows that they have grown into the higher path through many births.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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